As a Sony bro, I'm disappointed

As a Sony bro, I'm disappointed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

who's this angel?

>They release a "piano black" color scheme.
>Its the colors swapped.

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ur mom

is this image implying she prefers BBC?

Jillberg McJewstein

it honestly looks like some sort of google controller or steam peripheral

Emily Rudd

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The ps5 is gonna be so ugly

I hate this chick, complete lack of emotion, I bet she struggled to make that body language under several pounds of makeup on her face

That controller looks like fucking garbage. Is it too much to ask to just have a fucking start and select button?

Attached: ps3stock.png (490x351, 108.03K)

Is it at least bigger? Since i was 14, PS controllers just feel a bit too small for my hands

The ds3 is super small, the others are about average

start and select are right there. it's just named differently

Aw someone’s mad they’ll never be a woman

>bad taste

>Press select
>It just opens the shitty social media meme menu

And they're in shitty positions because the retarded touchpad is taking up their spot. Have any games even made use of the touch pad in any meaningful way other than to use it as one giant button?

time to commit incest then

His name is Emily Rudd.

>they made the PS button PS logo shaped.

Attached: kids calc.jpg (691x893, 62.83K)

how come Sony went for concave sticks after the ps3?

I don't know why the fuck they do any of the retarded shit they do.

yeah, looks like someone's turd. where are the classic shapes at, 4 generations and we get some americanized bootleg? fucking jews are always doing it.

>This stock photo meme of a cute girl has been a tranny this entire fucking time
I should have fucking guessed

Calm down man it's just a Big Black Controller

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>Have any games
about as many games that made use of the select button in a meaningful way and remember
>ps3 shoulder buttons

Because they're better

This is the most soulful looking controller we've had since the Original Xbox and Gamecube released. Sony never had such a cool looking controller till now. People who want an all black version are kinda retarded imo. The current color scheme looks so futuristic.

which one vros

Attached: preference.jpg (4960x2440, 822.5K)

Is she... transgender?

No you stupid virgin.

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>the pad on the left is actually the same size as the right one
our eyesight is crazy

From a distance, the white controller looks like it's wearing scantly clad strap-on overalls.

Guess they really wanted to embrace the Gaystation meme, huh.

Attached: file.png (800x800, 454.32K)

yes the Best Black Controller

Attached: 1zmZ7gX.jpg (1077x762, 45.5K)

The select button is usually mapped to the touch pad.

Have you even played a ps4?

>xbone controller with 2 paddles (and new stick material)

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Make the d-pad and the face buttons white like in the official controller and it's perfect

They really tried way too hard to visually distinguish this from the DS4.

>instead of calling it a DS5 they called it a DualSense
>despite having overall the same design as the DS4, they just make it curvier and have the button alignments of the start and share buttons kind of diagonal
>making it all black would make it too similar to the default DS4, so they make the default colors black, white and blue (makes me wonder what other color schemes the DualSense will have for alternative color choices)

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She’s an actual biological female

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i am not fucking calling it dualsense

Sony is copying alienware this time.

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-01-07 11-13-24.png (1920x1080, 945.02K)

this one

Attached: PS5-controller.jpg (700x394, 74.39K)


Black controllers are the best

some mutt

why is she looking at the black one like that?

I'm getting the black one

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>micro USB in 2020

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Top looks more futuristic and I'm not even a Snoyboy.

Looks like garbage. Does Xbox hold a patent on comfortable, functioning controllers? So they have to make this abomination?

I think that was just a shitposting thread from last night. It looks like USB-C here

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>big black controller

How durable is USB-C?
I'm like on my 5th micro usb cable in the past 6 months

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Oh it's a BLACKED thread

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Why the fuck would they make it white

butthurt bl*ck boi

would make the white power hand gesture for this

Not him but all white is a bad idea. It will start to get dirty in only a few weeks of use


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sexy adams apple

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bros will I still be able to use my ps4 controller with the 5?