Name 1 flaw

I shall start

>no native windows 10 support
>thumbstick rubber crown seems prone to be chipped off
>white plastic reveals grime/grease very fast
>symmetrical thumbsticks

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Other urls found in this thread:

no headphone jack. fuck sony.

>>no native windows 10 support
based fuck windows
>>thumbstick rubber crown seems prone to be chipped off
cut your nails
>>white plastic reveals grime/grease very fast
wash your hands filthy europoor
>>symmetrical thumbsticks
>not having a usb extender and always being plugged in

>>no native windows 10 support
They'll release the drivers soon after launch no doubt
>>thumbstick rubber crown seems prone to be chipped off
I've honestly never seen this happen irl. You'd have to beat up your controller horrible to get to that point. That or buy a defective one
>>white plastic reveals grime/grease very fast's white. What did you expect? It's the same material as the DS4 so you should be able to wipe it off and if you're not a casual, you can open up your controller and clean out any dust buildup yourself.
>>symmetrical thumbsticks
That's a good thing. No one but Xbox fags who cope hard actually thinks bending your thumb and using the tip to control one of the sticks is a good hand placement
The only important downside.

we dont wash often here in EU because the Jews didnt trick us with daily showering scam

.... I can't I literally can't... Bros Sony wins again...

Looks more like a Bone controller. No paddles on the bottom. Gimmick features. No keybindings like Steam. No bindings per game like steam. No new buttons. Same ol cringe.

faulty trigger design (will break triggers over time because of the weight that is being shifted onto the triggers rather than the frame which should be protecting it). Also if you drop your controller, the first thing that hits the ground will either be the palm grips or the triggers, but most likely the triggers because if the way people hold the pad which is arms resting on your thighs with your hands suspended with the controller top angled toward the floor because you lean forward). This means you'll be dropping the controller on or around its head, where the triggers are sticking out

another thing...why didnt they use colors for the non direction buttons?

not very cool. those colors are the TM of ps

Attached: downlofsdfsdad.png (225x225, 5.77K)

It will probably be at least $20-30 more expensive than the Sexbox controller.
I honestly like a lot of the gimmicks but I doubt that a lot of games will utilise them.


this is some next level analysing

Absolutely this, how do you fuck up like that? These colours are immediately recognisable.

Attached: file.png (800x194, 127.63K)

i can already see third party colored buttons on ebay

oh jesus

Only problem I have is that it's even lighter than the current one. I like to handle a chunky controller, PS3 controller was utter shit because of how light it was

>based fuck windows
>we won't add a proper support for a huge community of our product users, so they have to use bootleg crutches instead, ha-ha losers
Anyone who supports so called "exclusivity" is a braindead moron.
There is literally nothing to gain for anyone except for corporations who use it to raise prices.
You are literally an Apple-tier sheeplet. Kill yourself immediately.

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>built in mic

Attached: 1578009854208.png (192x191, 28.71K)

Intergrated battery instead of AAs.

no THAT is not a flaw if u understand how mics work

>set controller down
>fast-forwards your movie

Triggers are shitty in general. Just give us buttons again.

This is a flaw now? Might you be autistic by any chance?

I said this in another thread:
Touchpads should have their active area both:
1. Rectangular or elliptical in shape.
2. Clearly visibly demarcated.
That design fails to conform to at least one of the above.

Symmetrical thumbsticks isn't fucking based it's less comfortable and your thumbs hit one another (if you have big hands). I will say sony finally learned to fucking make them concave instead of convex. The ps1, 2, 3, and 4 sticks were the absolute worst and the entire reason I wouldn't pick those despite having better exclusives.

who cares about touch anyway? they should remove that meme

Xbox has a better controller, more powerful hardware, Game Pass, actual backwards compatibility, has an actual racing game ever. Other than trophies I earned that I don’t care about, why should I stay with Playstation? This is coming from some who would rank the PS4 my second favorite console of all time.

Yes, a big one at least unless it has at least twice the battery of ds4. WIth AAs you can just pop your own rechargeables in and charge whenever you feel, swap on the fly when one set gets depleted, meanwhile I keep having to plug DS4 in all the time because battery lasts 2 hours.

Clearly you don't have a PS4 controller.

>symmetrical thumbsticks
never understood why people had a problem with it
? you have to by an extra accessory to make the xbox controller rechargeable
thank fuck, having windows auto switch audio to ds4 every time i connect it is annoying as fuck

Wrong. On PS4 touchpad isn't used for precise touch control, it's used for gestures. You want that touchpad to be within reach of your thumb and you want to be able to swipe up and down and press on the touch screen easily with both thumbs. That's 6 buttons right there, that's your main use for the touchpad.

This is actually one of my favorite aspects of the switch. You can always just pop it in and out and go handheld to charge and continue playing then resume on the TV later. It's also awesome for sharing the TV with a spouse. You make her play animal crossing in bed while you use the TV. It's way better than I thought it would be.

Becayse we have games... Tlou... Fuck you... You don't deserve real games... Eat shit and die you were never one of us enjoy nothing

With the older shittier and dumber ps controllers they made FP games horrible. It you strafe right and turn left, an obvious tactical move if you are shot in the side, your fucking thumbs hit one another. And as well as being too close together they were convex so you slipped off the thumbstick easily. And they had way too much fucking play in them. I'm glad they finally just knocked off the xbox controller. The stupid little nubs they used to give you to grip were the fucking worst as well. They should have revised their shit controller design by the ps3.

weeb rpgs aren't games they're timesinks

PSA: If you don't prefer symmetrical thumbsticks you are a fucking idiot

>doesn't have a giant light that reflects in your screen

>symmetric thumbsticks
Stick comfyness is 8/10, directional buttons are 8/10 too
>asymmetric thumbsticks
Sticks are 9/10, directional buttons are 3/10

Was it worth it microsoft

>isn't used for precise touch control, it's used for gestures.
Not a valid excuse.

I don't think white matters much, my ps4 controller is white and it still looks brand new after like 6 years.

The reason the left thumbstick is further forward is simple ergonomics since you push forward in the vast majority of games the vast majority of time. If you disagree with this you are a pants on head retard.

no pics of the underside of the ctrlr so I assume that means no paddle support

That's not an excuse, that's an accurate explanation of the way they're used. You're thinking that PS4 touchpad is used to control a cursor on the screen, what it's actually used for is swipe gesture to navigate through menus.

Take an xbone controller right now and put your hand on the directional pad. Does that feel comfortable to you

Suddenly when the thumbstick is further up you are better able to push it forward?

Are you actually fucking brain damaged?

Go play cod babby shitfuck. Real gamers play japanese games. You faggots don't deserve yakuza. Pinnacle of fighting games

About as comfortable as using the analog on a dualshock. But hey you don't have to use the dpad all the time because we aren't in the 4th gen anymore.

PSA; you only prefer symmetrical coz you never tried otherwise


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Being able to see how filthy your controller is so you know when to wipe it off is a good thing.
Also I like having symmetrical sticks, it lets you claw on both sides and your hands will rest in a neutral position when using dpad + buttons. I play a lot of classic games so this is perfect.

However, I think it looks like shit and the dpad seems just like the mediocre DS4 one.
I also don't give a fuck about rumble features, they're more of a gimmick than anything else on the thing including the share button.

Is that you in the pic because this reads like a 12 year old

Dpads have been obsolete since nintendo 64 user. The only thing you use that for is essentially hotkeying.
Pushing forward is more comfortable than pushing sideways for extended periods of time. The lower and further right the stick the more to the left you are pushing. This shouldn't be difficult to conceptualize. I will draw you a diagram in mspaint if absolutely necessary.

If your thumbsticks are going to be symmetrical it better be the WiiU placement.

Sticks on bottom are fucking garbage

Yes, I use it for all emulation, not the guy you’re talking to but this symmetic/asymmetric thing is a meme, as long as the sticks aren’t too close together like they were in the DS4 it’s all good, except for the 7 hour battery which I hope they’ve fixed

it's not a problem of "exclusivity" from Sony's side
it's actually Windows making their OS's controller system revolve around the Xbox controller to the point where all PC controller virtually are Xbox knock-offs instead of having a proper polyvalent HID API

No really your point makes literally no sense. PS controller thumbsticks are where your thumbs naturally rest. When you move the left thumbstick up and offset it you actually make the range of motion for pushing forward MORE difficult. I own a MS controller for my computer and a PS4 so don't come at me with not understanding, it's literally right there next to me.

It's almost like the analog on an asymmetrical controller is in a better position than a dualshock where your hand by default is outstretched!


No, you have to stretch your thumb forward to meet the thumbstick on a MS controller.


>your fucking thumbs hit one another
use the tip of your thumb instead of the flat side
their you go, fixed it

>PS controller thumbsticks are where your thumbs naturally rest
Why would you lie on the internet

How does limiting it to swipe gestures in any way make the aforementioned touchpad UX design principles inapplicable?

user, post an image of you holding these controllers.

Itt is a bunch of angry poorfags that cant afford a ps5 and it's wonderful collection of exlcuisves.

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It's just going to look like a person holding controllers, it won't really convey anything about how I feel about my thumb position

Every fucking moron talks about thumbstick like i fucking care does this controller really have no headphone jack??? I would buy a sexbox for this alone because i don‘t play on tv

it's the case though
but it's also the case for Xbox controllers
they have fundamentally different grip design

Unless you are a crip I don't see how your thumb is naturally at an angle further from the rest of your hand all the time. Do you run with your thumb sticking out sideways or flush with your fist like a normal person?

user, if you post it we can see the strange way you hold controllers.
Unless you're saying you don't have them.

im a mustard unfortunately. 99% chance i will be able to run all next gen games at 1080p high 60fps on my gtx980

BUT i have older gen consoles like the based ps2

It's not though.

It's confirmed to have headphone jack

Protip: sony bluetooth wireless headphones for the low price of an extra 100 sheckles


y do these retards think it would that?

I'm honestly convinced the cavemen on here are unable to understand how to wrap their meaty stumps around a DS4 controller.
All the people saying the sticks are in the wrong place have the issues you'd have if you held it too high or curl your hands too close together.
The controller is supposed to rest in your hands, you're not supposed to grab it for dear life.

I don't trust bluetooth--not while gaming. Adds too much input lag

>b-but the d-pad is in the primary position because it requires more accuracy for fighting games!
>my thumbs are naturally in the lower position
They literally make it up as they go

Phones are starting to get rid of it so I understand the confusion

Post pic of you holding the controller. Prove yourself right.

Not falling for it

I don’t really have an issue with symmetrical thumbsticks, and I play monhun w all the time.
It seems like a matter of preference and if you prefer that, just get a hori controller or something

The xbox controller has always fit better in the hand for a grown man than the ps one. The first three ps controllers were such huge pieces of shit, especially the ps3 controller. I have 8" hands and the xbox controller is comfortable to play for hours.

>y-you just aren't holding it right!
Stop apologizing for terrible design

We still haven't seen a teardown. I hope not, but I expect that controller to be a serviceability nightmare.

The Last of Us 2 that I can get on PS4 that I don’t want to play because it is “woke”? Is that it?

Falling for what?
The only thing that could come out of it is one of our arguments being proven right.

Handlet get out

Well actually no, because it's personal preference.

That only happens if you lay your entire thumb on the stick flatly. Use your thumbs in a natural arched position.
Besides, that’s more of a matter of space between the sticks rather than them being symmetrical

It's OK when Sony does it.

>you're not supposed to grab it for dear life.
You are absolutely retarded. Grip strength doesn't matter at all

You’re not based unless you’ve tried an Xbox controller, a playstation controller, AND the Wii U Pro controller which had symmetrical sticks at the TOP and the buttons/d-pad below

I’ve used so many controllers that it doesn’t make a difference to me

Yeah no, you can prefer doing something wrong but that doesn't make it right.

Yes it does.

It's going to have 3 hours of battery life like the DS4 isn't it? Piece of shit hardware.
I prefer Playstation to Xbox, but I have to say the Xbox controller shits all over the PS one since the 360. The design is also much better.

symmetrical thumbsticks is a con? Are you retarded? asymmetrical mutts literally seething

Yes goy!

In what gameplay situations are you dickheads pressing [right on the left analog] and [left on the right analog] all the way?

Attached: 3236783E-B13B-41B4-A74A-E26FDB5F8363.gif (269x152, 1.87M)

Hahaha, your controller is not "right" while another is "wrong"

Strafing. But it doesn't matter anyway because the sticks or your thumbs don't touch if you hold the controller properly.

>no native windows 10 support
well no shit, neither does ds4 and that doesn't still doesn't stop video games from supporting it natively and being supplemented by steaminput and ds4windows for extra flexibility.