Windy days
Pass is vee
any chance there is a higher res version of this? been wanting to change my wallpaper for awhile
I tried to saucenao it to see if the artist uploaded anything larger but guess not.
If you're desperate, try waifu2x
Lobby will be right back, need to clip something
I think Lond might need a damage buff
Lobby is back
reminds me of the Seth suboptimal webm
For how honest and straightforward he is he should be doing more damage. Reminds me of Mika in [st] except harder to open people up with.
That's because you're playing a character to have fun with.
I'll give you that, it's honestly how nice the kicks look that I play him
At the very least anything he gets off of raw Step leads to a decent 3k
Throw me a (You) when a PC player shows up and I'll host the PC Lobby
Guess it'll be a shorter thread tonight
I'll join for PC in like half an hour.
Alright. Let me know when you're ready.
How many people in lobby?
Take it off rematch
3 now
Too lazy/tired to get out of bed. Call back back in 15-30 minutes.
Ghost town lobby?
Yeah kinda
I'm ready now, I finished up earlier than expected.
Alright, kw vee
I really hope I didn't forget my muscle memory for this throw combo
Despite the forced isolation I feel like there are even less people playing this game in general now.
I can still do it
But lost the ability to do that other throw
Makes sense, or their lives normalized and they have obligations again because it was fucking packed last week and the week before
Even getting one down solidly is incredibly useful. I haven't actually seen another Lond try to do it outside of foxof's video either
Maybe everyone is clearing backlogs instead of getting in lobby fixes?
That's what I've been doing.
Wait which one, cause I was talking about the Gord Throw > 66C combo
>All that meter and not using it and then losing by timeout
This is embarrassing.
Oh I thought you were talking about Lond's throw set-ups.
Anyone else glad the ps5 controller doesn't have the obnoxious light in the front? Maybe I'll use that in future releases of this series provided the dpad isn't gutter trash.
I don't expect to get a PS5 any time soon so not really
Which throw combos were you referring to? 22A > CS > and then throw for the 2k damage?
>Finally did this
Holy shit I think I am actually starting to get better. I have no idea how I am gonna do the charging attack on the air combos now though, they seem impossible..
Now if I could only follow the simpler combos on real matches
I hate this fucking image and how true it is. Lower to mid skill level is so much more fun than high level fighting game matches.
Congrats. After clearing that one, the other ones will be a cakewalk.
Holy fuck I am dropping way too many 66Bs now
Oh yeah, and as a heads up you can let Hyde hit the floor once after mujin to make it easier to follow up with TK Kuuga and the air cycle if you wanted an easier time with that combo.
Err befor mujin.
Good going man. Getting past the 4-1 barrier is a great feeling. Especially the first time.
Where'd you all come from
GGs PC dudes. Gotta wash dishes and take a shower before my 2am bed time but I'll leave the lobby open. Feeling a lot better with my Orie over the past two days. 5B is a god button with Orie's walk speed, I swear.
Found the motivation to get out of bed.
GGs PC room. Have to head out as well.
I was dumb to think I could 2C under her 5B...multiple times. GGs.
When did we all become Vat players?
I guess we all had the same idea once the quarantine gave everyone more free time.
Ngl, I’ve been spending more time in bed than I expected to. I’ve still been playing vidya, working out and doin other hobbies, but all this shit happening irl is brining me down
She's fun to play even with unorthodox playstyle. Also what said definitely helps.
GGs PC lobby
>1 bar
Ah fuck
Gonna close a bit early after a few more
Almost flipped out there
I didn't anticipate Enkidu 5[C] pulling me from the air after all that pressure and how far I was.
Long limbs are long. Fun times hahaha.
thats good enough for me for now, ggs amigos
kamone cant come through with the rollback soon enough, doing combos in 5f is torture
>done in by the autocombo
Hhnnnngggg! Looks like I've still got a long road ahead of me to be getting shut down by that.
GGs m8. It's good that there's confirmation for it being in the works at least.
doing combos is the least of the problems 5f causes
Damn Londrekia just sends you to the corner so fast. GGs
GGs everyone.
Glad that we picked up some speed by the end
GGs everybody. Thanks for the fun session. See y a next one!
GGs everyone
Everyone has huge corner carry of course but Lond looks so silly doing it since he's spinning around and zooming across the screen.
It's the one thing he's got honestly.