What does your character usually look like if you have a choice?
What does your character usually look like if you have a choice?
Please masturbate before posting on Yas Forums
If everyone did that the quality of the board would skyrocket
Like that
Like this.
Check out these dubs
Something like this
I'm never really dead set on any one character trait.
I try to create a variety of characters throughout all the games I play, though I do only make females.
Usually fair skinned, but my character in FFXIV (which is by far my most played game) is actually dark skinned, whereas in WoW I'll do a lighter skinned Blood Elf.
If I could I'd always make a chocolate elf
am I supposed to get aroused by this? do coomers really?
Oh please, lewd threads are nowhere near the worst thing we fucking have.
This isn't /tg/.
a shota with tanlines aged between 8 and 12
That elf except with big, round fake implant tits instead.
Generic white guy with long hair and medium beard.
What games let you do fake tits naturally?
I have them modded into FFXIV.
Depends on the romance options. If I can romance a tall girl I make a little boy. If I can romance a little boy I make a tall girl.
>What does your character usually look like if you have a choice?
As godlike as possible really, or at least something that looks like it transcended all of it's limits and become a turbo being or some shit like that.
Saints Row
Conan Exiles
Female, skin as dark as possible, ghostly white hair, big tits, fat lips in the crotch not the face. And as tall as possible.
I fucking wish I knew. More games need the fake-tit option.
Thank you.
Genuinely depends on what I feel like making when I make the character, to be honest. Sometimes I make girls, sometimes I make boys, sometimes I make monsters.Though my tastes tend to trend towards long-haired older sister-type ladies and lean men.
What? Are you implying user should use the various porn boards or other websites primarily concerned with masturbation? Madness!
Someone fucking please post the literal years old brown-ness type list so this fucking newfaggot fucking curls into a ball and shoots himself.
Kill yourself.
1.) 2D != 3D
2.) The second one is clearly just tanned
I just love how these tourists are convinced these kinds of threads didn't exist before.
Hans, you're an idiot. Play a record.
I've been here since 2006 and am having a hard time remembering when people didn't like brown girls, Yas Forums and Yas Forums's tsundere bullshit aside.
Completely armored head to toe with 0 skin showing not even the eyes kinda like HUNK,master chief or 2016 doomguy
Back to Yas Forums you go! Shoo, smelly!
I gotchu senpai.
>brown anime girl = nigress
This (you)'s on me.
Thank ya.
Dusky Dravidian is the best one.
old fashioned loli
>I just love how these tourists are convinced these kinds of threads didn't exist before.
To be honest, I do ENJOY lewd threads, but he is right that they SHOULD be taken somewhere else.
But to say the quality will increase if these threads go away? Lmao, get all the wojacks and tortanic niggers off first.
Shrek or Nosferatu usually
>implying skin color affect my liking for big tits and ass
>brown tomboy with silver hair
give me that california gold futa cock
human, male, generic face, neutral haircut, my hair color.
Enjoy them on /e/ or /h/.
all of them
Depends on the game.
If it's a game with an engaging story or atmosphere I'll just use the default male.
Otherwise I make a cute black haired/pale skinned girl.
Sexual desire is pure evil. It's never satisfied and will overide any sense of standards.
A cute tomboy redhead with frekles
with BIG fucking TITTIES
either gigachad or pic related
i know what i'm taking
Dusky Dravidian is best as always
And i never knew her name
Men of taste
Like this of course. only faggots make female characters
Pretty sure sane people make whatever they feel like making at the moment and being a divisive, instigative prick is the real ultra-faggot.
As small and as brown as the game will let me make her.
Recently I've started trying for Pineapple Colored Hair on a chick whenever possible but other than that it varies.
>loli thread appears
>this thread dies
>loli thread dies
>people start posting here again
Really activates your neurons
If I had the choice, every game would allow you to completely recustomize your character practically whenever you want. Games that allow it are always my favorite and my character never has less than three completely different designs I cycle through.
Something like this.
Small and furry.
6ft+ tall muscle dyke
>all these deleted posts
Making sure high quality threads are only filled with high quality posts.
I usually fall in love with the default
As thicc as possible.
I'm definitely going to have to rp my next Night Elf as a really thicc girl.
>> fantasy game lizard race like Argonians and Lizardmen from Warhammer. Defo not that weeb "race" that’s a human with some scales or horns.
If’ I’m a human just make someone vaguely like me for quickies.
I usually play a dude character in most games. In mmo’s if I get bored of that chick is tall and dark skinned like op’s post actually. Max the butt and boob sliders and height purple eyes done.
The problem with this is that no games by default get this right. I'm all for the pursuit of thicc but goddamn it devs, GIVE US THE PROPER TOOLS.
Elf always when possible. Pure white or deliciously brown, doesn't matter, it depends on my mood at the time. If elf is not possible, any variety of pretty lady.
A must is always a sexy pair of high heels
>chick is tall and dark skinned like op’s post actually. Max the butt and boob sliders and height purple eyes done.
wtf that's literally my Miqo'te in FFXIV.
Dirty blonde with bushy, dark eyebrows and brown eyes.
something like this
based. Afros are the best choice.
Sounds like fun.
There's Dragon's Dogma.
It does? how so?
>Sounds like fun.
I hope so! Just gotta find the people who like to RP with incredibly big girls.