What is the best mmo in 2020?

what is the best mmo in 2020?

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Ur mom lol

Planetside 2 lmao

The Matrix Online.

There are no good MMO's.
The only good mmos are old mmos.
No company wants to be adventurous with the genre.

WoW Classic

unironically this. 15 years and no innovation

EVE online

New leaf

Laugh at this faggot

Eve or Everquest 2 probably


it certainly isnt FF, Squeenix procaiming that this game is an MMO is a blatant lie


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Star citizen LOL

i dont know mainly because the only one i play is fusionfall
i cant wait for legacy though

For me its gw2

cantha expansion is coming too

She's cute.

>graphics from 2009

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>The game that got bad before its first expansion
Shitty VA's, bad writing, and practically everything went wrong for this game.
The only good thing was the monetization.
>pay once get the game

>paying monthly for a single player game

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If we were to replace all of Blizzard with conservatives, would they become good?

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>best MMO in 2020
I play it and know that what you said was incorrect.

In FFXIV, crafting is pretty intense.

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larping as a anime kid with ears is too

2B glam is nice.

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Basically, the ideal way for Blizzard to be good is to go back in time and stop them from making WoW.

I've never played Everquest and I've downloaded all the p99 stuff what class/race should I play fellas

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Realm of the Mad God on the 14th of April will be the best MMO.

if you know, you know

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eso but unironically


FFXIV isn't even an MMO

NEW WORLD MAYBE? I don't know is anyone one the beta, I keep trying to make threads but you cunts wont talk about it. I hate you all. Someone in the beta, let me know how this game runs

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Ne World

>Jeff Fucking Bezos is going to save the MMO

Couldn't make this shit, if i tried.
It even looks promising ever since they removed the focus on just PvP-sandbox.
That always devolves into a grieffest after a while, so it's good they shifted to a more PvE based game.

>two servers are now sub 2% ally pop after blizzard's dumb decisions when they had a healthy 40:60 ratio at the beginning and now have to pay 25 bucks to play with other people in an mmo
>3-6 hour queues on multiple servers at launch and one server right now still has a 3 hour queue on certain days
>do dmt 20 times to get 20 attack power buffs and 20k hp because they dont test their own content
>layer dungeons while at the last boss to skip all of the other encounters
>level to cap really fast by aoeing lbrs in a raid because they didn't test exp splitting in a raid
>razorgore adds didnt despawn after killing the eggs
>ban ally premading av because horde is crying they're losing to every premade
>crossrealm bgs
>batching allowing players to crit 2 spells using a buff that should only influence one spell
>vanish and feign death bugged to the max so rogues just get melee'd out of stealth immediately after vanishing and hunters couldn't use traps because lol instacombat fuck you (still janky as fuck to this day)
>getting 1 devilsaur leather per player present during the skinning of the dino so you bring 20 friends
>layering to abuse the economy by farming hundreds of black lotus
>orgrimmar and stormwind laggy as fuck on populated servers, taking many minutes for a buff to drop when it should only take 10 seconds after being turned in
>buffing zeppelin guards indirectly by trying to fix neutral towns defenders, get chainstunned through the air if you pvp on one
>zg buff on ptr is experiencing the same shit as dmt LOL
epic bro! simply epic!!!!!!!!!!! best mmo of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can use traps

asherons call pvp server having a huge resurgence currently, new custom content being added potato ac thwarg launcher gdle

how is this an MMO and not just another run of the mill survival game?

genuine question

i fucking wish. wheres the content?

Can't you tell by this thread? Just taking screenshots of your shit character standing still.

k fools

>nerf reckoning paladins for no reason
>shamans can keep chain lighting earthshock double crit though lol
>1.12 itemization without 1.12 raid tiers means shadow priests become pvp gods
>deliberately recreates a heroic strike bug that makes fury warriors broken for raid dps, but removes things like mc people out of bgs or infernals killing people from your own faction

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just go play wow and be sad the genre is fucking trash

oh yeah and removes moonwalking for no reasn whatsoever

>remove portal functionality in wsg and av because people get mind controlled out
>they forget for ab when it launches

Reboot maplestory or Guild Wars 2

only options if you want a good game

I'd struggle to name a monster-taming game with more boring monster designs, but anyway, is the combat actually any good?

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But wow killed the genre.

XIV if you're a cute tgirl!

what are mmorpg's that have (good) private servers?
I know of tibia, wow and bdo. any others?
really fucking tired of all that hardcore jewing that goes in in every single game.

as someone whos been playing bdo a ton this week, its definitely NOT bdo

ragnarok online has some older pservers that have been up since 2007 and are still up today. might be decent but i havent tried em yet. pre-renewal of course


Minecraft does MMO better than any MMORPG.