Do you have any "educational" video games that you really enjoy?

Do you have any "educational" video games that you really enjoy?

Cooking Mama got me interested in cooking and made me learn how to cook for myself. I don't mean it in the sense that the game taught me anything, it just gave me a push to becoming more independent and learning how to cook for myself.

Attached: kid_cooking.webm (260x340, 3M)

That kids is really skilled. I'm not even allowed to handle fire still.

What you don't know is that he's just short, not juvenile.

I still struggle to tie my shoelaces and had to pretend to handle a fork and eat to tell left from right apart.

We're the same you and I.

Attached: 1580273647695.jpg (1000x750, 1.11M)


Fuck, this was literally how my older sister and I lived, down to that slum-like environment. At 10 she was completely proficient with cooking and other household chores, all while taking care of me. Even that sneak bite from the ingredients.

that's greta thornberg pretty sure shes not old enough to be on Yas Forums.

Started from the bottom, now we're here
Started from the bottom, now my whole team frickin' here
Started from the bottom, now we're here
Started from the bottom, now the whole team here, nigga
Started from the bottom, now we're here
Started from the bottom, now my whole team here, nigga
Started from the bottom, now we're here
Started from the bottom, now the whole team frickin' here

stupid kid not mixing the eggs before putting it into the heat enjoy your egg whites idiot

what the video doesn't show is how many times the kid was beaten by his parents before he managed to learn how to cook
you can't see it because he's wearing pants but his ass is probably whipped with a belt a thousand times
t. grow up in guanzhou

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in awe of that lad
>that sneak bites for his brother
wholesome af


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>adding pre prepared ingredients to a hot pan while your parent directs you from the camera is really skilled
Pfft. Americans.

Which country?

>what the video doesn't show
I thought you were going to bring up the gutter oil

Brazil is my first guess

This is an insane 3x3

Yeah looking back again it was very baffling much effort my family put in me, how I experienced none of the hardships of poverty. Now I'm in a much bigger country earning in a month what took them a year or three laboriously grinding. Too bad about this stupid virus on the verge of getting me removed off work.

I am from the Philippines.

Yeah looking back again it was very baffling much effort my family put in me, how I experienced none of the hardships of poverty. Now I'm in a much bigger country earning in a month what took them a year or three laboriously grinding. Too bad about this stupid virus on the verge of getting me removed off work.

I am from the Philippines.

based big bro


Based pagpag eater.

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was expecting him to throw some kind of live animal in there. pleasantly surprised. what a lad


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Guitar Hero made me pick up an instrument and try and learn to play.

The fact that you think the only way to learn new things is being forced to by violence says a lot. You have my pity.

Me too. I'm so used to watching chine gore webms posted by Americans but I was pleasantly surprised.

>it's the burgers fault that chinascum eat dogs
uh huh

I assume each beating is every time you failed. You were born without talents mate.

We already know that, fat, you don't have to constantly spam it to remind us.

I have problem with left and right
I know left and right, but when telling other people directions they come out wrong, like I'll point to the left and say right, even when I mean left

Beatings were a norm in a child's upbringing up until very very recently in human history. In the 1800s and as far back as 1300s parents in Europe would beat their kids on important days just so the kid would remember those events. Jury's still out on whether or not tough treatment of children is actually harmful long-term, or if it just bred tougher adults. History would indicate the latter.

Nah, that’s just how chinese people work. Reread his post again.

he do be cooking doe

The thumbs up at the end of the video got a smile out of me.

partially mixed eggs > fully mixed eggs

that's one cool mother fucker

in case you're not kidding, try looking up sous vide. it's the easiest form of cooking, if you don't mind paying the startup cost.

>good cook AND a nice sibling to his brother

You can write novels.

yeah, well, throught history we had people killing people for the dumbest reasons. This a move in the right direction.

my parents spanked me frequently as a kid or gave me the ruler and now I'm dead inside

I thought the bigger kid was cooking the smaller kid in the thumbnail because it looks like they're in Brazil or some shithole Asian country.

Now that they're old, it's time to lay on the beating.

if I had to guess, the webm is from SEA


your country is shitty too

>tomatoes and eggs
>a wok
100% Chinese, that is the most chinese shit ever

I'm Lithuanian


Plot twist: this isn’t a young boy and his little brother. This is a midget and his son.

Deus Ex

Eggs are the easiest thing to cook.
Oil in a pan on med heat.
Crack egg into pan.
Wait until whites get opaque.
Flip with spatula for a couple seconds to solidify the top.
Turn off heat. Scoop egg onto some toast.
Season with pepper and some crushed red pepper flakes.
Easy as shit and takes like 5 minutes.

That was actually really cute.

Why does every building in china have that 'look' like it's dirty as fuck and old as shit

If it's a harmless hit done for an actual reason then it can possibly be beneficial, but if the parent is some 50iq redneck taking out her anger because she can't afford her crack, then yeah fuck those people. It's probably better that it's illegal considering the latter makes up the vast majority of parents.


mistreating children and neglecting growth or let's say encouraging growth with negative treatment will always be harmful. However, there are lessons to be learned and there will be hardship, but the act of punishment is the worst you can do to children as it has 0 beneficial effect other than giving bad association. You might see a "good" result in behavior but that behavior is followed with anxiety and self-deprecation which, in the long run, just brings about more issues in being able to handle situations that require a person to be mentally stable and prepared to problem solve.

t. masters in early childhood development and education

We don't use belts.

t. Chink

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Or it gives them an intense fixation on being dominated, told what to do, and into all forms of spanking and hitting

I've known multiple people in my similar situation so it can't be some fluke thing. I wouldnt risk it, not worth knowing you gave your kid a fetish.

Because they're in a dirt poor village and not an urban megacity.

Are there any good cooking games? Maybe I'll learn a thing or two from them, I barely cook anything myself.

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my mom used to beat the shit out of me for just having one little trouble in exam, despite that I would come first consistently till 7th grade,
jej, guess beating me really did wonders jej.

also our mom told us she too was beaten and forced at very early age to learn to cook, my mom knows a lot of household stuff like cooking, tailoring, embroidery and knitting, all from forcing,
that shit actually works probably.
this user is probably right, all my friends whose parents were easy on them, all of them couldn't pass an easy entrance exam to university and I got in with scholarship, not to brag, and another one of my friend I remember was scared to death of his dad is studying in big prestigious university,