Remember when Nintendo charged 3 times the price for a Wii U port and removed it from the Wii U's eShop a few days...

Remember when Nintendo charged 3 times the price for a Wii U port and removed it from the Wii U's eShop a few days before the Switch version's release?

Attached: dkctf.png (751x592, 801.96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>60 dollars for an auto-runner

That trashy ass game plays like an indie game

is it auto-run?

While very similar it's not technically the same game because the switch version obviously runs at a significantly higher resolution. The Wii U version is only 720p which is pretty ugly on any decent size TV.

Funky ain't cheap, user.

But it has a funky new mode you illiterate fuck

It's only higher res in handheld mode and even then what kind of retard can justify a 3x price increase for a marginally better image quality


remember when Yas Forums said this was the best donkey kong game

Attached: 1283567376417.jpg (623x499, 99.64K)

2D games with a 3D art style always feels so grotesque.

1080p vs 720p is absolutely not "marginally better image quality."

But it is.

Attached: sophisticated.png (280x270, 49.53K)


>New super mario but with Scooby Kong

Nice Kelly tho

it's like a mediocre, jungle themed robot unicorn attack

the game is proof that spectacle is all you need to impress Yas Forums, that and memes (in the original sense, not the funny internet pictures sense)
tropical freeze threads were the first time I'd ever seen people quote e-celebs word for word for entire paragraphs when talking about why the game was good. buying that game was a mistake, but at least I got the cheap wii U version.


tropical freeze only got praise because it was one of the few games on the wii u worth playing, but like xenoblade x it was promptly forgotton when a new console came out with games people actually wanted to play.

The game is good enough and long enough to warrant $60, but they really should have bundled DKCR with it.

>We've reached such levels of contrarianism that TF is now considered a bad game.

You assholes need to step up your game, this is pathetic.

Attached: The fuck wat.jpg (678x505, 31.16K)

go ahead and painstakingly explain how the linear levels, flat graphics, lack of any challenge whatsoever etc. merits a good game

>not liking a game that resorts to crumbling floors/chase sequences every level is contrarianism
it helps that a lot of the level gimmicks are rehashes. a reskinned bounce pad is still a bounce pad


>release game on Wii U
>literally nobody buys it and lose money


nigga learn how to quote.

>complaining about linear levels in a Dk game
Stopped reading right there, play games instead of parroting what faggots on Yas Forums say.

you do not go up or down in tropical freeze, only right

Didn't they casualize it by boosting max health from 4 to 6?

b-but they make le wholesome comfy yellow doggo games...

The game feels incredible to move around. I love the sense of momentum you have. Legitimately my favorite platformer of all time. Fuck you.

Nintendo is the greediest scummiest videogame company currently, the way they force you to buy extra bullshit after you already bought the console is scummier than any other company, and all their controllers and systems are made like cheap overpriced shit, if it wasn't for all the nostalgia blinded retards people would hate Nintendo more than ea.

Play the game you retard.
>level where you first get cranky
>first level of DK island
>all Underwater levels
>first few Africa levels
Even then how does that even matter? There where no levels in DK 1 where you went up and down and I doubt you have any problems with. Hell the vertical levels were either a hit or miss in 2 or complete shit in 3. Just quit being a faggot and play the game on cemu

Nigga, it's $40 more for a game that was already 4 years old at the time of the Switch release. Even before the Wii U version's price drop it only retailed for $50

Attached: 3dgb9j.png (400x310, 166.08K)

It is for a fucking Wii U game.

I bought the game full price on Wii U and Switch. Retro deserves my money and support.

One on the right has a New Funky Mode

>Splatoon 2 was barely any different to 1 on release aside from the Grizzco shit (which was on rotation lol), Adventure mode is almost identical
>They release a proper story mode for $30 more after release
>no discussion of this in Splatoon threads, just waifu spam like usual
tendies are mentally ill

>Splatoon 2 was barely any different to 1 on release
Splatoon 2 had an entirely new horde mode added to it. Barely any different my asshole.

I said that you dunce. That was the only new addition to the base game until the Octo Expansion which they jewed another $30 out of you for.

That’s Absolutely not true. I compared the Wii U version and the switch version on my tv. Switch version looks way crispier

>I bought the game full price on Wii U and Switch.
why are nintenpaypigs so cringe?

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>game is put in the bargain bin because it didn't sell on a dead console


Stop being retarded.

If they re-release it on their next console, I'll do it again.

I legitimately want to murder half the people in this thread.

He's doing it on purpose. He's a newfag that thinks if his argument doesn't get any responses, it means that he btfo the person he's arguing with so hard that he couldn't think of one, so he wins. It's been a hot new tactic for some time now, though usually it's the guy using @ instead of >> or he says "doesn't even deserve a (you)." The worst is when he passive aggressively doesn't even link a post, but is clearly referring to one just one or two above his response.


Justify them removing it from the eshop.

Even if it didn't go into the bargain bin, It would still be $10 more for a 4 year old game

Attached: Dya_fweWkAIYGfZ.png (2048x1489, 822.1K)

now that's what I call galaxy-brained autism.

:) do we prevent this from happening to us?

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You know everything that's be brought in this thread is making me feel like Nintendo supports a get it before it's gone mentality. Like I was kinda shocked when nintendo said they were shutting down their ds and wii online. That's 250 MILLION units with no internet access and those console still got games after that. Doesn't the 360 still have its online running? Hell I think the OG xbox still has online service doesn't it? What's also shocking is that the 3ds pokemon games online was shut down in feburary. That doesn't make sense at all. All those games were massively successful and the last one launched in 2017. So a game that sold 13million only get 3 years of online?

Nintendo's mentality is "Fuck you, buy our new shit."

>sonychads get 3 quality remastered titles with a couple of extras for $40
>nintensimps get one """"remaster""" which costs the same as the original release if not higher

this isn't even something new to the switch. still laughing at how wind waker cost $50. mario kart, donkey kong, NSMB, the list goes on. pay up goyim

Difference is the remastered Sony games are just decent (Crash) or bad (Spyro) while Tropical Freeze is incredible, arguably the best game of this generation. I would say only Mario Odyssey belongs in the conversation with it.

Mario Galaxy 2 was better than odyssey, but I do agree with TF. 2nd best platformer ever made

Yeah. This is one reason why I pirate their switch games.

bootlickers, shills, or unironic retards

I hate how DK controls in this. feels slow but then when you roll too fast. Hate it.

people can tell when you're lying. stop being mad at video games you've never even played

There's a lot of portbegging for Xenoblade X though? Enough that they had to address it and say it likely won't happen.