come visit my island and r8 and h8
come visit my island and r8 and h8
how frequently can i check my star rating
As much as you want, it updates every time you ask.
Bunny hood on sale here if anyone is interested
Anyone got neighbors moving out?
I wish
Sylvia asked me to move today so if you want to take her she’s yours
Island code?
fuck joey
My current and endgame villagers. How's my taste?
i have agnes and cheri, top tier for sure.
Something went wrong reopening gate for bunny hood
Trying to move a villager out so I’ve been completely ignoring him for days. However I need his house moved, do you thinking moving might count as interacting with him?
>Last five islands all had normal villagers
>But Marina was none of them
The grinding continues
Also, how the hell do you identify a Tarantula Island, you have to prepare it like you did with the island in NL?
her house is right by the museum by the way she just went back inside
Are you able to do Label's requests on another person's island?
Celeste is on my island, talk to her for free DIY if u havent talked to her today.
shes like in the south west area
i recommend turning on your minimap
If you a fuckton of Tarantulas then you found it. Also it’s only after 7pm
Sherb is all packed up and about to move out if anyone wants him.
i also have all the fruit if you need a fruit
its behind the museum, take what you need
where is cuttingboard user, i require a cutting board please
I'm putting a 50k bounty on anyone who has a Sabre Tooth Tiger Tail fossil. send dodo if you do
Gods dammit I can’t decide between Agnes or Cherry for my uchi and it’s killing me
>zero (0) clouds right now
>no shooting stars
What is this gay shit?
I've had three different villagers give me crafting recipes from their house today, it seems random how often someone will do that.
Shooting stars aren't guaranteed
>Got my 7th villager after selling land for the first time and haven't seen a new villager on the campsite in fours day.
>Haven't seen a new villager on mystery islands longer then that.
Tom keeps recommending to sell land. Am I supposed to do that now or am I getting shit RNG? First time player.
You need to have an open plot of land in order for more villagers to show up. And you can only invite one villager per day.
i have seen shooting stars don't appear till 10pm+
>Have different tool qualities
>The highest tier isn't indestructible
Why is everyone on this island a horrid craftsmen who can't make a tool to make their life
Fug I already have 2 lazy villagers
Still ghey though
Open them gates
im really hopping they give us a extra teir to make indestructable tools or something cause it's fucking gay.
or at the bare minimum let us have some sort of indicator that tells us tool damage
My clouds cleared up at about 11:20PM tonight
Trying to make an outdoor cafe area; can someone please post an example to give me some inspiration?
Pashmina has got her shit in boxes
>sold my turnips for 610 a pop
Gonna nut
Agnes is better as a wife
Cherry is better for fucking
I'm bias towards pigs, but I'd say Agnes since she's less popular
>Connection interrupted
Yo, I think yours is disconnected.
wow someone came in just to disconnect my island, even when im giving away free shit
celeste is here, and theres a fruit stand behind the museum if ur missing a fruit, im very limited so only take what you need
I connected but there was someone standing outside the airport and it wouldn't let me leave the building. This hasn't happened to me before
rape land user let me back in :(
>walk into town hall
>walk out
>there's now a blue bench outside
>go to random island
>come back
>bench is gone again
someone explain the mysterious blue bench
Rip rape land, didn't even get the hoodie...
Sorry guys rape land here ,server problem again too many rapist coming in, let me know if u wana come again
Thanks for opening.
sometimes the bench is there for the villagers to sit in, mostly for npc's
fuck yeah user! i bought for the first time this last sunday so i'm stoked, dont think i'm gonna try to get on anyones island to sell so i'm only expecting maybe 210 on my own tomorrow morning peak
Rape land opening
It's nice, I wish it would stay
Use customize kits to rewind the counter and its at about 40 fish for fishing rod at least
Villagers set up furniture there to do things occasionally. Why they don’t use the furniture I slaved over to put in their yards I don’t fucking know.
Has anyone gotten their mitts on a TV that isn't the apple one yet?
I miss my wall-mounted TV so much, and I only know it's in the game because Whitney has one.
>Bamboo Island
I should deforestate this place right?
I saw someone yesterday with a little wall mounted one.
>new tools get added to the upgraded nook shop
>sell for a stupid price and look cool
>same durability as the shit youve been using the whole time
some of the shit they thought up for this game is just completely fucking braindead. even if they release unbreakable tools in some future event or update barely anyone will be playing by then
thanks for the cutting board. please enjoy the shit recipe
i have a 20 inch wall mounted TV
Any chance I could get that catalogged?
sure give me a moment.
I finished my RX-78-2 sweater. Wish it didn't have that texture on it, but I guess it's fine as it is.
give code
I wouldn't even mind it so much if it didn't look so dumb.
The ironwood set looks so good, you guys. Currently in the process of replacing my dumb japanese-themed kitchen.
I really want the ironwood bed and the rest of the set. Damn random recipe drops.
Should i have been saving my leftover DIY cards?
anyone with Chevre moving out?
>that side table
Now that's nice.
Mix the two together
Any towns with Nook's Cranny still open and selling rose/cosmo/mum seeds?
I'm looking to get some roses/cosmos/mums.
Yes, especially cherry blossom ones. Trade them for things you want, it's what I'm doing
Ok seriously where the fuck is Margie? Shes been gone all day. I checked the entire museum, all the houses, shes just missing completely from my island
Can villagers just leave for a day?
I hate the fact I have absolutely no furniture variety yet for days my random drops and nook have been selling duplicates. Duplicate trash at that.
>tfw you finally sell 3000 weeds and don't need to pull every last one on every nook miles island visited
Learn some manners cuck
>Ironwood Bed
Just got the recipe today. If you shoot me a dodo I can drop one off at your island.
learn to give code
Taking humanized villager requests.
Changed Katt's skin color, she's actually brown.
Couldn't figure out Blanche, beak on face was awkward.
Some of these are gonna be so obnoxious
Anyone have these fossils?
Brachiosaurus skull
Dimetrodon Tail
Megacero Skull
I’ll trade whatever you want for them
Raymond or ankha
Do Celeste!
Savannah please. She's a cutie and gets no love
You offered bitch
Tabby please!
I'm guessing this means we won't be getting indestructible tools.
That would be awesome user, anything you want in exchange?