Just finished Resident Evil 4 for the first time. I had no idea how real this image was, Ashley wanted to get fucked by Leon more than any character I've seen in any horror game. Well, not really horror but you know what I mean, like holy shit that kid wanted to get fucked.
Just finished Resident Evil 4 for the first time. I had no idea how real this image was...
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Leon only wants to bang Ada and nobody else
Oh I've noticed
Call me fag if you want, but Leon and Ashley make a good couple.
If there's ever a RE4make i swear to fucking god CAPCOM has to sneak in the no way fag line and other fanservice bits with Ashley. Reeesetera's safe space bubble be damned.
I'd be satisfied with "No way"
Massive fucking tits.
Is it true that they wouldn't have been able to sell the game in the USA if she were in high school so they made her twenty?
I know they made it so you can't headshot enemies in Japan so I don't know what to believe
I remember beating the game by only using my keyboard. Good times.
Kind of hard to believe that user i mean Capcom managed to release Haunting Ground overseas and that game has a whole lot more fucked up shit in it than RE4 had. The protagonist of that HG is also i believe 17-18 years old.
>end of Resident Evil Remake 4
>Ashley and Leon are on a speedboat
>She asks him if he'd like to...
>"NO WAY FAG" he interrupts, smiling at the camera and giving a wink
And she even fucks a dog. Oh no, wait, that's azasuke...
They'll take away her big tits in a remake
Fucked up shit≠Violence
There's laws against killing kids in games (you can kill Ashley) but there's no laws against implying a kid will be impregnated with her father against her will in a game
They won't but coomers will insist they aren't as big as they are in and blame ResetEra for making her an actually attractive person instead of a disgusting hyper bimbo
Jill was never a tit monster. That's literally just your hentai doing the memory for you.
Cringe. But also factual and true.
True, but Ashley is far from being a bimbo. She's just a girl coming stock with big ballistics
Yas Forums would lose its fucking mind if they made them the size of new Tifa's breasts which would already be INSANE for a teenage girl
The only thing people here are satisfied with are tits so big they cease to be sexy and just start to look like some kind of SJW joke about how men are obsessed with huge tits
Ashley's not a teenager
Ashley will be black in the remake and Leon will proposition her. Screenshot this
Your post was such a goddamn waste of time to read. Please never post again.
This pretty much describes the whole series. Somebody wants to fuck somebody else but it never fucking happens. Not even between games does the characters ever get together.
You can't fuck the President's daughter. Not only would he be fired but possibly imprisoned.
Leon and Ada got together in between games
>The only thing people here are satisfied with are tits so big they cease to be sexy and just start to look like some kind of SJW joke about how men are obsessed with huge tits
He spoke the truth, and they didn't listened
Why didn't he just have sex with her?
No way fag
This would be the most based thing to ever happen.
no way kid
I thought she kicks him to the curb and thats why he is such a burned out mess in 6. I could be wrong because I spend every other waking hour trying to forget that games plot.
He's a burnout cause he can't have a normal life which was confirmed in the movie with him and Chris when he's basically a drunk. But yea, him and Ada fucked a couple times in between games
I don't even understand why 5 and 6 are still canon
They should have just called Resident Evil 7 "Resident Evil: Lisa" or some shit and silently made it clear that nothing after 4 was real
She blueballs him again and then assumes the identity of her Carla alter-clone because... reasons? Capcom really over jumped the shark in this game
I'm okay with the "supernatural" route they're supposedly taking in RE8. The Umbrella thing has run its course.
Wesker could be reused tho.
mandatory high quality shitpost
It doesn't need to be umbrella but the series should be about Biohazards. There once was an idea for a Resident Evil game entirely about hostile plants. I'd be more interested in that than magic.
RE6 was a fucking mess, also isn't the main reason why the whole plot of the game kicks off is because Simmons who's a member of some secret cabal had severe yellow fever for Ada to the point he pretty much forced some caucasian scientist to undergo genetic modifying to become Ada? No wonder RE7 was in production for five years afterwards and became a soft reboot.
There was a female on Yas Forums who liked this joke enough to agree to do this scene which convinces me that not all women are horrible
It will probably be the same route as RE3.5 and 7 - hallucinations caused by infectious pathogens and biohazards misinterpreted as supernatural events. Which is very resident evil in a way, all things considered.
Yeah, Resident Evil "Dash". If I remember correctly, it was supposed to be about how not all of plant 42 died back at the original mansion, and how it developed to cause another type of plant-based outbreak. It was a cool concept.
Why didn't leon want to fuck her? She was practically begging him to ram her through that gate
I'll steer clear, queer
>reality is insane
Let's be honest, young women with fuckhuge breasts are a statistical anomaly.
It's NOT happening, homosexual.
This picture was funnier until some coomer had to up the ante on it
Not a chance, gay
Reproduce, I refuse
That coomer was the original artist
Leon has extreme yellow fever and a blue ball fetish
>Is it true that they wouldn't have been able to sell the game in the USA if she were in high school so they made her twenty?
I was the one who brought up the idea in the last thread. No I don't have any source for it and I don't think it's any different in Japanese, it's just a strong hunch in the same vein as the "art school for only 18 year olds" being a dumb copout in Life is Strange when the characters don't seem like they're over 16.
Fuck off Discordfag.
Not a chance, fancypants
because she looks like Sid from the Ice Age movies, I imagine
Are pretty much all RE protags still virgins?
Probably all except Rebecca.
Yes, and can we all agree that Chris Redfield is canonically gay?
No, he was in love with his hateboner for Wesker. And now that he has lost it, he switched it all for his lust to fight bioterrorism. Someone should put him out of his misery, dude has had a rough life
>he doesn't know about jill and carlos in the helicopter
user i...
Why Rebecca