How goes your clan? Crashing much? Getting better performance with the latest patches?
Also, are training skills duds?
>faction just kills itself
In my newest game Vlandians have annexed half the north in a year which is strange because I usually don’t see them accomplish anything
>initially torrented the game
>was getting crashes all the time
>big fan of Warband and was enjoying the game, so I bought it
>no more crashes since
huh, sorry for doubting you, taleworlds
My performance has been fine since release, barring one crash on the first day.
And I'm moving on up. One day I will be the greatest clan of the Khuzaits. I just need to impregnate Alijin first.
Who's the best faction ruler? Who's the worse one?
In my game Derthert or whatever of Vlandia is pretty braindead. Not Harlaus tier but still pretty bad. In every game I've started he ends up declaring war on the Southern Empire or Khuzaits and accomplishing nothing, and then inevitably getting his shit pushed in by Battanians and Sturgians.
It's been happening to me multiple time too, they don't really go to war with anyone else but they kick the Sturgians asses.
I feel bad for anyone with 8gigs of RAM. This game is simply unplayable with only 8.
Wasn't some minor faction leader claiming that the Vlandians could have claimed the whole Empire if it wasn't for Derthert?
Personality-wise Dethert really stood out for me. So far every other monarch I've met came across as fairly generic.
As far as AI goes it's a crapshoot but empire factions seem to tend to die first. At least in unsimulated battles, the Aserai lose with ease to imperials and Vlandians.
I haven't seen that, but it'd be pretty funny if Derthert ended up being the meme retard of Bannerlord just like Harlaus in Warband
I was crashing a lot, then I realized that my game had been going from 1.0.1 up till 1.0.6, and I installed/uninstalled/reinstalled mods on it as they came out, and that could lend itself to instability. So, I restarted my game, and used the console to get me approximately back to where I was before, and no crashes since.
Caladog was pretty based for a while, granting me fiefs I didn't ask for that were all close together and granting me gold each day as "King's Favour". Now my relation with him is at -62 and I didn't do anything to wrong him.
I have been taking the heads of every enemy lord who steps onto rightful Battanian clay, but I only started doing that to curb the Southern Empire's snowballing. I also consider all of Calradia to be rightful Battanian clay.
Ah well, I'm too rich, powerful and influential for anyone to do anything about it at this stage.
My brother
On my save the khuzaits are finally fighting back against the western empire which has been wiping out everyone else. Monchug is a bro and keeps getting me castles, he just got me my first town. Soon enough I will join his family.
How much am I supposed to pay up to finish the marriage? 70k weren't enough to do the trade.
What's the best way to start a kingdom?
What is it about the character and armor that just looks fucking awful? The landscapes finally look great but I can't put my finger on whats making the characters look like shit.
Bad lighting?
I wish you could hire better mercenaries or something. There don't seem to be enough money sinks yet for how good passive income is. The gold is building up quicker than I can spend it.
Yeah was just playing it before. Gotta do some work now but I'm itching to get back to it again.
They look fine to me
I haven't had a crash that wasn't from copy-pasting faulty banners since e1.0.3
Anyone else have to beat the shit out of their pregnant wife during a tournament?
Become best friends with the other strong lords, in case he tries to remove you from the Kingdom.
It absolutely does not, I think the game is just lacking contrast in general and somethings are too shiny. It's like there's a general lack of brightness and light in the game.
Maybe the goofy facial features, death stare eyes and lack of subsurface scattering for the skin, something we've gotten used to having for the past half a decade now. I think the armor and weapons look excellent though. Makes me excited for the potential for mods later on.
What are the most A E S T H E T I C armores in game?
I'm still holding off until the 17th. Has the crashing topped yet?
Oh shit, he can do that? All but one of the clans are friends with me already.
Wrong. It's totally playable. For about 45 minutes, and then I spend 15 minutes closing the game, waiting for the processes to finally end, and loading the game back up again.
I'm still loving it though.
I have faith that this will improve.
How do I hire mercenaries for my kingdom?
You can find some in taverns, but they're not great nor can you hire them in large amounts. It kind of sucks.
fuck hideouts
and fuck peasants coming into my hideout raids
You know what, it might actually be their death stare eyes.
These guys should all look pissed or at least be squinting in the daylight.
new patch
>Plunderable gold from each lord after a battle is capped to 10K.
what that's lame, what's the point of hunting big lords and big armies then
Removing clans IS an option in the game, but I don't know if AI can do that to the player. The player can certainly do it to the AI if you have your own Kingdom, and suggest it to the King if you have enough influence in an AI Kingdom.
Check the Clan tab in the Kingdom menu.
After setting up a couple caravans and swimming in money I was gonna join Vlandians, but instead decided to join the Sturgians and create a hybrid army of Khuzait horse archers/cav and Sturgian shock troopers/Ulfhednars.
At the moment I've beheading every Empire lord I capture but I think I should find the final noble I need to speak to for the main quest. Thought I would have come across a noble by now but it seems I need to go and actively search for one
I am getting close to considering firing a companion.
He's so fucking useless it's absolutely insane. He's the first (and usually only one) to go down in every fight. Twice I've put him in charge of his own warband, twice he's gotten raped by robbers and sent crying to some distant city.
He has average skills, he's got good armor and weapons. He's just such a mother fucking clod I am getting sick of his fumbling bungling.
Yeah, I just didn't know if it could happen to the player. If I do get booted I'd probably have to retire the character since I've pissed off every other faction except possibly the Aserai since I've not executed any of them yet.
Just crash it with task manager, rather than attempting to go to the main menu and exit to desktop through the game
I'm 40 hours in and I'm really starting to notice the glaringly missing/unfinished features. I think I'm gonna call it for now until the game is out of Early Access or at least gets a few big patches.
works for me m8
I meant mercenary bands, like how you can hire on as a merc that has your own party, and gets bounties for fighting a kingdom's enemies. Or groups like the Legion of the Betrayed.
I was doing that at first, but so far even manually crashing it takes roughly the same time as just letting it sputter out on its own. The only thing that I've done that really speeds anything up is that instead of manually closing the game, I just alt-f4, but it still takes a while.
I haven't tried it yet, but I did read that you can improve things a bit by running the exe from the file folders instead of launching from steam, because the launcher is apparently a big part of the problem.
It was really bad for me to begin with but it's gotten better after patches. Now it just chugs a little for the first couple of seconds of large battles when the troops spawn in.
That's a good question, I haven't started a kingdom yet so I don't know if you can hire the minor factions but I would have thought so. Have you tried speaking to the minor faction leader?
>tfw battle commander and enemy commander won't move their men
Is there a way to break the stalemate?
Do you command any divisions at all or are you just a mook?
Time to see if you can be a musou hero.
Is there anyway to give food to castles? My castle is on the verge of rebellion from starvation after the villages got raided
Added stubble to his jaw and squinted his eyes a bit, also got rid of his boxlike jawline.
Does look a lot more natural
Last I had this, going alone with my horse and picking off a few stragglers and archers seemed to have worked to start the charge.
Highly risky and not guaranteed though.
What's the pro strat when you're using shield/spear and bow/arrows and facing multiple enemies on foot?
Go poke the enemy lines a bit and they'll start moving
>join faction
>they immediately lose a big battle somewhere and get 4 lords captured
Avoid being in a situation where you're fighting multiple enemies on foot.
Archers, eventually I just speared some dudes and the action started happening. I think I have way more fun being a deputy commander than I do leading the whole army desu.
My performance has gotten worse over time. It ran beautifully at first, and I probably spend a good 2-3 days without a single crash nor issue.
Now it runs like complete shit and crashes constantly. Feels bad man.
Then bring your archers into plinking range and pull them back when the infantry starts to move, they're usually faster.
>Make my own kingdom
>Game is now broken
Any mods that fix this?
Sounds like an opportunity for promotion ;)
I'm having a blast as Celtic bros but holy shit does smithing need to be reworked. Making your own weapons is a great idea and customizing them too but the smithing stamina is shit
Also, is this like warband where you grind for looters and troops for a bit until you git gud enough to start taking on more
It's SO unfinished dude. They need more companions that have some skills other than horse and polearm; they need to make quite a few more battlefield maps, and they need to stop focusing on taking the couch ability from most lances, every time I get on, I have to get a new lance for couching.... also Vlandian mounted units (particularly banner knights) are absolutely broken, I have 0 damage bonus etc. and I am sweeping maps with no deaths every fight.
They really, REALLY stick to this "one patch a day" policy, don't they?
They all ran out of arrows lol, it was a really dragged out battle.
>take caravan protection quest
>think nothing bad will happen as the caravan reaches it's first destination, smooth sailing from here
>suddenly pic related spawns right infront of the caravan the moment it exits
holy shit
Food variety is key. You cant go on bread alone, you need to buy a lot of food variety to start expanding the amount of troops you can have. I realized this way too late and paid for it
Remember, do not set clan member roles. If you set a clan member as a scout, you do not gain any scouting exp yourself and lose out on valuable level ups for it.
Not sure what to do when clearing steppe bandits then.
Haven't crashed once.
Pony Boys report in
lmao holy shit, pretty sure thats just the entire population of that town out for blood.
Can you even see your stamina anywhere?
this is the way it worked in warband aswell
Eh, just don't bother and clear the stacks in the field when they get big enough to be a problem.
I can't really make much money trading, I went in totally blind and I don't remember warband being this hard to make some money, random sidequests barely pay for my current 40 troops, thnking about downsizing and trying becoming a vassal, only problem is I can't find anyone to vassal, which king/emperor do you guys recommend? (Started as Empire if that helps)
Hover over your character picture whilst in the smithing screen. Clicking on that picture also allows you to change who is doing the smithing.
I wish we could trade our timeline
It was, but I hadn't played Mountain Blade in a long ass time and went and did the dumbshit thing of soloing a castle as a merc instead of waiting till I became a vassal. It would have been such a good first castle too, nice defensible corner area with an impassible mountain range on one flank and the sea on the other.
Why did no one talk about this before April? 0 threads. 0 hype before April. Then all of a sudden the tranny mods sticky a damn thread about its launch and now it's frequently talked about.
I feel like we're a victim of some well-played viral marketing campaign of a literalwho game and some of you got caught into it.
Food variety has zero impact on retinue size, only morale. Morale is important for the leadership skills, but to my knowledge you can't train it with high morale unless you do something insane because 65 isn't enough to train leadership, and you won't get it 70 on food alone.
Wait what? How does food variety affect the number of troops?
Yeah it doesn't happen every time you play that quest but it does happen
I'm in the same boat as you. I'm seeing everyone say they have too much money, and don't know what to do with it. Meanwhile I'm sitting here only making money from smithing the crappy tools the looters drop.
I used to post about it in /mbg/ a lot, and obviously it gets talked about more when it's actually out.
Warband is my all time favourite and most played game.
>give a companion control of their own party
>they immediately dash off into the wilderness and become someones buttslave in 30 seconds flat
*blocks your path*
Food variety literally increases your stewardship level over time, which increases the amount of soldiers you can have
>newfag who has never seen a mountain blade thread on Yas Forums
>also uses newfag memes
not a coincidence
Nice 1-minute sharp reply, samenigger
die newfag
You must be new to Yas Forums if you think mount and blade isn't stupid popular here. The threads didn't happen beforehand because these turkroaches don't have paid shills here, and we're all about it now because it was released.
I'm in the thread, idiot.