PS4 owner and want a switch

Should I get a switch regular or switch lite, assuming I own a PS4?
Are the extra 100$ worth it if I only want to play handheld mode?
I want a switch for retro games, some exclusives and last gen AAA ports.

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Normal switch is bigger and has better battery life if you buy a new one

Lite is a straight downgrade.

if you only want to play handheld mode, then go for the lite. do note that certain games that need the joycons to come out wont work on the switch lite. i stole this list from a site, but im pretty sure there are some other games no one cares about that wont work

1-2-Switch (some mini games may work)
Just Dance (all of them)
Super Mario Party
Fitness Boxing
Ring Fit Adventure

Zero pros for the Lite, maybe right now at this point in time (depending on where you live) they are actually in stock so that's a pro I guess. Where im at theres absolutely no original switches available for at least a month

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I suggest normal Switch even if you, as you said, want to play mostly in handheld mode. There are just some games that are better played in handheld and other that are better on TV. (which is also one of the reasons why I bought PS TV instead of normal Vita)
Xenoblade 2, for example, is a clusterfuck in handheld mode. On the other hand, games such as Romancing SaGa look better ih handheld.

Is the switch lite hackable at this point ?

>inb4 company defenders scream at me

Buy used, old regular switch model, and hack the shit out of it.

If you buy one with the red packaging you can get the normal Switch with better battery life. The normal Switch is better for handheld play anyways because if the joy-cons drift you can always replace them.

For retro games there are a ton of collections from Capcom and Sega along with some old Neo-Geo titles. The Switch online service also comes with NES and SNES titles (Nintendo 64 will be coming this year).

Exclusives: Smash, Mario Maker 2, BOTW, Animal Crossing and Xenoblade 2 are some good exclusives.

3rd party games: If you're only using it in portable mode then you should get the Bethesda games on there.

ALSO! Borderlands collection (pre-sequel and 2), Xcom and Metro Redux are on the Switch as well along with Witcher 3. While these ports look like shit in TV mode, I assure you they will look a lot better in portable mode!

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I was wondering the same, but i just want to play some games like animal crossing, breath of the wild and the sequel, pokemon and metroid, but i don’t know of the lite can play those games too or not

There's absolutely no reason to get a Lite unless you're tight as fuck with money, and in such case you might as well not get one.

Forget about buying a Switch anytime soon

I've been trying since like mid March and it's been impossible unless you have the gas and time to drive to every single store in your area and macros set up to snipe every single online order the split second they appear

Fuck scalpers what the fuck man I just want to play Animal Crossing with my friends and these niggers are demanding $500 minimum for a $300 item

Why the fuck do these people spend every hour of every day trying to turn a profit on a children's video game console

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It can, but you shouldn't get a Lite.

Buy the OG switch so you can hack it and get stuff like mods, free games, hacks, and so on.

The switch lite has zero pros, except being cheaper.
The normal one is better because modulable and easier to fix issues on , you can play on tv, you can use different controllers, all the games are playable on it and it (or was for the first models) hackable.

Why are people even buying switches now ?
Its not like you could leave the house anyway

Doubt it, but no idea

I have the PS4 Pro and I recently got a switch. I prefer it over my PS4 Pro a lot more. The exclusives for the PS4 just bore the fuck out of me. While I prefer the Switch's exclusives. Breath of the Wild and Animal Crossing are amazing. And I recommend you getting those as your first two games.
The extra $100 is worth it in my opinion. Most people I know who said they don't care about docking their Switch regret that statement months after owning a lite.
I switch between both using docked and handheld a lot. The Kickstand is a really nice feature too. The Switch's screen is really small too but not in a bad way I suppose. Just saying that you might be disappointed with the size of the Switch Lite's screen size. Especially if you have bad eyesight, then you're going to be squinting constantly.
But I would wait out getting a Switch right now. Obviously because of the driven up prices from the pandemic. I got mine for less than $300 bucks new from some guy on craigslist. So I was lucky.
Make sure you get the new one with the red box by the way. That's the improved verison with better battery life, thumbstick molds, and is generally more brighter.
I'm able to play on my Switch when I go out on the lowest brightness so I guess it doesn't matter all that much.

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How much do you think could sell my launch model for? I've been wanting to replace it with the Lite because the main reason I haven't been using it as much is because it's clunky compared to the Vita or 3DS.

They're buying it to completely hoard the supply and try and resell them for $400 at a minimum.

I'd say it's an easy way to turn a profit but scalping is actually not easy at all since it takes a coordinated effort to drive to every Target/Walmart/Best Buy in your area at 8 AM and buy every single one and have bots set up to instantly buy out the ones online.

It's stupid and tedious and they probably won't sell as much as they want versus the effort and this is a case of everybody loses because of some greedy faggots

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Also a PS4 owner who wants a Switch however, LITERALLY only three games I want to play on it

I'm not paying $500 fucking dollars for a system with only three games I want to play

Get one of the new models of regular sized Switch. Better battery life, and more versatile. You will probably have a hard time finding one right now but they are supposed to be restocked in the middle of this month.

I also recommend buying a Satisfye grip. Some 90 degree USB C cables and a nice USB C charger are also good to have, but not necessary to start out.

Well I hope these fuckers get stuck with them then

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>Are the extra 100$ worth it if I only want to play handheld mode?
no. but it's worth not having a gay ass color switch.

Kek, there's only two games I like on my PS4 Pro and that's Bloodborne and P5. The exclusives on the PS4 Pro are dogshit.
If you're buying ports then just get them on PC unless you're poor.
The Switch has a lot of fun games.

>Why are people even buying switches now ?
It is the absolute worst time for getting on. Supply is lo, demand is high and scalpers are out.
Its not like you could leave the house anyway
And this right there amplifies the problem qnd the demand tenfold

Depends what games youd be planning on getting
If any of the big AAA ports like Witcher or Skyrim i wouldn't recommend the Lite but other than that go for the Lite

get an used old model, hack it and download those 3 games. $200-250 total investment.

are people actually paying $400 for switches right now? i bought the animal crossing switch to replace my older model switch and haven't bothered selling it yet

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$400 at a MINIMUM. The Animal Crossing editions are going for $700 now. The regulars $500.

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>Why are people even buying switches now ?
>Its not like you could leave the house anyway

You literally answered your own question.

>If any of the big AAA ports like Witcher or Skyrim i wouldn't recommend the Lite but other than that go for the Lite


I had a regular Switch which broke and now I have a Lite. There are times I miss games like Super Mario Party and the ability to play Smash on my TV with homies, but overall the lower price and better form factor have more than made up for that since I played handheld 90% of the time anyway.
I played Skyrim mostly on handheld and was surprised how well it ran. It's one of the better Switch ports from Bethesda of all developers.

Oh, and has been stated several times in this thread already, no one will even be able to buy a switch until probably late May at this point. Supply has been wiped the fuck out for a variety of reasons.

Don't make this into a shitposting contest, kid

My friend bought Switch just for Xenoblade 2. Finished the game, sold the console (because there was a rumor about Pro model, and he wanted to get rid of his ''old'' console), but kept the game. Now he's buying the console, again, because Xenoblade remake is coming out next month.

now i feel a lot better about buying another console that i already owned because it looked a little bit nicer

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You got really fucking lucky user, know that.

Ok retard

Your friend is a fucking idiot

Both of your posts answer nothing, do you have reading comprehension problems ?

I ask again: Why do people buy a portable console now when they can't go out ?

And no: People can't buy it now anyway is not a proper response for "why did people all buy it a month ago in the first place"

Ultimate shitpost, P5 is on the PS3 as well

everyone who sells their consoles is

Same goes for this faggot: aswell of course

wondering this too, I hardly use mine and need the money

Drifting joycons are a pretty common issue so I can't imagine having a switch lite and not being able to swap them out when it inevitably becomes an issue.

Anyone else disappointed with the controller quality? My Pro controller died in like 6 months, went through two pairs of joy cons and they drift like crazy. Any reliable alternatives or did they recently update any of the controllers?

LMAO I FORGOT. So that's one game. Bloodborne machine lives up to its name.

I'm sorry that you can't find more than 2 games in the entire PS4 library that suits your shit taste

Nothing on Switch is worth it unless you're a sucker for marketing and require the words Pokemon or Mario on the cover of the game you play

I expected a better insult to be honest, you're boring.

I'd get a regular Switch. Handheld mode is super handy but some games you'll want to play on a big screen.

>I want a switch for retro games, some exclusives and last gen AAA ports.
You can Shill of the Wild on Cemu for free in 4k and 60fps.

Well, to be honest, I don't hang out with normal people, so...

I have a lite, I prefer it over the other. Much lighter to hold, good battery life

Oh gee likewise, that really hurt me to the core.

Unlucky my dude

Is this one of those things where you like to label yourselves as nerdy and weird when you are really just actually weird, extremely cringy, and have social skills that border on autistic?

You must be retarded. Most people play their switch either in docked mode, or they use its portability to play around the house. I put 300 hours into BOTW and maybe 10 of it was in docked mode. The rest of the time, I played on the couch or in bed or in my office chair or wherever the fuck I wanted to play around the house. I took it out of the house one time and felt like such an unbelievable dork that I never did it again. Many of my friends own a switch, I don't know a single one who takes it with them outside of the house.

People bought a console a month ago because that's when the quarantine started to take place, schools got cancelled and people got sent home. They knew they were going to be cooped up, either alone or with their kids, so they bought a switch. Xbox and Playstation units are also sold out at all of the big retailers. My local Costco has a few PS4 slims, but you're fucked if you want to get an Xbox One X or PS4 Pro.

The Nintendo Switch also sold out because Animal Crossing and to a lesser extent Doom Eternal were coming out.

>N64 coming this year

>yourselves as nerdy
I don't wear glasses.
>and weird
No, but my taste in movies can be labeled as weird.
>social skills that border on autistic?
I don't even know what that means.

dude trust me/uncle at nintendo

What the hell does wearing glasses have to do with being a nerd? What is this 1997?

There are only 2 kinds of people who wear glasses, user. Nerds and Jews. I'm neither.

Hot chicks wear glasses, get with the times

switch litelets will always look like babies in my eyes, I also have the pro controller

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So it's coming out of your ass like your uncle's cum

Nice dorm room zoomer, go study

The lite feels sturdier, on the regular switch the joycons feel a little chincy. The regular switch is also laughably huge for a “handheld”.

It is worthless unless you sell it right now.

>neon joycons
nice fisherprice toy