is this tortanic 2? Holy shit this must be the worst game ever created.
Ff7 remake
>Gets utterly raped and BTFO in previous thread
>Makes a new thread and pretends the previous thread didn't happen
And hence the pathetic lifecycle of the Barry repeats itself
Don’t worry it’s pretty top notch as far as fan fictions go
Go watch your Naruto little Timmy okay sweetie
>8 is bad now
lmao SEETHING nincels, this is going to be game of the decade
>M-much fanfiction
It's the same writer as the original game, hang yourself grandpoomer whore
Time Jannies are the best thing to happen to video games in years.
oh yeah
>tfw all of reddit is in love with the changes because "different"
he wasn't the main writer
for a game that had this much hype behind it? yes, and just you wait until all the people that have remained spoiled free actually play it all the way to the end, its gonna get worse, a lot worse for it
The denial and coping is actually pitiable
How is the crossdressing though?
unironically based
Personachads win again baby
whats wrong with that?
We SMTchads always win user
They seem to hate them as much as we do, course that was only on the subs that let people spoil at all.
If I cared, I'd go to Reddit.
This is the biggest warning of how shitty the game is.
The reviewer couldn't even pretend correctly to enjoy the game he is being paid to review good.
>caring about metacritic or IGN
>8 is bad
be honest. you only care about that silly number because you look forward to all the shitpost threads
based on RE2, DMC5, doom eternal and now RE3, most of these doomposters just stick around a day at best after the game release, best you can do now is just ignore them and let them circlejerk for a while
i cant wait for my copy to get here
>tfw I ask every thread and no one ever answers
It was in the trailer. Cloud is very convincent dressed as a woman.
>is this tortanic 2
If it was Tortanic 2 it would come back and make a bunch of money like Tortanic did
>just got a 10 from Gamespot
lmao epic wojack meme us gaymers right?
it's a sign of depression and autism to want to experience the same things over and over in the exact same way and to knee-jerk at new and unfamiliar things
This place really goes to shit when a good popular game comes out huh. Guess the kids don't have enough money to buy it.
>cares what reddit thinks
Time to go back, Hayden. You got epic front page threads to upvote.
shitting on something gets more (You)s than liking something on Yas Forums
It's a sign of being an asshole to want worse things just because you know it will upset other people more than you.
Funny. Shitting on the game gets almost no replies, whereas pretending like you wanted a spin-off results in guaranteed replies. Almost like you're completely full of shit just now.
Okay someone explain what this game did to piss people off. I heard that it wasn't actually a Remake, but a completely different story. Is this true?
Loving the remade OST. They didn't bastardize a single song. I love how almost each song starts out as some generic orchestral shit and then what we know and remember just kicks in at fucking 11. It's the small things, like keeping the metallic clings and clangs in the background.
Its the people who never play VNs and Watch Anime/Manga
VN and Anime/Manga does the alternate timeline all the time.
>completely different story. Is this true?
It's true. The original story is being referenced, but it's basically an alternate timeline where characters are becoming aware of facts that happened in the original story before the events are supposed to take place. For example Cloud gets flashbacks that Aerith is going to die when they first meet in the church. Time ghosts appear to interfere with events of the game when characters attempt to use knowledge of the future to make different decisions. Sephiroth shows up where he's not supposed to be and he's doing whatever the fuck he wants. It's a mess.
user, I like alternate universes and shit like this, but this game was blatantly marketed as a Remake. That doesn't mean remake the entire fucking story as well. I've never played the original, but even I can see the bullshit in that.
Its gonna be the same story but with some added stuff to mess with the viewer. You cant have a game thats gonna come in parts for the next 3-5 years with the players knowing whats exactly gonna happen. Its gonna get super boring really fast, especially with the prolonged releases.
Its absurd how 7 kiddies think their game is an untouchable masterpiece because they played this game when they were 9 and the world was some sacred place or some shit.
To those that have played it/seen most of the game on stream: Is there still a gameplay segment where you climb up the 10,000 flights of stairs or whatever up Shinra HQ? Also, is the lab horror scene with all the dead scientists with all the blood and shit still in? I know they've taken liberty in changing a ton of things around, I'm just wondering if those two things above still made it in.
>You cant have a game thats gonna come in parts for the next 3-5 years with the players knowing whats exactly gonna happen
Apparently Square-Enix won't allow it. But you're fucking wrong if you think people weren't asking for exactly that. That's exactly what they wanted.
No you dont.
You have been brainwashed by Yas Forums and lost the enjoyment playing FF7R.
I feel bad for the people who like to talk about the video games they're playing being inundated with screeching bullhorn-blowers.
Yas Forums is really fucking desperate for a new tortanic huh
Not even remotely true. It's why people replay old games still - Because they still hold up over years.
I played the demo. I genuinely liked it - it gave me Crisis Core nostalgia. But then I saw the plot changes, and it really fucked my hype. The demo had everything I wanted from a FF7 Remake, even WITH the combat being changed. But now I find myself hoping we get more info on Episode 2, so I know whether it's worth investing $60 in to see if it's going to circle back around to telling the story I liked.
Nigga 7 faggots wanted the game to be turn based, the outcry lasted for fucking years how its gonna be a shitty remake due to being an action rpg now. Nothing nomura made would had made them happy.
time jannies
And you're wrong if you think people have any real idea of what they want. Yeah, the manbabies are crying that this isn't what they got, but if it was faithful, and they did enjoy it (also unlikely in this place), they'd still be shitting on the notion of waiting for a sequel when the first release blew its load on the gameplay changes and from there you would know every single thing to expect from the follow-up.
>Nothing nomura made would had made them happy.
Apparently that's correct but it's not because fans are impossible to please. It's because Nomura is a piece of shit hack than can't help but wipe his crooked dick all over everything.
How many people do you think asking for the same thing ?
Its gonna be boring quick if its the same shit all over again. And they want FF7R to be sell for mass audience, not the retarded fanbase because believe me, they are very few compared to Star Wars fanbase.
Man you people got bored of shitting on RE3 and failing to shit on Bannerlord pretty quick, huh?
It's really more of a Twilight Princess but revisionist hipsters here think that was a universal 10/10 now.
The age of Squeenix is over, Atlus is the chad of JRPGs now.
>Believing in Reviews in 2020
RE3R was shit, Jill looks like a tranny.
>And you're wrong if you think people have any real idea of what they want
No. People have a very clear idea that they want. You're full of shit suggesting that fucking Nomura knows what everyone wants. You can suck my dick with your claims with 0 evidence. The existence of this controversy proves that what Nomura is doing is not what fans wanted. It hasn't even hit yet and it's already this bad. Wait until the game actually releases.
>How many people do you think asking for the same thing ?
Almost everybody who asked for a remake did not want the story to be changed. This is crystal clear. Everybody knows this, INCLUDING SQUARE-ENIX. You want to know how I know that they knew that's what fans wanted? They continually reassured fans for years that the storyline would remain the same because that was the biggest concern from the fans. Not the ATB. Not the graphics. The story alone was supposed to remain unchanged.
>pre-orders sold out everywhere
They're in for a rude awakening.
It doesn't even have the same tone as the original game let alone the same story. It is an actual butchering of one of the most beloved games of all time. I am a Snoy btw and own every PlayStation console other than the Vita, so don't accuse me of being a nintenshill.
Yeah yeah incel, we get it. Which game are you going to shitpost when this one dies down a week after launch? They're postponing TLoU2 and Cyberpunk, so you might have to subsist on just posting faggy wojak threads for a while until you can try for your next tortanic.
>And they want FF7R to be sell for mass audience
And you for some reason believe that the mass audience would not enjoy the original story? Looks to me like you're admitting you're not a fan and your opinion means fuck all.
>Almost everybody who asked for a remake did not want the story to be changed.
Are you part of the Squeenix insider ??
Out of 7 billion people out there, all of them want to keep the story ??
Post undeniable truth that EVERYONE wants to keep the story as it is or just shut the fuck up.
>>And you're wrong if you think people have any real idea of what they want
Did you saw the outcry this board made because the game switched genres? No one is complaining about gameplay, 7 retards dont know what they want, they dont even know what they like 7. Spoilers, its because they played the game when they were children.
I included that prefix for a reason. Read the words I type, you illiterate faggot. Make your post again with the correction.
90% of Fans were always wrong. Fuck off, retard.
ESL faggots need to keep their mouths shut.
>I disagree with fans
So you're not a fan and you think you have the authority to talk about what the fans should receive when they are the ones responsible for putting the coals to the feet of Square to get this off of the ground in the first place?
They will enjoy both, why youre so butthurt about it when most people enjoying things they like ??
>They will enjoy both,
Then there's no rational reason to abandon the first since it would appeal to everybody. Congratulations, you agree with me.
Nomura is stage 4 colon cancer. My grandmother died from a terminal case of Nomura
Then why you got butthurt about FF7R ?
Because they abandoned the original story. Are you brain damaged?
>Fans deserved to create a better FF7 Game !!
Finish your school first and then go to a college and go to any job first.
And because of that FF7R is automatically bad ??
Lol, what a retard.
Where's your fucking argument, bro? Do you see how I just blew you the fuck out and all you can do is try to change the subject to an ad hominem? That's fucking pathetic. Be a man and admit when you're wrong.
>who are you quoting
I just don't see how anyone can legitimately defend this game? Even if you liked the horrible Kingdom Hearts direction that Nomura took the story in, and all the retcons that come with it, the first and foremost factor that should piss people off is that Square Enix blatantly lied by marketing the game as a remake that stayed true to the original story. Now the first part of the game is out and the story doesn't even resemble the original games. Its a completely different story which is not what was marketed. If they had marketed this game as a sequel with a new plot this would be fine but they didn't.