>haptic feedback
>adaptive triggers
>rechargeable battery (type C connector)
>new Create button replaces Share button
>built-in mic
>lightbar now next to the touchpad
Welcome to the future
>It STILL has that awful D-pad
no audio jack? i hate using blue tooth
i would be very embarrassed to posses such gay looking controller
segmented d pads belong in the trash
D-pad better have a nice click like the Vita
The PS5 is totally going to look like the toilet, isn't it?
wow every color here looks better than the white
i dont hate the white but these actually look very nice
>Welcome to the future
>haptic feedback
Switch has it
>adaptive triggers
Who? Geno in Smash?
>rechargeable battery (type C connector)
Switch has it
>new Create button replaces Share button
Switch has it
>built-in mic
Enjoy emulating Mario64 DS minigames
>lightbar now next to the touchpad
NVM its over. We lost Ninchads....
>built-in mic
Literally don’t care about any of that
Just xbox my shit up, these look awful
Steam Controller 2 is going to shit all over this.
Cool now we can everyone's button presses and moms vacuuming
>new create button replaces share button
wow they renamed a button, holy shit, mind fucking blown
>no gyro
FPBP. How did Sony fuck up so badly after the Vita D-Pad?
Either the colors are shit or that controller looks ugly as fuck
Are those Joysticks EXACTLY the same as the DS4?
If so I'm fucked because I chew through them in a matter of months. Deadzone straight forward is the WORST thing to have to deal with for most games.
Every other gen I would have said this is just another retarded mockup by some moron. How is this the official controller?
Personally I hate wireless, triggers, built in mic and touchpads. Light bar is at best useless, at worst yet more peripheral interference. The quality of the sticks last gen was very poor.
no i mean just for headphones with no mics
>Microsoft has better designers than nips
clown world
for headphones
>8.90 for a little bottle of hand sanitzer
Where is this btw
Tybe C for realzies? I'm getting fucking sick of this transition phase and would rather have everything type C asap
I mean built in speaker too of it has one. What is a built in mic for? On the rare occasion I play online there's going to be background noise all over the place.
The controller will be covered in dead skin and doritos in 24hrs
there is no way you can easily clean that piece of shit.
Just face it, xbone controllers are designed the best
Is that new xbox controller?
Only place you can buy sanitizer is China so probably there.
Pretty sure that's malaysia since there's billions of chinks and poojeets.
Did any PS4 games even use the touchpad properly?
>built in mic
might get a ps5
Publishers want you to actively make friends online so you play more and mics help that happen.
pff...not a big deal, right?
gib asanagi controller
>throw the controller on it's face, instead of placing it bottom down properly
>Pushes in triggers
>Movie skips
You'd have to be DSP levels of retarded for this to be an issue for you
>giant LED now shines directly into your eyes instead of reflecting on your TV
Ah, much better, thank you Sony.
Off topic but am I the only one who's hoping Sony will adopt black game cases? There's something I find so nostalgic about them.
Fucking lightbars. When is this meme going to die. I'm so tied of all my electronics having these useless, distracting, battery-draining, zoomertrash "features". Fuck off with this retarded shit already.
>the future
Remind me again when the Steam controller launched? Fucking sonybros just parroting marketing.
how will snoyfags clean this?
Underage b&
That would be nice
Ps3 used clear cases, you dumbfuck
anything but the black one looks awful. I can't believe they're keeping the stupid touchpad, that thing is only useful for useful for typing things and that's it. I'm also cautious about an in-built microphone with how draconian sony's getting with censorship.
>say faggot during a single player game
>system bans your account
youd have to be retarded to design a controller like this
How poor is your reading comprehension you simpleton?
Don’t forget, there’s a reason they haven’t shown the back of the controller yet
I like Sony but these controllers look stupid aside from the black one. It's simple shit like ditching the colored buttons that I just dont get why they felt the need to do that. If the console looks anything like the dev kit then fuck this
>playing Sony game
>have to set the controller down to watch the 2 hour cuscene
>set controller on couch cushion which is not flat
>slight curvature presses the trigger
>need to restart the level because I skipped the cutscene
This was also a problem with the DS4. Stupid piece of shit.
>>built-in mic
Wow, great. I love having the FBI/CIA/NSA, and every other foreign government in the world who has hacking capabilities listen to me while I play games. Thanks Sony! Can you faggot Californians please censor more video games too?
What? I can't figure out what you're trying to say here. you put it down exactly in the picture and the triggers usually get activated. retard
>>forced microphone
>>type C
>>rechargeable battery
>shit D-Pad
>same face button material as DS4
>incorrect joystick placement but adopts the XB1 shell
Do you morons really think you won't be able to disable it?
>forced microphone
were does it ever say forced
You couldn't even turn off the lightbar on the DS4
How is the lightbar comparable to a mic?
both are annoying as fuck and waste battery power
why is type C a problem? I really don't get it, it's way more convenient than type B
The button under the PlayStation logo is the mute button for the mic.
You dumb fucking low IQ moron, why would they have an always on mic, that would interfere with actual gameplay like in online multiplayer
welcome to 2010 consoles
are you a retard, the microphone is always on, on every single device without a physical mute button
>rechargeable battery
>new Create button
>built-in mic
>lightbar now next to the touchpad
wow... so this is the power of nect gen ps..
What kind of phones do you people use? micro b is more abundant than type c
Second Son
I have a Type C phone since 2016
>built-in mic
If you haven't upgraded in the past 5 years maybe.
C is the new standard.
Name ONE. I’m telling you, NAME A SINGLE. MOTHER. FUCKING. GAME. I promise, I’ll fucking Zelle, Paypal, Cashapp. However the fuck you want to receive your money, I’ll send you $2,000
$2,000 if you can name me ONE game that skips cutscenes with the shoulder button. You fucking faggot.
>twin stick in the future
I'm from the future and gyro aiming is the standard for console shooters.
>new wrapping for old shit
were the pyramids built by aliens Ancient astronauts theorist say yes
I notice the colours of the shapes are gone, thanks to you.
I did not have a problem with the controller before but now I do. Thanks
will it have a decent internal battery this time or will it only last for 4 hour again?
its a tranny metaphor you just don't understand it unless you snip your dick off