You fucking ingrates were so wrong about this game, this board has been fucked. It has the perfect amount of fan service and the perfect amount of modernization, the gore was wasnt stripped theres literally a scene where a zombies intestines explode the particles were just lessened because the current hardware on console wouldve exploded if not. Play this game
You fucking ingrates were so wrong about this game, this board has been fucked...
Nobody said you're not allowed to like it, but people expected more, I expected Carlos not to be a hideous mongrel and having to use his BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING ALTERNATIVE LOOK THAT I HOPE PEOPLE WHO DON'T USE IT GET FUCKING CANCER. God bless em and god bless you OP.
Looks like a boring cunt, no thanks.
literally 4 hours of content but nooo lets add a shitty multiplayer. surely thats not a waste of resources.
based, played with carlos's classic look it was great, new carlos wasn't bad
Good, original Carlos was classy, he didn't look like a dropout pot lover
>4 hours
easily 6-7 if you explore everything and not rush
>cut content from 6 hour game, add multiplayer instead
Eat dick capcum dicksucker.
I hate that nemesis turns into a dog that quickly and you have 2 very similar boss fights with it. The demo made me think that he’ll appear at different points through out the game and chase you around, instead that downtown area was his only real chase. what a fucking let down.
I like it overall but it has a ton of problems.
>Nemesis is fun but wasted potential, not enough classic-style encounters
>intro is too long and scripted, makes replays a chore
>the city environments look great but are far too brief
>sewer looks identical to RE2make while having a much simpler layout, same with NEST 2
>warehouse area is a dull mess
>puzzles are practically non-existent
>zombies have been significantly dumbed down from RE2make, limb/gore system is barely functional so it's better to just shoot them in the head until they die
>zombies are also more annoying to fight because of no counter items, the dodge isn't a straight replacement and they didn't change how zombies move/attack at all
>while hunters are cool, their instakill attack is poorly telegraphed, and can happen even when you're at full health (unlike other games)
>Carlos steals too much of the spotlight, he takes the RPD from Jill, and gets a whole extended hospital area which is the second largest map of the game
>Nemesis doesn't show up in the RPD or the Hospital
>the last hospital section where you fight off enemy waves is tedious and out of place, a poor copy of RE4
>final two Nemesis boss fights on Nightmare/Inferno are bullshit, can easily get stunlocked to death
>Jill has a massive delay on reloading after firing for some reason, and since you can't dodge while reloading it can get very frustrating
>Pale Heads are lazy, just zombie reskins taken from RE2make's Ghost Survivors mode
>QTEs feel totally out of place, the fact that they only show up at the start and end of the game adds to that
>when you're allowed to knock out Nemesis to get drops is arbitrary, in some sequences he is invulnerable with no explanation
>no ink ribbons at all
>game design is very reliant on autosaves/checkpoints, lots of "do it right or immediately die" moments
>didn't fix RE2make's janky AI/door interactions, if anything it made it worse and gave the player tons of opportunities to cheese enemies
FUCK YOU CARLOS HAVING MORE SCREEN TIME IS NOT A PROBLEM YOU MAN HATING RETARD. I'm sorry you had 10 less minuts to jerk it to Jill.
The problem is that Jill is the protagonist, there are no stakes as Carlos. All the shit you're collecting is ultimately just so you can waste it all on the not-RE4 action sequence.
If Jill it had more areas of her own it would be fine, it's the proportion that's the problem. There's an obvious gap in content between the RPD and hospital sequences, Jill only gets a boss fight and then you're back to Carlos again.
Reminder to always do the opposite of the most spammed opinion on Yas Forums
why is everyone so gay for carlos, he was alright
They should have just given rpd to jill and squeeze in another nemesis encounter like the original, maybe they could have had him smash the wall where the diamond key was.
oops meant spade key
You must be a zoomer. This game is fucking awful, and a huge insult to the original RE3.
I 100% believe that the RE2make devs made that smashed wall thinking it was caused by Nemesis, RE3make turned it into Carlos because it took less resources than having a Nemesis encounter.
>the last hospital section where you fight off enemy waves is tedious and out of place, a poor copy of RE4
I just did this, and I'm not sure if I want to keep going. The scripted chases and QTE nonsense were bad enough, but this is where it just became completely apparent that this is just another RE6 or Revelations. This game was not made for fans of the original.
I enjoyed it. Adding more Carlos was fun for the variation. A couple key areas were removed, but they added in some fun new ones. Most people seem disappointed because their expectation was a 1:1 copy of the original.
Nemesis needed to be stalking you 24/7 as Jill. That's about my only complaint. The game is most fun when you're running around frantically trying to give yourself 30 seconds of peace trying to get to the next objective after downing Nemesis.
Am I a pussy if I start hardcore or any other harder difficulty with some stuff bought in the Shop? But nevermind that, let's say i want some stuff, but not all so it won't be too easy. Would you anons recommend
>2 attack coins
>device that creates more ammo
for hardcore and inferno runs?
I might start no item box run (trophy) on Standard, but with 1 bought pouch.
Why are you so opposed to having a male protagonist? You hate men or something?
You just said the PC edition is being held back graphically to pander to console faggots.
Fuck people who actually lower settings on pc.
99,9999% of the people are gay for him as a joke here.
Though there is a lot of gay porn for some reason, I guess it's because it's been A LONG WHILE with a new game with a hot protagonist, for some reason nobody finds the men in Greedfall and Outer Worlds hot.
Default Carlos is hideous tho.
Leon is hotter than Carlos.
They started pandering to SJW and paid the toll
this model is ugly and you should feel like a jackass for using it. Faggot
Game made me think of mgs4 more than anything else, the mechanics are sharp as a knife but they're wasted on shitty linear set pieces and the areas where they're allowed to breath are so brief that it makes the core gameplay feel almost like a disposable gimmick.
Changing Jill costume and sex appeal turned many people off the game
The excuses were fucking retarded
I enjoyed it but it's too short.
I agree with everything.
I stopped playing the game on the acid nemesis waste disposal battle and just watched the end of the game on Youtube. It just wasn't fun but became super cheesy and repetitive.
Jill in RE1 = strong
Jill in OG RE3 = weak
Jill in RE3 remake = bitchy
The only problem in this remake is too many curse words, but for this I blame English language (American English in this case) because profanities in English are just... weak. But other than that, there is nothing wrong with this new Jill.
It's literally the same model you retard, he just cut that mop of a hair the default one has and he shaved. He looks more white this way, which you must hate since you love big mexican dick.
Imagine thinking that some fucking visual design choices are why this game failed and not the dozens upon dozens of poor design choices
Nobody gave a shit that claire ditched her jorts.
This is my biggest problem aswell with DE3, not enough of (this) before he becomes a fishdog and 2 identical boss fights before final.
>I guess it's because it's been A LONG WHILE with a new game with a hot protagonist
DMCV and REmake 2 came out just last year though
>the new Carlos is ugl–
Based. Anything to avoid disgusting greasy Carlos. What a fuck up. The concept art looked ok, but execution was awful.
>Perfect amount of fan service
Where was the fan service?
>intro too long
For a game with only like 2/3 hours content, it relies on replays.
I shouldn’t have to sit through so much scripted shit and unskippable dialogue to get back into the action. They should patch in the ability to start at the subway.
The new Carlos is ok but I'm glad I went with the non-hobo version my first playthrough.
Brad's death was absolute shit. In the original it sets the tone that Nemesis is not to be fucked with and in this one he dies off screen.
Right from San Francisco's tent city.
>Off screen
So you didn't shoot him.
Hes already dead once you meet him as Carlos. Killing zombrad doesn’t count.
RE3 On the PS1 was my favorite game, i'm not buying (nor pirating this) since it will just ruin the good memories i have of it.
Yes I meant his human demise.
You obviously never played OG RE2. Because if you did, then you'd know that this death by the hand of Nemesis makes no sense.
>first part of RE3 happens before RE2, and the second part after RE2
>Nemesis blows Brad's face with his tentacles
>in RE2, Brad appears as a regular zombie (if you don't pick up a sigle ammo on your way to the police station) and his head is pretty much intact
>incorporating a mod into a discussion about character design
>liking mop head, filthy street Mexican looking Carlos
>being a homosexual
Get your shit straight, boy
Yes and he has a claw mark on his back implying Birkin killed him. Still the cutscene of his death in original RE3 was excellent despite it not making sense with RE2.
Funny. I agree with all of this but still have 40 hours and am about to do my S Rank inferno run.
I'm so glad I refunded thia piece of shit, its made for people that don't like classic resident evil and shits all over what made RE3 good.
must be why this exists anyway and every outfit has a ton of breast jiggle
>S Rank inferno run
Jesus. And I'm not certain if I'll beat hardcore without shop items lol.
How doesn't it make sense? His zombie form in OGRE2 had a blown out face
b-but they turned her skirt into a skort!!11!!!!11!
I mean giving the tech they had back then, they made is his face look as messed up as they can.
The original still exist autist
>hurr you can't say new RE3 is bad because old RE3 was the worst of trilogy anyway
Why do people that unironically say this exist?
its ok to see human heads explode but god forbid you see a womans vulva shape through her panties
> it has the perfect amount of fan service
> cuts Brad's original death scene from the original
Brad now just dies due to getting bitten instead of being impaled by Nemesis which also worked as Nemesis' introduction to the player
> cuts Clock Tower
1st Section cut from the game
> cuts original reveal of Nemesis' return at the Clock Tower
Now Nemesis just stumbles out of the subway and into the river, before randomly transforming within seconds, also loses Nemesis shooting down the Rescue Helicopter which is now at the start when we already know Nemesis is still alive so the even is completely expected.
> cuts Bridge encounter
It's just gone.
> cuts Parklands
2nd Section cut from the game
> cuts Nikolai Gas Station sabotage
> cuts Hospital Bomb
Basically forcing them to exaggerate Nikolai's villainous tendencies for the remaining encounters which ends up making him comical in RE3R.
> cuts Nikolai Chopper Encounter
Instead just shoot Nikolai once and leave him for dead.
> cuts Spiders, Brain Suckers & Gravedigger
Replaced with Lickers, Parasite Zombies and Pale Heads, why couldn't we have had all six?
> cuts Dead Factory
3rd Section cut from the game, and replaced with NEST 2
> cuts Puzzles
Now two puzzles, one of which is barely even a puzzle (Subway Co-ordinates) and the other an extremely simplified variant of Water Filter.
His head is intact, as you can see, but he has visible marks on his neck. Normal assumption is that a zombie bit him.
Of course, I doubt that Capcom was planning on making NEMESIS when RE2 came out (and, as you probably know, the planned RE2 with Leon Kennedy and Elza Walker wasn't the one we got in the end), which means they could make his death.. I don't know. Better? Like, Nemesis appears, grabs Brad with his tentacles, and throws him to the ewall, breaking his neck. Zombies can walk with broken neck??
>it's a joke
It's not tho. Yas Forums is the gayest board, full of self-loathing gays
My favorite always was RE2 and I'm very happy with RE2make, RE3make is a joke and a spit in the face of the fans.
i feel the same way, everything you have said is correct but i still enjoyed it also