G-Man's EP2 Speech [Re-imagined in Source 2]
That's pretty great. Although the mouth movement is a tiny bit off in some places. Wish Valve would make Source 2 a serious investment and on the same tier as UE4 but it just seems like Source 1 with some extra shit taped on
Sadly I don't think we'll see half life 3 for another 8 years or so that really pushes the boundaries of tech
Can't wait for the HL2 source 2 remake.
something seems un-natural
It is really weird that it took years for Valve to do anything serious with Source 2. Didn't even licence it out.
I want to see how far they can push Source 2 because it definitely got held back a lot by having Alyx in VR.
Pretty damn good, all things considered.
He's moving way too much and the facial expressions are off. The recreation of the areas is really good, though.
It's really sad how hard the training wheels are on in HL:A. In the non-VR games, the Marines/Combine had a lot of environmental cover that suited their squad based tactical AI, but in Alyx it seems like flanking tendency (while still there, mind you) has been dialed back significantly while the Combine are given no serious cover outside of a few places.
The AI is mostly unchanged, but you never get stuff like youtube.com
he looks like robbie rotten
Looks way too emotive, and it's weird how his head is tilted through the whole thing.
It actually wouldn't be as bad if they at least added two to three more combine units on hard. I was fucking around by spawning more combine than usual on the console and fighting them and it definitely shows how much more fun they are too fight when there's suddenly a lot more bodies to consider.
Reminder that he is ded
You don't really get stuff that's in that video in HL2 either, since HL2's map design didn't really allow for that.
The AI really is designed with medium sized squads in mind. At least two or three to lay down suppressive fire / throw grenades, and one or two to try a hail mary flank. But if it's only 3 combine at a time, they just go into "man down man down" mode and don't try anything too crazy.
Shield combine is a really good edition, tho.
False. There are multiple set pieces that are designed for it, particularly during several ambushes in Highway 17.
It looks a lot worse.
HL:A is essentially baby's first linear game.
it's gman, hes supposed to be.
compare this to him in Alyx and its definitely amateurish though.
Experimenting around I actually saw the most fun setup was assuming you fight them in a relatively open area:
3-5 grunts flanking you in different directions.
2 shotgunners heading straight towards you
1 commander.
1-2 suppressors in annoying locations.
Shit can vary too. I had a lot of fun having five shotgunners just rush me down or say 8 grunts spawning all around you as I'm stuck in one single room or car. Ideally, I would like to see how far mappers can go with this because the Combine firefights when there's this many units are very VERY fun to go through.
the original game does it a lot better, I agree with them it looks unnatural in a janky way.
Since we're talking about Combine AI here's some videos of soldiers fighting each other
I wonder if it's possible to apply the Commander AI to all the other ones?
i saw a comment that said "he sounds like hes an other worldly monster that is trying to sound human but puts emphasis on the wrong parts of his sentences" and ive liked his speeches even more
doesn't help that the animations look off
thats the point. its all supposed to sound off and strange.
i believe even in HL1 nihilanth tells you he is not a man and not to trust him
what the fuck is with those eyebrows, he’s constantly scowling in a way that he wasn’t in HLA.
His facial expressions are a lot more readable here than in the OP video.
There is no commander AI. Each individual combine soldier has their own AI and will react in various situations. If another soldier is laying down suppressive fire, then a shotgun soldier might go in for a charge.
I dislike that he has normal eyes now. He's moving way too much in that fan video as well, he should be more robotic and cold in his movements.
>he has normal eyes now
Wrong. The guy who made that video just couldn't figure out how to make it work in S2FM.
It's made by an amateur dude
The way his body moves torwards alyx was so SFM porn quality animation.
He also exaggerated his face way too much and didnt match his vocal intonations with the mouth movements.
Its cool but feels like the typical person with talent remaking something who doesnt understand what made the original good
Said line wasn't actually used in the game though
There is also the one alluding to what would become the Combine
Would be kino
First thing that comes to mind
Source 2 looks kinda shit...
Maybe blender porn has spoiled me
I really do appreciate the sheer depths of anger in gman's voice when commenting on gordon's survival. he's mad that he's alive, like he was intended to die.
He's mad that he's not stopping and doing what the G-man wants, not that hes still alive. He wants Gordon in stasis but the vortigaunts fucked him. Gordon is his property in his eyes since he would be dead on Zen without him
He grins too much
plot twist: gman works for the combine, and is working to covertly further their interests in regards to earth's portal technology. half-life 1 took out a rebellious force and simultaneously opened up their access to earth via a direct link. half-life 2 looks on the surface like a blow to the combine, but it is actually taking out a floundering political barrier (breen) that provides a false flag excuse to resend military and a full conquest. it only goes in the other direction when the vortiguants steal gman's human assets in episode 1, which stops information flow with the home world.
Makes sense given the Nihilanth calms him a deciever, and that the combine off earth is too big much for his employers. Are there any other reasons why G-Man would have Gordon fight the combine but still want him on Earth? Unless he has multiple employers
>but it just seems like Source 1 with some extra shit taped on
That's because it is. It's literally Source 1 extended.
I don't think this is being rendered with HL:A's version of the engine
Aside from the extremely slow reaction times, all of the AI behavior for the combine is there. Shotgun guys still charge at you. SMG guys still advance when you're suppressed. Machine gun guys suppress you. They can try to flush you out of cover with grenades or manhacks. There's also tons of environments with lots of chest high walls. In fact I think it was a bit too obvious when you walked into an arena like the entrance to the hotel.
The problem is that Valve never implemented a cover system for AI so they just stand out in the open like a bunch of retards, and to accommodate casuals' sloth-like reflexes, Combine take forever to shoot at you.
If they just took cover when they weren't shooting, that'd be enough to force you to use actual flanking tactics.
It's SFM
people are just too dumb to see that
lightbulb just went off in my head: in episode 2, gman tells gordon to escort alyx to white forest. simple assumption from dialogue is that eli was the one who hired gman to do that. it wasn't, the combine did. rewatch the OP vid, where he says he can't do it himself due to agreed upon "restrictions". that's because the combine is tracking her. if she goes to white forest on her own, they have now found the base, and can attack it. which is exactly what happens.
gman getting alyx to tell eli "prepare for unforeseen consequences" isn't because he made the deal, it's a threat. he said the same thing to eli before half-life 1, in regards to the xen crystals, and wanted eli to know everything was fucked because eli was probably involved in the vortiguant's actions through the episodes.
in real life the government supplies insurgents and terrorists that then go on to end up fighting US forces, so it's not exactly the most fictional thing that could happen in half-life.
It's not normal SFM, it's Source 2 Filmmaker which is included with some Source 2 games
The head and body animation is really bad here. The original was perfectly fine; they should've just used that and revised the lip animation (although that looks a little overdone in this too).
Oh and of course they made him smirk uncontrollably here since he was smirking a bit in HLA. He looks like he's about to burst into laughter throughout this whole thing. Doesn't make sense at this point in the series when he's been pretty upset with how things are going with Gordon out of his control.
I'm really glad the fanbase isn't in control of this series, because it would be way worse than anything people currently complain about. Every HL2 fanwork I've ever seen done in SFM has been extremely unfaithful while simultaneously being devoid of creativity.
>8 years
It's coming in 2 years because anything higher than that requires valve to count to 3, which they still can't do.
He looks like he's smiling way too often. That's fine when he's talking with Alyx, but when he's talking to Gordon he usually displays a cold personality.
Whats this
apparently source 2 was a huge fucking mess for most of its time
Either it's just how the vortigaunts portray the GMan or they are showing his "true" form
I like this. Just need to work on the mouth animation.
The vort models are so fucking ugly
vortigaunt "cave" painting
Is this gman speech the greatest vocal performance in any video game ever?
I said 8 years since they are going to focus on other stuff in the mean time. Hopefully around 2024 developers have ditched 4 core CPU's and are fully utilizing multiple cores set by PS5/SeX and widespread usage of Zen and Coffee Lake
Hopefully by then physics, facial animation and lighting are top tier set by Unreal, Unity or any of the propriety engines from AAA publishers. Valve has missed the mark with this gen doing nothing of importance so it would be nice of them to set some competition and push the tech forward like they did in 2004. The source engine is a mess but they could have enough money and time to completely re-write it and make something industry changing
I want to take this seriously but the vortigaunts just look so stupid