Why these fuckers aren't in videogames?

Why these fuckers aren't in videogames?

It's because they don't exist in the first world?

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>nobody is afraid of them
>more often than not incapable of doing any damage
>not big enough to be mounted
>never serve as a source of food

why would they be in vidya

they could be some pet

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They’re in Sekiro


>not intelligent enough to do tricks
>too small/slow/fragile to be taken outside
>too big to be concealed within some sort of pouch to carry

it just can't happen

Attached: feels bad man.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

when I first saw this I thought the wasp was trying to fuk the roach
what is wrong with me

jesus what a twist


nigga, most pets are retarded as fuck.

just make the fuckers have some hats and dress.

fucking based lizard btfo Turks

Gotcha bitch!

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That gecko just stopped a zombie parasite from taking control of that cockroach, the wasps don't eat them they lay their eggs inside

Crystal lizards are being hunted to extinction.

Why not...

I love geckos and other small lizards, I just don't see it happening.

I always wanted to have a sort of arena/fighting game with insects or very small animals, could have geckos/rats/big spiders in it.


just make a pokemon game or some shit.


You're a retard

the lizard is dead. the wasp was dismembering the turk so that it cant fight back. the wasp was laying her eggs inside the turk. now the eggs will hatch on lizard to eat the lizard from inside.

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In Sekiro they made a mess and gave them salamander traits like living in caves and ponds and defending themselves with poison

wasps really are the niggers of insect

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Underrated enemy. Underutilized companion.

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Did you know leopards are the only gecko that can blink?

There is a thing called "gastric acid", also that's not a parasitic wasp


>Jurassic World

Everyone should have these geckos around their house, they eat pretty much every bug and they're cute and harmless

the absolute exisistential dread i feel watching this. in my dreams i am that roach. im torn apart and eaten. im torn apart limb by limb and wake up to be me. and maybe one day i'll wake up from this too.

The fact they have 5 fingers creeps me out

they can't survive at cold climates.

It looks like it has a stretched human face. It's kind of creepy.


>there is always a bigger fish- Jesus Christ, from Star Trek.

When they get in a house they usually just die of dehydration in a corner. It's best to eject them



I'm not talking about inside the house, just around the house, my house has geckos and I see little baby geckos all the time, new ones keep popping up

Those little fuckers are great, they eat the venomous spiders from my house.

>noisy af
>can't leave food unattended for a minute
>babby first jump scare

house geckos are negro tier

I witness such things everyday in the place in which i live, never had a problem with it as it also never provided any problems, and i aways found it cool, geckos are a daily savior

they're my cats favorite snack. my cats even eat butterfly and dragonfly.

Attached: faggotNigger.webm (1920x1080, 702.79K)

House geckos make no sound at all. Do you live in south east Asia or something?


some species make a sort of grunt scream at night.

The fuck is that

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Not the common house gecko though

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fungus infected moth. the tentacles are for spreading spores

there's not a common gecko species, they're a family of geckos (house geckos).

>nobody is afraid of them

I use to throw them at girls in elementary school because they were terrified of the little guys. People are definitely afraid of them.

Never heard a sound from these guys. You must have a different kind.

Attached: 160914-Mediterranean-House-Gecko-Baby.jpg (1000x689, 49.18K)

I used to kill cats with rocks, should start doing it again

Fucking lying idiot, they're for spreading pheromones

The species is called Creatonotos gangis

would you like to know how I know you're a filthy Nigger?

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This one is known as the common house gecko en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mediterranean_house_gecko

What a fucking twist

>lets his shit pest kill valuable wildlife
>thinks he's not the nigger
Outdoor cats should all be killed

more niggerish than letting your cats kill small animals? I think killing cats is probably the best thing anyone can do