Game is heavily unbalanced

>game is heavily unbalanced

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Maybe the game is trying to tell not all societies are created equal

Maybe then some people should just git gud.

god, that's awful. can't imagine what those poor people are going through.
the bombed-out ruins don't look good either

Red orchestra feels that due to Wehraboos.

Not sure about rising storm 2.

>me and my friend playing coop in a 4x game

top: soulless

bottom: soul

Why don't those people just get jobs?

Not enough alleys to offer sufficient privacy to do so discreetly. It's because of the authoritarian road planning, really.

capitalism is so beautiful

stop blaming the government for you being lazy, get your ass out of bed and get a job, leech

But your wife needs the company, wagie

it's literally the government's fault that everyone doesn't have a job
from the 50s until the 70s, the economy was run with the aim of delivering full employment and for the most part it worked. involuntary unemployment was incredibly rare and incredibly regionally specific.
then the oil crisis hit and was used as an excuse to abandon full employment going forward by blaming the high inflation and low growth that resulted from the oil crisis on the existence of full employment policies.

>soulless vs soul

hard working white man vs. bunch of third world niggers

your father was a drunkard nobody, you will be drunkard nobody and your children will be drunkard nobodies, that's why top is rich and bottom is you

>be born into a poor family in some slums
>capitalaschlomo country, so education, a basic human right and necessity, costs money
>your poor as shit family has no money to educate you
>no degrees, no education = no job
>welcome to the world, bro. you fate was sealed before you were even born btw

If they weren't such dumb fucks they'd clean their place up

My dad was a drunkard nobody and I am a drunkard nobody and I live in a nice soulless suburb like the top picture, suck my fucking dick


education is free in most countries bro

>faction refuses to fix itself even when given technology and infrastructure by other factions that feel bad for it's stupidity

Bottom has soul

This is what a difference of 30 points of average IQ look like

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>it's another "purely economic factors" moron

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>game has secret area

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It's not the issue of finding work
it's finding work that permits you to live in more than either the slums in a city or a garbage flyover state, that also gives you insurance, paid family leave, vacations, etc

Everyone would rather be playing as the Germans. I almost forgot the MKb42 was German gun from how often I saw the Soviets using it.

Number one: In 1945, corporations paid 50 percent of federal taxes. Now they pay about 5 percent. Number two: in 1900, 90 percent of Americans were self-employed; now it’s about two percent.

>everyone's american

This is true.

>live in shitty American cardboard houses with a huge debt
>or live in some other terrible place

How about I take neither and just live in some solid norwegian stone house?

Those copypasta houses look like shit, who would wanna live here?

So that's where all the stolen bikes end up.

Everyone under a certain wage bracket should be put to death.

Change my mind.

The people in the bottom pic.

Government employees or some piece of shit like that.

Anyone who wants a yard while still being within driving distance of the city. Suburb hatred is so retarded

Chinks and whites, or in other words, the NPC races.

nonwhites are literal beast races

miss me with that shit

which are you?

Everyone above a certain wage bracket should be put to death.

Change my mind.

>Not Sole vs Soleless

You won’t have wage slaves

Everyone should be put to death and you cannot convince me otherwise.

>black dragon's treasure hoard

umm maybe don't be born in a shithole, sweaty

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Both are true.

Top. I get autistic about being neat and efficient.

Why do people never blame parents for having children they can't support?



do you space your houses so people can get to them or do you go with efficiency and just make one big block of houses with no streets between them?

the middle class shall inherit the earth

You strike me as more of a bottom.

because it's the job of the government to support all of its citizens, even the ones who arent citizens

Yeah thats a massive YIKES from me.

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>mfw rural america currently has a heroin epidemic
>i finally understand how whites felt seeing blacks in the crack epidemic
>i don't care
just say no lol

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Its free until you need to start buying books

How the fuck do I find my house if they all look so damn similar? At least with the 3rd world shithole you can plaster the sides of your shack with colored fabric or something.

It's clearly a housing development with a hardcore HOA.


Imagine not having a backyard.

Books can be bought used for cheap

anyone who thinks the top picture is idealistic is actually mentally disturbed

I lived in one of these dystopian nightmares growing up and I can tell you that on a deep psychological level the whole community felt very uncanny and artificial, like you're living in a simulation or some shit surrounded by cookie cutter clones

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>top is a stale, boring grind of a game where you just try and crank out better stats
>bottom makes sure every day is a new adventure, constant events through all hours of the day. Threats are constant and you'll never know what will happen

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Imagine living in one of these flimsy woodshacks.
I guess the bottom pic sucks too though.


People who adopt whim-of-the-moment "meme" opinions and do not use analytical/logical conjectures as the focal basis of their train of thought and formation of opinion should be put to death.

Change my mind.

people who think suburbs are comfy should watch the stepford wives

Being illiterate and therefore unable to read a house address must be tough for you user