Tfw ideas guy

>tfw ideas guy

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Other urls found in this thread:

god i love this nigga

>Man makes good album
>People praise him for his earlier work whenever someone calls him shit
Why do people praise rich people

>he said idea xD, he a idea guy xD
All I know about this meme is that it's literally 12-year-olds spreading it.

fish dicks

>i want to be president
>wow wtf im being attacked

uncle tom
wheres the man saying dubyuh hates black people
however, id probably be much less class/race conscious if I had kim k and millions of dollars

fingers in his ass

Because he has talent?

Except I'm 25?

his actual early shit was good though, late registration was the only good album though

This really sums up american politics.

As much as I hate Kanye, to be totally fair he's made nine good albums. Guy has genuine talent.

Yeezus and 808s are his only good albums.

>talking about nigger music on my waifu and tranny obsessed masturbation board?

eternal quarantine summer

I remember being 13


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>an opinion this cursed exists

The first three and MBDTF are the best, rest is only ok

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>The first three and MBDTF
Sheeple opinion.
Hold my Liquor is his best song by the way.


The best song on that album is Blood on the Leaves, prove me wrong, protip, you're gay


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I can't prove you wrong, there isn't a single weak song on that album. Hold my Liquor is the best though.

>no weak songs
>On Sight

Didn't this nigger get jealous of a teenage white bitch? Pretty cucked.

We Major is my favorite song of his.
I also really like what he's doing these days and I think all Kanye eras are great. He's always changing and none of his albums sound the same, which is the reason why he's been on the radar for so long and didn't become lost in time with the other early 2000s rappers.

lol, filtered

Bound 2 is Kanye's best song, prove me wrong faggots


I'm actually a long time Death Grips fan and found his derivative and weak attempt at biting their style laughable.

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>Death grips
that's even worse, literally a meme band

>literally a meme band

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>Original idea
>Raps over other people's songs
>Rap in general

because you are 14 user


That's funny because Death Grips was my favorite band when I first listened to Yeezus and it ended up being the album that got me into Ye. To each his own.

Alright so my idea is a game set during the frontier period of America, when we were still moving out west. The timeline will be pretty flexible, but the important thing is that it's the perfect time period to explore uniquely American/Native American folklore. Stuff like Skinwalkers and Wendigos along figures like Johnny Appleseed and Calamity Jane. You gradually build a crew who are all looking to go out west and stake out your own claim.

There would be supply gathering and resource management akin to Oregon Trail, but the core gameplay loop would be a top down tactical turn based RPG akin to something like XCOM. Not sure if it should be a story-based thing or a roguelike.

It would be called Manifest

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Mine is a bunch of girls bent over infront of me waiting for cum


don't know how you would turn that into a game

Kanye said it himself, he you get through On Sight you can get through Yeezus, it's a designed test/filter.
You've been filtered.

>like every song except that one
great filter bro

What did he say this time?
Also, the point he was making was 100% correct when he was on TMZ, even though he sort of failed to make it well and people had a knee-jerk misunderstanding. Black Americans can never consider themselves part of the broader American culture as long as people keep reminding them that they are black and that comes with expectations on how they should behave and how they should be treated. That's what he meant by blacks still being slaves. He made it very clear with his anecdote right after that about how his daughter's teacher made it a point to tell her that even though she's a successful man's daughter, she's still black.


what video game is this from?

la creatividad

Metal Gear
Hes the hideo kojima of music

that twitter post was from 2018, user

You must have a hearing disorder if you think Yeezus sounds like anything Death Grips made or any Death Grips album sounds like Yeezus.

Calling a white man racist is too mainstream.
Trusting a white man is contrarian.

Congradulations you're like every nigger alive.


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Rap is the lowest form of music. A bunch of room temperature iq hoodrats with no singing voice recite shitty poetry about what the world owes them and how much they lives cheap Mmalta liquor and whores to the same shit auto drum beat.

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>Kayne - I'm a God ft God

Rap battles were invented by whites.

I guess you haven't listened to Kanye West
don't generalize

>Rap is the lowest form of music
This alone proves you wrong. Kino poetry that will be studied centuries from now.

>Follow God by kanye west

it's certainly easy because most rappers, especially the black ones, can't 'sing' anything otherwise
fucking Kayne himself has said he isn't a particularly good signer despite his favorite internment being the human voice


kanye was never the same after his mom died from a botched boobjob or some shit

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Why did blacks stop singing.
Blacks from the 50s had a lot of killer doowap.

Kanye can sing i still replay his new slave outro from time to time even though frank ocean ruined it with his gay ass voice

hey fuck off malta is great

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didn't he make a vidya game?

Black's are at the top of thr music industry

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>when he swung back from being cheated on, losing his mom and 808's being shit by opening the decade with MBDTF, considered by millions his best album, which got everybody ejaculating all over it

GOAT move

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>Kanye can sing
i'm just saying what he said himself
a lot of his voice ends up tuned in post because Kayne was a producer before he was what he was now
hell, his first album was done with a broken jaw that was partially wired shut
no, i don't think so

808s was ahead of its time and my personal favorite. Yeezus was hot garbage.

Black people used to be great and soulful singers for one simple reason: being part of the church choir from a young age.
As atheism and liberalism spread to the black community they began to suck more and more at singing, since they either didn't go to church throughout their life or didn't care.
Add to this the fact that hip-hop cannibalized every other black genre in the 90s, and does not require singing at all.


a few outliers pales in comparison to even classical composers

t. we wuz

we aint graduate from school nigga
them big words aint cool nigga
dumb it down

Act it

Collabos. Top of the industry maybe. But the music is a shadow of itself.
They're consumers now, like the rest of us, they're not allowed to have their own, community music. They must listen to official music, by official musicians.