We tried to warn you one time...

We tried to warn you one time, to not support the pro-tranny homossexual company that makes subversive videogames with leftists and mentally ill transsexual fanbase Sony. But you didn't listen it.
Don't be fooled this second time. It's your last chance. Buy a Xbox and convert youself to Christ.

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I don’t agree with what they did story wise but don’t they get to have freedom of speech in America? Why not just not by the game instead of wanting them to be shut down by force?

Remember the jews, they are satan worshippers and behind the Last of Us game.

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you tell'm OP.
You're a gamer goddamn it and you won't take it anymore.

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It’s not about freedom of speech it’s about not shutting the fuck up

>the church is the real enemy
That shit is getting stale, I would love a game where the MC pulls a Ky Kiske, they know about the problemas in their organization but that isn't enough for them to lose their faith and actually try to change things without the whole "fuck religion" and "Imma kill god".

Fact: Gay characters, that aren't created as blantant political agenda's are more interesting than a normal straight protagonist


Yeah, I guess I can see that.

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OP didn't say anything about the use of force you hyperbolic faggot.

This, honestly. Characters like Ky are such a refreshing change of pace instead of the whole 'CHURCH BAD. FAITH BAD. GOD BAD' schtick ad infinitum stories keep relying on in some lazy and vain attempt to seem intelligent.

Wasn't this series about post-apocalypse caused by some disease generating a zombie uprise or something?

>why is druckman such a dishonest cunt?!
Gee, I wonder (((why))).

American protestants aren't christian

Fact: You're a dumb faggot with AIDS

No one actually likes faggots and an average, normal human being is disgusted with fags.

Catholics aren't Christians

There, we done now? Also the bible belt isn't part of America, while we're at it.

No one cares about TLOU2

Yeah something about a fungus, but everything has to be about bourgeois homo issues these days.

Catholics don’t even believe in Jesus

I will, thank you fren

>Buy a Xbox and convert youself to Christ.
They are s o i injected already, so no use...
Pc gaming, might be our last hope...

t. papist
go sacrifice a goat to your pagan gods in disguise as saints.

Who the fuck cares? You want an actual reason the game will be shit? It wants to be a movie and not a fucking game.


What did you expect when the creative director and lead co-writer is literally a Jew from Israel?

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because muslims just love fags

Why does resetera feel the need to falseflag as their supposed opposition in order to rile people up on this board?

Eastern Orthodox? Anglican?

Very original. I've never seen media take such a stunning and brave position before

Divide and conquer, my money's on jew.

>Heebs ripping on other races and religions while being immune to criticism due to holocaust guilt

Like said. So original. Much brave.

When they are dead...

>Well written gay protagonist > generic normal protagonist
who would have thought

Sony and Naughty Dog are taking some big risks with this one. I'm surprised those damned dirty WASPs running the banks haven't pulled some trickery to mess with their money yet.

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I hope everyone stays safe when playing this game. Pay with cash and DO NOT keep receipts.

if this is true i'm 100% buying this game

>wasting resources by not reproducing
>especially when you have immunity to the zombie mushroom
>religious faction wastes resources on raids to take out a few fags

Holy shit, this can’t be real. 7 years to make a sequel and this is the best story they can come up with? Chapo-Tier identity politics? I was considering renting this from Redbox just to see what happened to Joel but even that seems like a waste of money now. Honestly kinda surprised the devs aren’t mailing themselves death threats or something to generate “controversy” to gain sales and twitter morality points.

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Didnt the pope already say gays are ok a while ago? Why are liberal trannies still picking a fight?


At least the religious faction reproduce, and they are all immun to the mushroom too...

If they’re pumping out babies and are immune, aren’t they basically humanity’s last realistic hope? How the fuck are they even the bad guys in that situation.

They require the narrative that the evil christcucks are out to get them or people realise what they really are, loud entitled assholes who took a mile after being offered an inch. It's not about acceptance, it's about tolerance, think about what else you build a tolerance to and what that word really means. Gays are statistically overrepresented in media, they're only 2% of the population yet are everywhere in media.

>game is about killing christians
>someohow we're the ones full of hatred

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how do we know they’re immune?



I read a screencap of a leak posted here
Leak also claimed, that Elly's mother was part of that group (or was it the father)

>thinking that non-catholic hicks listen to, much less like, the pope
Catholics aren't saints themselves but at least they're refined about it

Based, fuck Christians

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Not better than a normal straight protag. Gay characters are better than tolerable when they aren't written to pander though.

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Most catholics don't like the pope either.

wew that edge

the censor the word god, then proceed to goosh over the Israeli shit.
(((wonder why)))

>Wasn't this series about post-apocalypse caused by some disease generating a zombie uprise or something?

Yeah, I'm sure that's what you thought, since you're a white male. How do you think the disease got started? It was created by white supremacist incels to wipe out the rest of the humanity, which shockingly backfired on them ruining the entire world. Does it also surprise you that they were Christians?

Jokes aside, if they really do this normies are going to be so pissed

fuck christcucks desu
imagine acting like a moralfag on Yas Forums lmao

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>game set in post-apocalyptic shithole overrun by zombies and every form of nigger that will KOS you for shoes or the chance of food
>try and hamfist sexuality and literal jewery into it
Fucking Christ

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>whiny homo persecution propaganda
Fucking yawn

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Jew writer so no.

I just won't but the game. Buying a xbone from bill "covid depopulator" gates for it's 0 exclusives is pointless.

normies will eat it up because of muh graphics, violence and movie "game"

Fuck sakes this world needs a restart

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You know what’s funny, this Jewish pride thing is something so American that no one cares, it’s incredible that he hammfisted this shit there. It’s like those Brazilian devs that made Dandara, it’s a homage to a slave frombrazil. Who the fuck cares you fucking idiots, do something good with your game for once

any free sex games


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Get fucked christians. There's no place for you here anyway, This is an atheist board. Fuck off.

decided to skip this one when they showed the first gameplay and every bit of news thats come out about it since reinforced that being the right decision

Normies? Pissed? About what? That goes along with their programming 100%.

Color me surprised.

>he doesn't know hellsing kino
for shame

>righty whitey angery

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Everyone grew up and decided to better themselves instead of being edgy teenagers forever, user.

Baiting zoomers with religion is so easy on Yas Forums. 4chin went down the shitter after 2014 didn't it..

Explain that pic

I use my brother to see what normies think because he is the normiest as you could get, he is tired of shoehorning I’d polítics into everything, he just wants to play stuff, kill stuff and have a good time, it will be funny to see what he will think of this fucking movie game

false flag leftie, pls

Bill has no hand in the xbox franchise at all

Make a game talking about how tikun olam makes Jewish people control everything, I’m sure that will work out for you

Fuck christians and fuck jannies.

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>Explain that pic

Friendly reminder to never spoonfeed a go*gle-bot

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Zoomers aren't religious at all you dumb faggot

Difference being, Dandara was made by Brazilians that actually talked about something of their history, didn't shoehorn SJW shit in a preexisting franchise created by whites.

Yas Forums always said it, if you care so much do it yourself, and those hue hue devs did.

Normies, not npc drones like Angry Joe, I’m talking about people that don’t follow any of this shit we do and just want to play the new thing

>Everyone grew up and decided to better themselves instead of being edgy teenagers forever, user.

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Yeah yeah I get that, I was more talking about how in a worldwide perspective no one cares , and it’s something that American companies usually forget, everyone in the world will consume their product

actually, when degeneracy is establishment - being moralfag is the ONLY right course for this site.

You know maybe if fags stopped making everyone an enemy they wouldn't have so many

The first requirement for a waifu is that she is fapable, and these two fails miserably

that’s so stupid that I believe it

it used to be cool back when it WASN'T mandatory

Everything has someone that can fap to it. Everything.

I'm a muslim and this grosses me out as well

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But they're butthurt about religion, zoomer.

>Dikes xD
>Toxic males xD
>Woman strong xD
>Men weak xD

Christfags on suicide watch

You sound like an angry reactionary.

they're butthurt about everything, period.

silly user. freedom of speech is only okay when you want to say the n word

Those aren't normies, those are uneducated rednecks.