We're Going Home.
We're Going Home
Calling it now. 90+ Metascore.
You just know its going to be shit.
i am admittedly very excited
i don't think 343 is a bad dev at all, I truly believe that their hearts are in the right place and they just allocated focus all in the wrong places
I don't want to go home anymore. This coronavirus shit has made me sick of being here
stop being so negative, i know its going to be best one since H2.
>343 shit
halo battle royale
they already confirmed none of that hoodrat shit, were getting Classic Multiplayer like we all fucking deserve.
1) look at their track record
2) teaser trailer was awful
Top notch studios screw up games. Why have faith in a studio that I wouldnt be surprised if Lock and John Spartan get married at end. I will check it out but what you imagine is a miracle. Lastly, community is to rigid to accept any creativity. Game will be a 8hr campaign at most with a typical multipayler (with loot boxes for a tactical magnum). Have fun holding breath
Halo 5 was a step in the right direction, Infinite will finally be the halo game weve wanted since like 2007.
Blow my mind: how will infinite be great?
>*fires creative director*
>*refuses to show gameplay*
You’re getting a shitty “compromise” between new and classic Halo that will please nobody. Prepare your anus for sprint.
>We're Going Home.
Halo is an Xbox franchise
it wont have spartan abilities, BR Starts,and will launch with every MP Mode expected, also the Campaign will be fully about Chief and locke wont be in the game.
t. 3babby who dropped the series and moved on to MW2 and never came back
Real Halo chads never stopped playing the Bungie games.
>Halo 5 was a step in the right direction
LMAO, you mean exchanging CoD Blackops for CoD Advanced Warfare? Halo 5 was shit and the fact that 343 shills defend it virtually guarantees that Infinite will be garbage.
Initial reveal trailer was great
Splitscreen co-op?
yeah to the fucking grave ! halo games have been soulless cashgrabs since halo wars
>t. Spic/Destiny player
“Yahhhh!!! Its Chief!!!!!!!”
its completely subjective whether or not you think its shit, 343 will listen to the real fans this time and not these post-Reach Niggers.
>also on PC
thats whats important man.
Totally agree: Halo community is its own worst enemy. 343 is so scared of lissing of to 20k or so hardcore fans (cringe bre) that it guarantees this game will be a diamond dozen campaign with a typical mulitplayer.
Oh nonono, Post-3. Reach is NOT classic Halo and what got us into this mess in the first place.
Ok let me break this down to you.
I spoke to a previous employee at Microsoft Game Studios (now Xbox Game Stufios) who worked on Halo 4 and a little bit of Halo 5 before leaving and working for Facebook. He told me the main reason why Halo 4 and 5 turned out how they did was because of poor management. There was no clear direction and that’s why we got what we got.
I spoke to this guy some time mid to late last year and he told me that at the time when 343i released the 2019 E3 trailer there still wasn’t any gameplay. This means that between then and their planned release, they have about 1.5 years to build, finish, and release Halo Infinite. This does not seem possible at all, which is probably why we haven’t seen anything other than the two trailers. Now, maybe they can pull something out of their ass and finish it by the time the XSeX comes out, but I have a feeling that this game is going to be delayed, by possibly another year or two.
And remember - no matter what you think of 343i, Microsoft, or any of their games released, you must agree that they’ve fucked up every game they’ve made so far. Halo 4 had ass gameplay, somehow downgraded in-game graphics (excluding the cutscenes), terrible dialogue, an OK story, a terrible new enemy, and standardized sprint which ruins the flow of gameplay. Halo MCC released BROKEN and in many ways is STILL BROKEN, they used the awful gearbox PC port for Halo CE, terrible UI, broken achievements and leaderboards. Halo 5 introduced dashing, ground pound, etc, added ADS, somehow made the graphics even WORSE especially in multiplayer with all those saturated colors, and had the worst Halo campaign to date, which literally had Halsey say at the end “What took u so long?” as if it was that one cutscene in MGSV where Venom Snake rescues Kojima in game.
There is no way they can come back after Halo 5. It’s just like the new Star Wars trilogy getting worse with each release.
While I can't wait, shut the fuck up on this we're going home shit.
Uh...it’s “dime a dozen”...
>another linear corridor shooter
/hg/ is the other way, you fucking nigger.
343 has not released a single good game, why would this be any different
If this game has sprint, i’m using a free month of gamepass to play the campaign and drop it.
>5 years in development
>350+ people working on it
>no gameplay
It’s insulting that you thought you could post that and make people believe it
Sorry, the DOOM thread is two blocks down.
screencap this, trust me. 343 will give us what we fucking want.
Once this fails, Microsoft is done with having sub par IPs to its name.
Halo has been a linear corridor shooter since 2 dude
nope. they can't even fix the MCC.
Almost all of that time is spent in building the new engine and prototyping, not to mention they fired the creative lead after E3 when the realized that classic chads had the bigger dicks
They're never getting of sprint, stupid.
If this fails, 343 will be dissolved and Halo will be hail mary’d to someone else.
>343i isn't a bad dev
They have developed exactly 0 good products
Then they’ll never make a good Halo game, period.
>They will finally release a full game
Are 343icucks in this much denial?
Go ahead, screen cap it. I don’t care.
If they actually had a good game, we would have seen gameplay by now. They know it is more Halo 5 garbage.
Spoke to a playground dev in cambridge who recently got invited to an event for infinite as an internal showing presentation for Microsoft devs and he says it's looking like the best halo game yet.
You should have gave up on this when it became a default in 4 and they kept it in 5, anyone still thinking they were getting rid of sprint after that are idiots.
People said that about 5. Show me the gameplay.
>no gameplay
faggot we got to see the tech demo with the warthog alongside an entirely new engine, now go larp somewhere else.
The big thing which will guarantee the success of infinite is the fact that it is the Sex launch title which will sell the console. Microsoft is going to be hawk like on the development of this game, and they will 100% release it this year.
it's literally the last chance halo has, shame it's gonna suck.
Nobody says they are, i’m just making it clear that if they don’t, the game WILL be worse than any classic Halo by default.
>this thread full of boomers
stop being so negative.
Nobody said that about 5.
Recent popular games have show that it isn't required, so I hope 343 learns that a game can be fast without it (Doom eternal, overwatch)
>stop being so negative
>343 is yet to develop one good game
>"bu-but, this time guys!"
Yeah, you show a massive Halo 5 fan who eats everything up with the Halo name the new Halo and he’ll say it’s the best Halo ever. SHOW ME THE MUTHAFUCKIN TRAILER!
>implying Microsoft even knows what Halo fans want
>With 343fags and Reachfags muddying the conversation
They don’t have the balls to make a classic Halo with a CE inspired campaign, fully featured multiplayer suite at launch and minimal microtransactions.
I don't believe you faggots
I expected this.
>If you have taste/care about Halo you’re a “boomer”
Kill yourself
People still do (about the multiplayer).
i disagree, people harp on 4 and 5 all day, especially the campaigns
i mostly get the straight up campaign complaints, halo 5 especially was really meh but for Cortana to go nutso was actually interesting, i kinda figured that in Halo 6 she was going to be analogous to Mendicant Bias and we'd sorta see a repeat of the Forerunner-Flood war, only this time its Human-AI
in terms of mp, i gotta be real man, outside of the artstyle 4 and 5 beat reach imo, even though 5 introduced ADS for some godforsaken reason
>faggot we got to see the tech demo with the warthog alongside an entirely new engine
YOU JUST SAID IT RIGHT THERE! IT WAS JUST A TECH DEMO! IT STATED IT WAS NOT IN GAME OR GAMEPLAY! Cmon bro. I’m not trying to shit on you or 343i I just wanted to temper everyone’s expectations.
>Shit beat piss
Who cares?
>343i kills gaylo
>bungie kills themselves
will never not be funny and a source of schadenfruede
fuck xbots
ill fucking stab you asshole, you really are going to base the quality of a game that isnt even out yet on their 2 prior releases when the CoD Nigger Craze was at its peak ?
This was me, and brother I promise you I heard this from the horse’s mouth. Halo is my favorite franchise, hell I’ve been playing the Halo trilogy the past few weeks. The ex-dev I spoke to did not seem optimistic at all. But who knows, maybe it will be the best out of the new trilogy.