Your Taleworlds Support Team, everyone

Your Taleworlds Support Team, everyone.

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What a fag

Best practice is, you should always assume that someone moderating a game is a dangerhair.



Ypg nigger

>I believe in it enough to virtue signal on the internet but irl I will continue to be a good tax paying citizen to the regime because I am a bitch

Turned into a cuck by a watermelon salesman.

Looks like he plays more games than the people here

when did my Yas Forums turn fascists

how could we let this happen bros

How can you be a leftist in Turkey...?

Turks believe they are anti-imperialist and will liberate the world from other regimes.

wtf I hate mountain blade now because my worldview's so fragile that the political leanings of a community support staff affect how i think of a video game

>there are unironic facists on Yas Forums

Attached: Comrade.gif (348x349, 75.12K)

>implying turkish communists aren't chad

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Imagine being an antifa cocksucker. Imagine thinking you're actually "fighting fascists"

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>he's against national socialists
>this offends zoomer Yas Forums
kill yourselves. I bet you unironically support scientology too just to be contrarian

I'm not antifa, I'm against fascism

It has more to do with lefty retards accusing everyone that disagrees with them fascists, so they cast a wide net.

imagine being an incel lol

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3 arrows is literally anti-communist though.

>Yas Forums - Politics

imagine unironically identifying as the bad guys lmao

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Damn I love this duck

Based, its about time Turkey gets BLACKED.

Bu..bu..but they look so cool and i want to be edgy cause that's the only way i get to feel powerful while i live in mommy's basement.

I think its a dove

yeah its for cringe anarchists

/this fag would get his hgead stmped by Grey Wolves like in the 80s lol

what kind of doves have you seen?

they took it from the social democrats

>fascists near me

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Could be a kurd. They have a history of violent leftism.

Yeah, plenty of people all over support some form of fascist authoritarianism, including most of the larpers who endorse or participate in antifa. They've completely failed to understand liberty as a concept.

They understand liberty as a concept, they just don't like it.

There is no bad guy good guy paradigm. Only winners and losers, and history is propaganda of the winner.

he just said imagine being antifa though

idealism is such cringe

Erdogan should kill that faggot

>implying he won't be part of the 41%

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based desu
purchasing the game as we speak

There was a young fellow from Ankara, Who was a terrific wankerer.

Till he sowed his wild oats, With the help of a goat, But he didn’t even stop to thankera.

more than being facists i just hate these antifa fags most of them are the most degenerate people you ever meet also a lot of drugs users and lazy fags who will never work when i was like 14-16 and i was in my punk phase i did spend a lot of time with these idiots on on squat and these people did get ever year more crazy

>lazy fags who will never work
sounds like your boss and landlord user

>Female lord leading muslim army

i do not have boss i work as freelancer and my landlord is good man

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>if you don't like antifa you're a fascist!
That's like when people used to say if you don't like tumblr you hate woman and gays. Fucking mentally ill retards.

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turk here

these leftists like the ones in OP are probably less than 1% of 18-25 yo population, leftists we really have take up arms and kill police / military

Erdogan please crush these cancers before they wreck my beloved turkish dream studio

Not even that, it's from the SocDems in Germany, the symbol represents enforcing the status quo.

The reason people don't like antifa isn't because they are fascists who are being opposed.
It's because the kind of people who call themselves antifa call anyone who disagrees with them on anything fascists.
And then insist that unprovoked violence towards "fascists" is morally correct.

That's not a response to what he said, lmao. He basically just called you a faggot and you didn't even deny it, you just went "b-but nazis and mom's basement" as if those aren't the most tired retorts in the world. The left really can't meme, holy shit. You should have thrown in a Y'ALL somewhere to really seal the deal.

>actually thinking you're the "good guy" just because you claim you are

And I'm the king of Spain!

doesn't matter if he's a good man, he's still a leech. A good leech.

99% of people on Yas Forums calling themselves fascist don't know what that means. If they did, they'd be anti-fascists.
Yas Forums is full of fascists who are pro free speech, for example, and of course Yas Forums is full of fascists who are mad that communists are removing their anime titties from video games. Under uncle Adolf not only would we have more video games, but also more anime tiddies! It is known that fascists were very open about sex in media.

You are not a fascist. You are an anti-fascist. You are just too dumb to know it.

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Faggot, you arent capable of hurting shit

Guess what fags, I won't buy their game now.

>TV say they bad
>they bad

give me break the only parasite here is you
being land owner is good investments everyone have the opportunity to become landlord maybe instead of crying about much evil capitalists you could learn how it works and startg making some money
by the way it is also funny that a lot of the time the same people who support open borders then crying that rent is to high and salary low truly geniuses

>TV say they bad
>the history channel fellates the nazis daily

I'm not a leftist you cunt

>Everyone who doesn't want to live in a right wing dictatorship is antifa
No. This is like saying if you're against crime you're automatically a vigilante.

Ok schizo.

>i am not anti-fascist, i just don't want fascism

everyone who dont want to live in leftists shithole is right wing monster
just stop ...

99% of people that call themselves anti-fascists are totalitarian faggots

Don't know about the exact percentage number, but there are many, yes. Stalin hijacked the revolution not only in Russia, but also in people's minds.

Do they do their job properly?

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Nah, I hate mount blade because I don't want to support roaches


Imagine buying this game and supporting terrorist groups.