This is Elma. The protagonist of the popular JRPG Xenoblade Chronicles X...

This is Elma. The protagonist of the popular JRPG Xenoblade Chronicles X, which was originally released on the Nintendo Wii U.

Say something nice about her!

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But Xenoblade Chronicles X wasn't popular and she isn't the protagonist.

why is she black

Because this isn't her final form.

I’m an Elma person

Is X still worth playing without the online shit?

You did this yesterday and the thread got deleted.
Get new material.

I want her to be in Smash

How is she the protagonist? I never understood this. Cross is literally the protagonist.

You are talking to people who have a cult around Xenoblade Chronicles X, you will have to forgive them for the lack of brain cells

and I like the way she's a human otaku.

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Her ending sucked

But I’m the protagonist

Is Vaan the protagonist? Same thing with Cross except Cross is even more of a blank slate.

I don't really know, but I played it first without too
Too bad, most good stuff is locked behind the online shit

But I love Xenoblade Chronicles X. It's the best game in the series.

The only online things removed are Miiverse messaging so you can still do squad tasks with others.

If you mean emulating it, then it’s still good. You can reenable most of the stuff you’d miss out on in CEMU easily.

I want to Sliding Slinger suicide off stages and then do everything in my power to blame everything but myself.

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Well she isn't.

FF XII. Vaan is technically the protagonist but not really because he was shoved in to appeal to teens partway through development and he has very shallow reasons to be in the plot compared to the rest of the cast.

Did X even have a protagonist? It felt like nobody had more focus than the other so it seemed like everyone had an equal share of screentime.

That thread got deleted because of shitposters derailing it, not because of the OP.

I mean, I can only talk about X, but we see things in his perspective, we experience the story in his perspective. By definition he's the protagonist, it doesn't really matter if he's not super involved (even though in this case he is). Are you the kind of guy who says that if the story follows a bad person he's not the protagonist?


>Tidus and Girls' Story
>The Cooler MMO
>The boys

I made a big titted slut who wears cat ears and a bikini

Alright, alright "their perspective". Happy?

I agree that Cross is technically the protagonist but the main story of X is Elma's story and you're just along for the ride.

I can't wait to play as her in Super Smash Bros Ultimate as the 7th DLC fighter!

Eh, Cross kind of gets shit done. Sure Elma is an important figure, but Cross is the one who moves the plot forward because of his actions. He's just the personification of humanity, as what he does is for the sake of humanity. Character-wise, sure, he's just some rookie, but he is important.

It's just gonna be a bunch of characters for games Nintendo wants to shill at the moment. Watch as the Smash Arms character will be announced alongside Arms 2.

Seventh DLC character is from ARMS.

Dolls were pretty cool though. I miss my Mastema.

If there is a sequel to ARMS, then the new character will for sure just be Min Min with a new design.
But sorry to say it, Max Brass is in.

That would be the perfect way for Nintendo to hype Xenoblade Chronicles X Episode 2

>Legend of Zelda BotW2 somehow goes under the radar.

I assume it's just going to be Spring Man and he will come with both his Arms 1 and 2 designs as alternate colors.

>Assist trophy
Absolutely not.

Turning Smultimate into its own sequel.

Elma lied a lot
People Died But only kinda dead

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Humanity is the protagonist and Cross is its representative

can you romance her?

>The protagonist of the popular JRPG Xenoblade Chronicles X

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I forget why did she even hide the fact she was alien?

>love my starting mech
>have the best moment of the game in it when I 1v1 the boss in the rain durring the NLA invasion
>Fuck yes I am never getting rid of this thing
>Find out you cant upgrade it at all
Im sorry Matilda

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I'll take cool robot body that can fuck and eat (but not have babby) and mechs and being kinda dead but not over being 100% dead space debris.

I assume she didn't want to appear as some kind of Messiah for humanity or take credit for bringing the technology needed for humanity to escape.

I hate that autistic nigger and his ugly ass oc.

there was probably some prejudice against xenos before the start of the game

>humans recently genocided by aliens
>why would humanity at large be distrustful of aliens?

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Its not like aliens literally blew up the Earth

theres something about this planet

It's not like me having an epic wrestling match above your sand castle literally destroyed it.

Meanwhile they apparently didn't even make her pass through a metal detector when she delivered her tech

Outside a few bad eggs they seemed pretty quick to befriend the Nopons, L, the Ma-Nons and even both tribes of Prones and the Wrothians, I don't see why NLA at large would have a hard time accepting Elma, the woman singlehandedly responsible for their survival, as an ayy lmao.

>Elma comes to Earth with the Lifehold, basically the Zohar
>Gnosis in Xenosaga were attracted to the Zohar
>Ghosts are basically the Gnosis of Xenoblade
>She might as well have brought the Ghosts to Earth
Damn son

>spend your last days on earth doing everything in your power to get those ships ready in the hopes that you and your loved ones will escape on it
>Only you, your loved ones, and everyone else get left behind to die while a digital copy of your brain gets shipped off into space with no knowledge of what happened to your original
>their whole plan of just remaking everybody backfires when they lose the copies
>now everyone except Elma who gets her body back, its whats on the inside that counts my ass is essentially left in purgatory where they are the echos of dead people in a dwindling number of robotic husks kept alive by some unknown force which could turn off at any moment
Lao acted like a bitch about it but he had every right to be pissed off. How many people charged in guns blazing believing that if they died in that final battle they had their real bodies waiting right there?

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Weaklings that don't want to ascend.

So humans are fucking dead and all that remains are mims. Where the FUCK do you go from there? That's depressing as shit, I can imagine multiple people having an existential crisis over that.

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For all we know
>The Earth isn't actually destroyed
>Their souls are only trapped in the Mims, their bodies are still on Earth