Why was Kotor 2 so shit?
Why was Kotor 2 so shit?
just be yourself bro
How can a Star Wars game be such a brainlet filter? Based Avellone.
the first one was good the second one was unfinished rehashed with ridiculously pretentious writing
>thinking about the consequences of your actions is pretentious
>same character gives you contradictory advice or scalding no matter what you pick every time
Fuck off brainlet, you were tricked into thinking this game had 'deep' writing
>character has her own ulterior motives and manipulates you in order to achieve her goals
>character tells you her full back story on the first planet you go to with her because the game is fucking broken shit
Fuck off, you just got IQ filtered
This is your grain on contrarian COOM
Have you finished the game? Kreia tells you a very misleading version of her backstory to gain the exile's trust. You only find out the truth much later
Considering her teachings throughout the game were meant to be teaching you the nuances of your actions, it makes sense that you didn't get it, judging by how you're so anally annihilated about it.
She told me she was a sith lord on the first planet we got to, the actual ending barely expanded on anything further than what she already showed me because the game is unfinished like i said
I legitimately have no idea who you're talking about with this
Every character has their backstory locked behind influence checks except Kreia, who's has parts of her backstory hidden behind story progression instead
No, brainlet, I got that. It's just fucking retarded and makes her seem like she thinks she's really smart. Terrible writing.
no, you do the first 3 or so influence checks with her right and by the time you get to the first real planet she will tell you she was a sith lord etc
Because it was blatantly unfinished, so falls off about 3/4 of the way through super hard. Also Kreia is a meh character who only gets hyped up by people who want to feel smart. Her plan is fucking retarded and her manipulations only work because everyone she talks to turns into a retard as soon as she shows up. Might have been better if they actually finished the story.
The fact that you understand that it's written to make her seem smart means the writing is good, or at least good enough to do what it was intended to do. Are you actually autistic or just one of those raging cunts that's gonna go cry and punch a hole in their wall?
You sound like an autist
They went for the edgy 14 year old type. That's already a guaranteed cringefest but on top of that they also delivered an absolutely retarded story with a fucking zombie, and a "force black hole" and some gargling masked retard who destroys PLANETS by himself. The kind of shit you'd expect to find on some backwater fanfic site. They also took a giant shit on the setting the first game established. The game's design is completely derivative, nothing meaningful added over the prequel. Plotlines went nowhere. All but one of the newly made companions are forgettable trash compared to 1's.
One of the worst pieces of SW media, it's worse even than TLJ. Liking this garbage is the telltale sign you're dealing with some fedora wearing "akshually" type person who only dresses in black.
The issue is that it doesn't actually come across as smart though, it's just stupid shit that doesn't ever give you the ability to point out the obvious flaws in what she's saying. Her entire plan is that way, and relies on your character apparently having forgotten literally everything about being a jedi, despite them clearly being perfectly capable.
Characters being made dumb doesn't make other characters look smart
Her entire plan is a meta-critique on the whole Star Wars universe, specifically the Force.
The Force is basically puppeteering the entire galaxy, it always balances itself out, Light equals Dark, etc. Kreia knew this, and tried to teach other people about it, so they could make actual decisions for themselves instead of just whatever the Force pushed them towards in the sake of cosmic balance. She taught Jedi to be less selfless, so they called her a Sith. She taught Sith to be more careful of consequences, so they called her weak. Then you, the MC, gets cut off from the Force, the proverbial puppet strings, and then learns to use the Force again but without being controlled by it. That's why she tries to tutor/manipulate you, because you're the only character in the universe that has proper agency, and she wants you to use it to essentially neuter the Force.
Damn, gottem.
What's the difference between the updated steam version and the og version
Okay, I'll just decide to ignore the beggar so I don't bring too much attention to myse-
>Give the beggar money.
>Tell them to KYS themselves.
>neutral option that actually just loops back to the two extremes they want you to pick between
Oh wait, nevermind. I guess "role-playing game" meant "role-playing, as long as it's these two specific roles we're forcing you to pick between that you don't want to do so we can lecture you about something you already agree with".
Kreia is retarded, the force is a major part of how life in that galaxy works, and the only non-force related people we see ever are fucking insane genocidal monsters. The force doesn't try to balance out light with the dark or whatever, the dark is inherently an imbalance which it might work to correct. Kreias plan is retarded by any metric even in universe, but because she's the authors pet you never get the ability to point this out. She's just a shitty sith with a ridiculous ego, the way she's written in game.
If she wants galactic peace she should have just stuck with the jedi, who created literally thousands of years of it.
Based and Gray-pilled
>The dark is inherently an imbalance which it might work to correct
found the Disneycuck
Pretty much.
Exactly. No real impact is made on the galaxy as it always recovers or snapsback no matter what. It's a perpetual cycle of meaningless tragedy and martyrdom which will come to nothing due to forces outside of the will of any sapient species. Every tyrannical empire built on the back of sacrifice for security will fall due to a bad series of circumstances, every benevolent republic will fall apart from something as simple as a senator tripping. The reset-ability the force has ruins choice.
>Broken and unfinished
>Pretentious writing
>Unfun combat
It's New Vegas for Star Wars nerds.
It's not at all disney lore, did you notice the whole "balance in the force" thing was just the sith dying? The dark side shit has always been the imbalance in the force, outside EU retards trying to be edgy. When there aren't any powerful dark side users, the galaxy is generally peaceful and happy, with minor disruptions. Then one shows up, fucking ruins everything and then eventually gets offed by a jedi, before the galaxy goes back to being peaceful.
Doesn't disney shit argue the opposite anyway?
i feel like this prompt is only retarded on second playthroughs or if you reload
its basically just a single instance of forcing you to choose one way or the other so the game can very bluntly illustrate how Kreia wants you to think about decisions you make
its somewhat disingenuous to act like the rest of the game forces you to be to be one of two caricatures
if anything, the main problem is that there isn't more options that are also wrong
Her dialogue is tedious sophistry, the side characters are all boring except the sassy robot (or was that the first game?), The levels are all boring too.
Another brainlet filtered by based Force-hating grandma.
>B-but I need to appease! I need validation now! I NEED it!
And you wonder why she's disappointed in you.
How can a single game filter out normalfags this well?
the game does encourage you to be a caricature though honestly, with the alignment based powers.
It didn't filter me retard, I've finished it twice, it's incredibly easy and none of the themes are particularly deep. I enjoyed it, but I'm not going to pretend it doesn't have huge flaws.
>quality of these images just gets worse and worse over time
Is this what Kreia meant when she talked about decadence?
Not shit, but a real issue is that the story is about breaking down the morality within Star Wars, but still needs a traditional good and evil slider because it’s a video game.
Why do you keep spitting out that single buzzword instead of responding to any individual arguments? Would it kill you to actually talk to someone for once in your life?
People aren't refuting Kreia's philosophy, so much as they are annoyed that the game forces you to agree with her. Railroading your choices is the ultimate sin in role-playing games, and I don't get why games like Fallout 3 and 4 get so much shit for this, and yet this game gets a free pass for the same thing.
On a side note
I've never played either and want something knew to play this week
is 1 or 2 the better game?
>apathy is dead
>stop making choices
But she never said those things, did you play the game?
1 is a classic SW story and its trophies
2 is a deconstruction SW story and its trophies
2, but they're both worth playing. You'll enjoy the second game more if you're played the first.
It's a meme, user.
1 is better as a whole, 2 had higher peaks but they also clearly didn't finish it
>Couldn't grasp the themes so he says they're shallow
what themes do you think are particularly deep? the part where kreia is objectively wrong about everything?
The second game has better mechanics, better characters and character interaction, and better writing in general. The game wasn't finished to what the developers wanted, but everything important is there. Would it have been nice to see some of those cut scenes? Sure, but it shouldn't unduly affect your experience of the game.
doesn't the restoration patch fix just about everything "wrong" with 2
>what themes do you think are particularly deep? the part where kreia is objectively wrong about everything?
Good joke, user
It depends. It fixes some bugs and adds in a lot of cut content of varying types, which can make some parts of the game clearer - especially the ending. But if you don't like the game's writing or the direction of the story because you're a retard with bad taste the mod probably won't change your mind.
>Be Kreia
>be shitty Jedi master
>have a bunch of students
>teach them a bunch of morally grey pseudo intellectual bullshit
>this leads to them betraying the jedi order and tracking down a literal sith emperor
>they go on a genocidal killing spree because you didnt prepare them at all and your teachings directly made it super easy for the emporer to corrupt them
>get kicked out of the jedi for being such a shitty teacher
>decide you want revenge on the jedi because you're a petty cunt
>decide to go full edge and be a sith now
>go out of your way to find 2 of the most fucked up people you can find to be your apprentices
>they're literal wounds in the force that shouldnt even exist
>teach them to be super strong
>they see through your hypocritical morally grey pretentious nonsense and betray you for being so fucking shitty of a character
>drain most of your powers and taunt you for your incompetance
>dont even bother killing you because you're so pathetic
>get so fucking butthurt about this that you decide if you cant have the force, no one can
>THE FORCE HAS TO DIE /slits wrists
>find another wound in the force to try and get revenge on your students, because thats not gonna backfire or anything
>teach her some more of your morally grey pretentious nonsense
>she eventually also sees through your bullshit
>she kills you
>you die a failure
>everything you tried to do ended in failure
>you died a bitter, miserable and jaded old woman with nothing to show
I am once again asking you for some credits.
It makes the a huge difference but there is only so much they could do.
They have a companion die off screen
No, if you'd actually play it it's blatantly, clearly unfinished and it's obvious that they were going to do more with the plot. The entire last third or so is a mess, an entire companion just vanishes, the story ends incredibly abruptly and doesn't wrap up plot points or explore interesting points pretty much at all, it's just clearly not a finished game. Everything after the rebuilt enclave is just rushed and messy, all the restored content does is make it not completely awful.
She is though, her entire shit about the force is just completely not how it works. The light side is the natural state of the force that it works to preserve, as long as people aren't abusing the shit out of the basic life force of the galaxy it doesn't really give a fuck what's going on. Every student she taught either became a sith lord or just told her to fuck off and went back to being a jedi.
I must breed the miraluka
>and tracking down a literal sith emperor
Aren't you tired of ruining your own series by now, Drew?
sith emporer was literally alluded to in the ending of kotor 1 AND 2 you fucking moron. why do you think revan just fucks off at the end?
>stupid fished face bitch and the floating testicle are forced on you after nar shadaa
That was in both kotor games though wasn't it? the whole "true sith" waiting outside known space? did you actually play the games?
It amazes me that people this retarded actually exist
But user if you kill her, she wins.
>ng spree because you didnt prepare them at all and your teachings directly made it super easy for the emporer to corrupt them
>>get kicked out of the jedi for being such a shitty teacher
>>decide you want revenge on the jedi because you're a petty cunt
>>decide to go full edge and be a sith now
>>go out of your way to find 2 of the most fucked up people you can find to be your apprentices
>>they're literal wounds in the force that shouldnt even exist
>>teach them to be super strong
>>they see through your hypocritical morally grey pretentious nonsense and betray you for being so fucking shitty of a character
>>drain most of your powers and taunt you for your incompetance
>>dont even bother killing you because you're so pathetic
>>get so fucking butthurt about this that you decide if you cant have the force, no one can
>>THE FORCE HAS TO DIE /slits wrists
>>find another wound in the force to try and get revenge on your students, because thats not gonna backfire or anything
>>teach her some more of your morally grey pretentious nonsense
>>she eventually also sees through your bullshit
>>she kills you
>>you die a failure
>>everything you tried to do ended in failure
>>you died a bitter, miserable and jaded old woman with nothing to show
Do NOT charge her loading ramp.