Bros thanks to Joseph Anderson I have so much newfound appreciation for the Witcher 1 and the rest of the seies

Bros thanks to Joseph Anderson I have so much newfound appreciation for the Witcher 1 and the rest of the seies.

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LOL his book failed.


A boy flees from his home after witnessing it being burned to the ground by a dragon. In trying to escape with his life, he stumbles upon a magical tower and its owner: a powerful but mysterious wizard. The boy finds a safe haven in the tower's walls but soon finds that not all is as it appears to be. There is danger lurking below the tower.

why do you need someone else to tell you how to think/feel about something


oh no no no no no....

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its not about telling you how to feel its more about listening to someone articulate what you already viscerally feel about something.

What would a Witcher book written by JA be like?

if he was articulate then he wouldn't make multi hour long videos


run away little boy the wizard is a nambla

why do you watch him? seems to twist your panties just seeing a thread about him

I don't watch him

so you're just dumb and cant form the opinions on your own?
like do you play a game, you do/dont like something, but you cant figure it out?

Mind-numbingly based

woah imagine if someone had a different perspective than you do

>blah blah length
someone on codex told you to explain what you meant one time and you couldn't do it lmao


just seething in general then?

You're confusing articulation with succinct.


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no, I really am not.
if you take over an hour to get your point across you did a bad job at getting your point across.

isn't he the faggot with the video telling people not to play The Witness, one of the 2 best puzzle games of recent generations? what a shitlord he should kill himself


The other video is better.

Or that his points are multi-faceted and he wants to elaborate on them to fully make his point. Maybe you want a big number at the end of a five minute video instead?

Friendly reminder that this guy has a discord that coordinates shill threads on both Yas Forums and reddit.

I can't imagine a more Reddit videogame youtuber than this. Just some sperg who thinks a little bit of knowledge plus a shitload of word spam makes him an objective authority that anyone would be incorrect to disagree with in any way. What a cunt

wrong. as the other user said, get your fucking point across, talking forever doesn't make you a genius.

what a fucking nigger

>too many unnecessary words

It's not too bad here, but it's a complete shitshow on reddit with all the vote manipulation.

lol matosis is so inconsistent

This isn't actually his writing right? You're just joking around, right?

>JA fans on reddit upvote JA content and downvote negative JA content
no problems
>JA fans on reddit upvote JA content and downvote negative JA content and discuss it on discord
shills! vote manipulation!

There are other videgame critics on youtube who make better points in much less time. Not that user btw. I havent watched this new video but every time I've tried watching him its just him repeating the same points in different ways over and over and over again. Its kind of like when you were in college english class writing a paper and you needed to hit a certain word count. You run out of shit to say before you even hit the halfway mark, so you just start repeating the same things but using different words to pad it out. Thats how Joseph writes. He needs someone to edit the enormous amount of fat in his writing.

if you actually watch his vids you see that he's not just rhetorically fluffing it up. If he weren't elaborating with such detail you fucks would just go the other way, saying his arguments are weak cause he doesn't provide enough evidence
>introduce point
>analysis, and so on

i like his content as i like to listen to people talk about my hobby as i dont actually have anyone to discuss it with

Eh its his opinions

If he shortened his points I wouldn't be watching his content anyway because he is an idiot

It's an interesting premise. Maybe not the most original but grounds for an interesting fantasy story. What's so wrong with it? And what is the name of the book?

He backs up his points with examples and while you could say that he drum rolls the shit pretty hard, I feel that you kind of have to if you're criticizing some of the games that he criticizes for some of the points he criticizes them for.

I wish you'd shorten your shitty posts so no one would have to read them

He managed to express why I liked the Witcher world so much. The world building succeeds so much not because of the Lore but the atmosphere. Its a realist take on what if humans existed along side magic and monsters and how society reacts.

I haven't started his witcher video yet, is this just for the first or does he make it through the whole series?

first game, also he said this video is gonna be the shortest out of 3

I don't remember much about the Witcher 1.
A castle gets burned, a village gets burned, fuck-all happens for a few hours then everything burns.

I didn't care for the mish-mash approach to fantasy. It had a "fantasy monsters as riff-raff, elves are delusional bandits, mages are sluts etc" but also riffs on fairytales in their own context and also modern stuff like Lovecraft. Wish it just stuck with one.

Im gonna read the books now. He said in his several hundreds of hours with the franchise the books were the most well spent.

suck my cock m8

Its essentially Shrek. All myths and fairy tails are kinda real. The kicker and draw of the series is that its a realistic take on it.

I personally think the weakest parts of the series is the Geopolitical aspects that things like Throne Breaker focused heavily upon.

This guy's Danganronpa streams are the biggest, most awful, most annoying playthroughs in vidya history. By the end of each game, everything to him is either a plot hole, or an art error, or not realistic enough, and he almost never considers the idea that maybe he just wasn't paying attention to the story.

Like when it's revealed that people in the simulation die in real life, and he goes "HURR WHY WOULD THEY PROGRAM IT TO DO THAT?" when the game stated just minutes ago that the program was designed to be so realistic that the brain couldn't tell the difference. Has he not seen The Matrix?

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>reading non-canon
Oh, sweetie

>art error
what does that even mean

honestly, thats really dumb if thats the explanation the game gives though

Are you really mad that the dude that likes fantasy, doesn't dig on dumb sci-fi shit like DR? I would imagine he had a similar reaction to the Metal Gear franchise.

This, books are trash

brevity is the soul of wit

I like his analysis but I dont think hes as good at analyzing some of the more objective aspects. He missed pretty hard in his Witness review. I dont think he will "get" a game like Death Stranding.

you never read the books so your opinion doesn't matter

this is just his opinions though like said. whats so bad about this?
>he's an idiot
what is he getting wrong though? he seems to get everything, but just doesnt agree with how impactful it was in the end


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