Granblue Fantasy

So how are you guys enjoying the new characters? I think the presentation for Djeeta is absolutely fantastic, but I've mainly been dicking around with Soriz online. He feels great imo, with nice buttons and moves, but he doesn't feel like he excels at too much either, when there's a lot of characters that do. I'm piss-poor at the game still so my opinion means basically nil, but I am excited to see what people figure out with him. So far he at least seems like he can stick on people well enough, with his unique pec-counter keeping the gap walled off. Shame his install seems completely fucking useless, but maybe I'm under utilizing it.

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I see people using the armor move to grab

My thoughs so far are:
Soriz is cool but sucks so far.
Djeeta was a waste of time, just a worse version of Gran.

I'm on PC because that's what released for EU first.

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Soriz and DJ are mostly unexplored characters as of yet. We'd need proper framedata and hitbox analysis to say whether they're good or not.

I'm mostly curious about how much better fundoshi mode is for Soriz as far as special moves go. Because you don't see that being used all that much in online battles yet.

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Soriz revitalized my interest in this game. He's like Old Joseph Joestar and has a bad ass theme song

I know Soriz's frame data is already up on Dustloop, I think they're still working on Djeeta's.

I think the problem with them is that they're balanced around how the game is GOING to be, not how it is right now.

Some of those numbers look almost nonsensical, which is a bit weird. I can't test any of them as a pcfag. But like the L and M kicks make it seem like the M kick is worse in every way.

Did they run out of time for the bosses in this game? Cause aside from Egg Emperor they kinda all suck.
>eagle hawk spends most of the time missing you
>reused assets for Albatross
>awful awful team battles
>boring gauntlets

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Whoops, this isn't the right thread.
>can't delete because "Our system thinks your post is spam."

Pirated the game yesterday. It's surprisingly fun, which I didn't expect at all. Their asking price for it seems ridiculous though.
Also what the fuck is that RPG mode? Is that for GBF fans who want to grind some more?

Soriz tactic = strip down and spam pic related to chip them to death?

Djeeta tactic = just do Gran shit minus boot, plus better fireball?

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Do you think granblue will be at evo 2021 or will it get replaced by then? asking cause evo this year might not happen

It might replace DBFZ but not sure yet. Depends on whether they're able to nurture the online community long enough. Current system will probably be fine for Japan, but kill it in the west desu.

How's your ranked doing? Or are all just lobbylabbing now? Which would be the better way to learn anyway?

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Where's the camera mod to look at Djeeta's panties?

ranked is better overall if you plan on learning the fundamentals of the game, while lobbies are better for learning matchups because of the potentially longer sets

Opinions on Jiyuna's taste in DLC?

Who cares what this fag thinks. Happened to stumble on his stream when he was going over the patch notes and banning everyone who was linking them in chat because he thought it would take viewers off him. Just another obnoxious FGC personality like Maximillian or whatever but instead of the childish youtube OMG HYPE DOODS gimmick he does the edgy twitch streamer yo fuck you gimmick.

Im currently B1. Im aiming for atleast A3 since they buffed zeta and Im enjoying it again. At least my AA works now and can snipe ferry j.H

I was excited for Soriz but I don't really like his playstyle. Waiting for Zoi now.

I mean its fine? Especially birdman and Lecia but fuck Jiyuna

So does Percivals command grab have any purpose other than corner pressure?
Also I tried to play Lancelot the other day and god damn hes like a combination of Jin and Seth. Very fun to play but hell on my fingers

XSeele can converted into a combo if you have stocks

dead game. waste of 60 bucks.

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>made someone rage-quit
Bro I'm not even good, how the fuck you gonna lose to some retard mashing buttons

>Eustace, Siegman
Ah yes, we totally need more members of groups already in the game
Just no
>Lucius, Siete
Actually decent choices
See point about Eustace
Good choice
No one actually likes her to the point they wrote her out of the story despite basically joining the main cast
>Strum, Monika
decent-ish choices, but if you want Monika why the fuck would you want Lecia out of all people
6/10, you get a passing grade but get the fuck out of my classroom

Shit taste, birdman is cool

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fuck off Jiyuna

>He paid 60 bucks for this
>He doesnt know

On what? PS4?
It's pretty popular on, 550 players the last hour. For an anime fighter a month or so out from release that's not bad

>djeeta meeting those brown catmen
I don't understand.

Djeeta is literally worse Gran. No cM frame traps, slower f5L, slower 2H, no boot.

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Not him but is there a saucy hookup for this game I dont know about
I refunded it after getting a thumb injury in order to wait for it to heal since I didnt know when or if it was going to, but now that it's better I was gonna buy it tomorrow.

>mfw finding out zeta's pogo doesn't get beaten by DP if you do 1 (ONE) pogo followed by delayed jH while holding back
i just went from B4 to A5 using this shit alone

zeta's corner game is fucking swole

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>since the reveal DJfags have been going on endlessly about MUH ETERNALS MUH WEAPONS SHES TOTALLY GONNA BE GRAN BUT BETTER
>she ends up just being Gran with no boot
get fucked DJfags and fuck Cygames and ArcSys for this lazy fucking character

Dj is just a worse Gran, she might as well not exist unless the next patch kills him. They really didn't do enough to make her unique, so I think everyone will just swap mains depending on where each patch goes. Soriz is like Makoto with a load of her tools missing, install is ultimately not that useful.Can't even get follow ups off his counter.

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If playing ob consoles, the codes literally oay for the game itself. The DLC character skins? 50 fucking bucks. Its a game that generates income if you dont use the codes yourself.

For PC, just create a dummy steam account with a country that isnt the US, Canada, UK or Australia, ideally Argentins then buy the game from that account. Its 15 bucks

Zeta has one of the most oppressive safejump setups in the game. The AA buffs only made her jump tiers.

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I dont want to have to sign into my Argentian account every time I play the game though, and wont Steam get suspicious if I gift it to my main account?

Didnt they ban cross region gifting? I believe theres a workaround on that though

why the FUCK does everyone use the shitty English dub?

Default settings and they don't bother changing them.

I use it for Lowain's voice alone. Might switch back for Soriz though

finally found my main - time to learn the game

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Retarded FGC players who's only experience with anime was Toonami.

Just in time, she got very significant buffs

well, still gotta wait since i am on pc.- last few days have been painful with trying different charactters and getting blasted left and right by people with their mains in lobby

Is she really bad to be used?

my game was jap by default...

The buff on f.M recovery means she wont get whiff punished by Katalina f.H for free anymore, the hitbox adjustment on her 22X and 66X means more consistent conversions and 22X can actually be used as a conditional AA now. Her AA can now beat Gran j.H, Ferry j.H, its amazing

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Don't listen to these faggots. She's not gran, but she's still good. She's just not too 3 good. She's got interesting tech that will set her apart from gran, and I've seen some stupid high damage combos from her. She's just not pure fucking gayness like Gran or katalina are.

>and I've seen some stupid high damage combos from her
WTF? This game has combos?

Did metera get anything good? All I saw were improved hitboxes on her AAs.

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yeah i can't wait for that anti air upgrade. feels bad when you do the button supposed to ant iair and get hit through regardless by these gorilla jump in buttons

whens' the patch dropping on PC?

Soriz feels unfinished, a bunch of his moves feel seem like they should wallbounce or knockdown but don't and his stacks are irrelevant. His frame data is also bad for a character who can't do anything besides brawling.

13th of april iirc

Soriz looks fun. Love to play as him someday. Boy I can't fucking wait until Soul Forge gets buffed on PC. Trying to get that off without a knockdown might as well be handing the round over

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Soriz is pretty strong against jump ins. Special into 22h on a jump in leads to some really devestating damage. This applies to DPs too if you bait them. His midscreen is not all that great, but if he gets you in or steals the corner be prepared to get fucked.

His Gustaff Buster is strong though, safe on block, fullscreen get in tool. I do think they needed to fix properties in his upper kick, otherwise I think his normals are great. Standing f.L and a 2M thats actually a low; good tools.

>her CuM isn't + on block

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This doesn't happen, and plenty of other characters convert off anti airs way way better and easier than him.

Safe, but still negative. But he doesn't have anyway to really make you very scared of pressing a button besides random super.

everyone has general 2H buffs. her butterfly got a change to come off CD easier

Don't listen to idiots like . They see some anti air twitter combo and go wow dude she is super good the damage!

Look at the facts, her normals are very similar apart from being outright worse. Her damage is lower than Gran, she lacks one of his best tools and you need to work a bit harder. Why would you pick her? A rekka that only hits mid?

because she is cute and has deadly rave

like maybe 10% of the players I've played against use the english voices. where the fuck are you playing where everyone uses them?

probably california, those god damn degenerates

PC has japan as default. I really enjoy Vas in english and I also enjoy ProZD so I gotta support him. Very rarely do I encounter other eng users

Belial when?

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this. this fucking thread just reeks of faggots who play top tiers exclusively because "i play to win". they still can't even win a weekly (not that we have those anymore), but go online just to talk trash about high-mid-low tiers.

the facts are if you think she's cute, she's a good character. she's not top tier, but you can use her and win. if you prefer to win like a sweaty faggot, pick gran and it'll be alright. don't think you deserve praise for using low OR top tiers.

this character is already in the game called beezlebub

Yknow I used to like him but his twitter account just makes me lose brain cells. He's fine as a VA though, but its difficult to uncouple his bad takes from his work. I enjoy Jamieson Price as Soriz, the only English VA I unironically enjoy.


His name is Kedako

I don't have an issue with a lot of the eng cast. the only clearly bad job was Percival but I fight them so rarely and even more so in eng.

why is zetas the only satisfactory ssba? its not even the coolest looking, but that earth shattering sound makes it the best of all of them

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>Can't stop deadly rave half way through and still combo
lame, Rock can't either but he also sucks dick

You might have a point if she was actually different in an interesting way. This isn't someone picking a struggle character with an interesting play style, this is an outright weaker version with way too similar but worse options. You are making things harder on yourself for no gain. Go play percy if you want a shoto variant that isn't top tier, least he has some unique shit going on.

Man when the riot fighter drops we are going to be inundated with dumb casuals like this. How dare people make the smart choice of playing a good character rather than picking with their dick.

please give me the retard friendly guide on how to punish literally anything that charlotta does

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