Trials of Mana

Mind if you show me your receipt of my game?

Attached: .webm (994x560, 2.93M)

Other urls found in this thread:

any definitive answer whether or not the ps4 version is censored

Riesz for smash when?

>thought it was an ass
>not even that

Jesus christ

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Is this gonna be a 15 hour rpg or can I get a good chunk of hours out of this?

Psoy 4 means always censored

Why can't I post outside of incognito mode?


Thighs > ass > tits

thighs > tits > ass

Attached: z2l32n7.jpg (1022x946, 80.33K)

Nah, ass is better, though it's not like the power gap is especially wide, and the important thing is you're a fellow thighchad.

It's not, just retards and memesters parroting shit because they can't stop being console warring faggots.

This is how it looks.

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U guys excited?

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sure, have fun fucking your someones thighs
not like you could, even if you would

thanks, i guess

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How do you get these camera angles? Asking for a friend.

Feet > Thighs > Tits > Ass

Attached: 1508404057658.png (500x500, 106.57K)

I have literally done that, it was fucking great. She jerked me off with the back of her knee, too, but that doesn't really work as well as it should, despite how hot it is in concept.

Legs = Thighs > Ass > Tits > Feet

Attached: 1533270868519.jpg (1200x675, 109.03K)


kirishima satoshi convinced me to get this game and play as riesz


Attached: 1584113575032.gif (224x233, 896.98K)

Neck > Pits > Feet = Hands

See, he gets it.

Literally and unironically based

Thighs still marginally superior to legs tho

Lips > Ass > Legs > Thighs > Tits > Feet

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you know humans have the ability to move their legs right, its really easy to fuck thighs

yeah im thinking hes based

pits > gaping void of irrelevance > the rest
also, riesz, angela, charlotte is what I used in the demo

Coomers should stop taint Mana games with your semen brain mindset.

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how is her shoulder armor connected to the rest of her outfit

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they censored the boobs jiggle

No they didn't, fuck off.

I like the way you think, but I'm not sure about separating thighs from legs in general, it's needlessly separating the best part of the leg from the rest of it when the whole package is the best thing.

>semen brain

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Fuck off Doctor Eggman, you are not even interested in women.

Bros, I'm legitimately excited for this game, the first time it's happened in forever. I loved the demo and never played the SFC/SNES version.

I'm thinking of going Hawkeye/Angela/Reisz for my first playthrough, thoughts?

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Which classes?

are you supposed to switch characters constantly
in the demo boss the AIs were just standing in the aoe indicators and nearly died by the end of it

>msg_sys_cmn_linkability035_DefaultText Defeating Black Rabite has granted you a new ability!

>msg_sys_cmn_linkability037_DefaultText Defeating Anise within 60 sec. has granted you a new ability!

>msg_sys_cmn_linkability038_DefaultText Defeating Anise on hard mode within 60 sec. has granted you a new ability!

Attached: 1579337459691.png (346x357, 169.1K)

Face > Thighs > Lips > Hips > Belly > Ass > Tits >> Legs >> Pits > Feet > Arms > Back > Hands

Cum myself. I do not settle for under a 7.

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What makes this game great? I love Angela but I need more than a pretty retro JRPG girl to buy this.

Not sure, I plan on going in as blind as I can. Probably a caster, a ranger, and a faster melee class, whichever those are in the game.

prove it

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Sounds like a good team. I never played Hawkeye in the original but apparently he's busted, some guy posted a picture of him doing like 1,000 damage with something in the demo so I'm guessing he still is. Having Riesz in the team with him also gives you extra dialogue and interactions so it's a good team all around.

The game encourages you to change characters, yeah, especially if you need a specific skill or spell at a certain moment. I'm afraid the problem you describe might be harder to avoid though, we'll probably have to baby the AI characters most of the time.

Personally I really like the music and the locations, the game has a lot of charm and they have managed to actually translate that very well to 3D
Gameplay is simple but fun, you can try out the demo yourself and see if the game is for you.

It has been extended with new content, plus every section of it I played in the demo took a bit longer than it would have in the SNES game. But, who knows. I think it will be longer but not significantly longer.

Fair enough, I'll try it. Haven't had a nice, classic RPG experience in a long time.

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Hawkeye, Riesz, Angela
Gimme dat low offensive high spells strat. I feel like Kevin and Duran will make this game too easy though I will use all of the characters eventually.

Whoa there Charles Dickens. Good job though thanks.

But seriously guys, is the PS4 version censored in any way? I have both a Switch and PS4 but the Switch will certainly have graphic issues, so I need to know if it's worth it.

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>classic RPG experience
That's pretty much the main appeal, yeah.
Playing the demo felt pretty much like playing a Super Nintendo RPG, something that only Dragon Quest XI managed for me in recent years.

I wouldn't expect the PS4 version to have any more or less censorship than the Switch one. Angela's ass is cut from both of them.

It is not.
Notice how literally none of the people shitposting about this ever post proof? It's all memes and console war faggotry.

Of course he is, he's a feminist

Light hawkeye: loads of weird dryad/luna spells and/or trap spells
Dark hawkeye: stat debuffing elemental spells
Light Riesz: stat buffs
Dark Riesz: stat debuffs (only pick if going light with hawkeye)
Light Angela: level 1+2 target all elemental spells
Dark Angela: level 1 target all+level 3 target one spells

There are more details than that. I am sure the old-as-internet FAQs for SD3 will still be relevant.

IMO, going by the original game:
>Solid Final Fantasy-like storytelling
>Charming/fun characters
>Large explorable world for its day
>Day/Night system
>Multi-linear progression, events change depending on your characters, three separate groups of antagonists with their associated final dungeons and bosses.
>Great looking game visually, the magic and tech animations (of which there are dozens and dozens) look particularly awesome
>Hiroki Kikuta's soundtrack is also really good, and quite unique.
>Difficulty level was right, at least for me

It remains to be seen how the remake compares. I have high hopes.

I'm in.

Here. Now to see if corona-chan lets it get shipped.

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I'm considering the digital version so I can get it guaranteed on the 24th but my local currency is plummeting something fierce, the digital version would be more expensive than the one I already ordered from Amazon.

I bought it on Steam so I don't have a receipt.

Also, Angela is best girl and I would sell my soul to have her sit on my face for even just five minutes.

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Is it true that in the SNES version the all girls team was also one of the weakest?
Seeing how everything points to the remake being easier, that might not be a bad thing anymore.