

Attached: holy trinity jrpgs.png (781x748, 335.25K)

It's not even fucking out.

its been out for 8 days nigga

>no Cold Steel
Yeah, no.

The definitive edition of DQ11 is only on Switch though.

JRPGs fucking suck

Kiseki is shit and doesn't belong on any list of good games.

Ys VIII however should be on there.


>worse graphics
>worse music
>non-canon marriage options


DQ11 is a fine game but the gameplay is fairly shallow and it falls apart in the third act. There's no way it could be one of the best 3.
FF7R is barely a JRPG anymore and is an incomplete game with extremely limited customization by JRPG standards and extremely barebones combat by action game standards.
P5 is pretty good and probably belongs here.
Now step aside for the real king of JRPGs, one of the only series that still remembers what the soul of JRPG is all about.

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>worse graphics
>worse music
If you care about that shit more than the additions, then PC is the definitive version, not PS4.

It is out idiot.

That's how we know the game is mostly good up until Nomura shits the bed with time traveling ghost jannies and then the party kills fate itself.

where's smt4?

>playing JRPGs on PC

No. PS4 is the perfect and comfiest console for weeb games.

PC graphics for the game are the same as the PS4 version. The additions ruin the game. They added a 2D version because they knew the 3D mode would be too much for switch hardware.

Fixed it, don't be so obvious next time.

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>tokyo mirage sessions

Uhhhhh Nier Automata should be on there

>kekly default
I too enjoy linear and lazy dungeon design.

>PC graphics for the game are the same as the PS4 version
Not even close ps4kek

>pc graphics are the same as ps4
>quality of life and more content additions ruin the game
I can smell the buyer's remorse.

Man, you are talking about stuff worthy of a mobile game.

>XC2cuck BTFO

>no Xenoblade

Replace FF7 with cold steel and you'd actually be right

>orchestrated music
>able to marry Jade/Serena/Veronica
holy fuck you're retarded

Sorry but if your game has censorship it isn't weeb enough

>orchestrated music
a huge fucking meme from people who don't even like Dragon Quest music to begin with

>Tokyo Censored Sessions

Persona is a dating sim, not a full jrpg

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Persona 5? Are you serious? I could only accept that if you never played a Persona game before and you only watch capeshit and bottom tier anime. That's the only way that inclusion makes sense...

>shitch games

real talk

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Replace FF7 with XBC2 and it's accurate

Shills getting desperate. Just like the ones saying Doom Eternal is "one of the top 5 shooters of all time". Like damn, it wasn't a terrible game, but 'top 5 shooters of all time'? Holy shit. lol

Replace ff7 with kh3 remind

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>shitch borts


JRPGs are dead and have been dead since the PS2 died. Maybe since the DS died.

>If you care about that shit more than the additions, then PC is the definitive version, not PS4.
I like how nincels immediately bring in PC just to justify their inferior Switchlet version with even worse graphics and content.

Still not the best version by any metric.

you mean replace p5 with it

3 of them combine still lose to pokemon sales

Lmao, shit for 12 years girls


I really need to grab the newest Dragon Quest

>worse music
>preferring midi shit

Die retard

remove purse owner

True holy trinity

Here you go, fixed it for you guys

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>switch version
>worse content
Is this nigga serious?

Based Kisekibro

Stop calling ff7 RE IMAGINED an rpg. It's a fucking chernobyl reactor explosion fueled by nostalgia and horrific story telling.

My god who the fuck green lit that story! IGN gave it a 10/10. Go figure. If they wanted to make ff7 HD they should have made that. If they wanted to make FF7-2 they should have made that. But that be too much wouldn't it?

In the bargain bin

stop being upset over not knowing what remake means nigger

You not liking it doesn't make it not an RPG.

Also IGN didn't give it 10/10.


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Man it feels good loving video games. Hope you guys are having fun with all these games and don't let Yas Forums's biterrness and TORtanic's obsession get to you

Ys VIII hot shit

This, but also by replacing P5 with Ys VIIII

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Yeah the fact that its an action game does.


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>Persona 5
>Story about chuni schoolers with toy guns
>Rated M for Mature
Every. Fucking. Time

Ys is a shitty budget tales

>PS4 dragon quest 11
Cope and seethe and have sex snoylent, switch version is superior, also
>15$ dlc at best
>Buying the same game twice
>On the same console

Stop being a Square Enix cluck not knowing what "remake" means nigger.

The game has been leaked - it didn't 'remake' anything. Your mother made a mistake the night you were conceived.

>Expected Shitty game
>Got Shitty Dinosaurs
No wonder

>Xenoblade Chronicles X
>Fire Emblem: Three Houses
>Persona 5 Royal

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Wasn't meant to quote

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Does FFVIIR even classify as a JRPG anymore? It's just an action game now.

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>Weeb shit