this doesn't feel like a doom game... what the fuck am i even playing?
since when is the doom guy a fucking superhero?
this doesn't feel like a doom game... what the fuck am i even playing?
since when is the doom guy a fucking superhero?
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what's up with the fucking convoluted story too? who the fuck thought that was a good idea in a doom game?
Woah calm down Sgt Mark
If you want it to feel like old school doom go play old school doom you boomer
This isnt 1995 anymore and all games are 3d, of course it doesnt /feel/ like the OG dooms because they're a relic of the time. It delivers on that feeling you get while playing them though, that frantic 'jesus christ I'm gonna die' bullet dodging and enemy dodging goodness
Weak bait
Chainsaw and glory kills are gay.
>Doom 2016: praised as a middle finger to what fps games became, partially because the story was simple and (mostly) ignorable
>Doom Eternal: Anyways here's third person cutscenes
I hear it's good and all, but I don't see it topping 2016 for me.
it's better than doom16 in literally every single way
it's 15 lore pages of fun facts, how is that a convoluted story for you?
Convoluted? Are you fucking retarded? Theyres like 15 minutes of cutscenes in the whole game, you don't even have to read the extra lore shit, it's 90% gameplay.
>Cheers love, cavalry's here!
I popped the disc out and threw it in the blender as soon as I heard Doomguy say that.
It just looks like 2016 but with worse design and more platforming.
There's barely any platforming, the combat is better than 2016, the meathook and dashing improve the mechanics considerable. Youre a fag
Since now you fucking retarded boomer
Lowercase posters are so fucking dumb holy shit.
Doom as it was, made today, would be fucking garbage.
Doom Eternal is the best FPS in the last 20 years
They need to add more Event loot for Battlemode. 12 levels is not enough.
>2016 had worse design with repetitive backtracking and key collecting
>2016 had worse arenas
>2016 had no visual variety
>2016 had worse weapons and worse balance
>2016 is much slower than Eternal
>2016 had no skippable cutscenes
>since when is the doom guy a fucking superhero?
Since he outran a rocket on foot by running diagonally
>since when is doomguy a superhero?
umm probably since he started slaying demons by the hundreds
Just going off what I've seen from reviews and screenshots. The overall aesthetic of the game is much more cartoony, though, and I don't dig it. I'm not going to spend 60 bucks on a game I'm on the fence about, especially if the game infamously gets good "around the third level" and I can only have 2 hours of playtime if I wanna get a refund.
kys boomer
>copy+pasted UAC base pieces
>better design
Hold R to skip cutscenes then retard.
>since when is the doom guy a fucking superhero?
since he took a big poopoo on hell like 8 times
Dude, you haven't played the game, shut the fuck up
Literally like 1 enemy in the game is cartoonish, The cacodemon. Is there non contextualized pickups? Yes, but it doesn't ruin the immersion in the game. It heavily leans into the fact that it's a game.
But hey, your a faggot who looks at screenshots that has the tiniest amount of color and complains about it being a "Cartoon". Don't complain about the game not giving the player everything until the 4th mission when 2016 was far far worse about that.
Even after 4 missions, you have 9 full length missions after that to play around in the sandbox they made.
He became a superhero the second he put on the Praeter suit in 2016. Literally in canon.
how did they get away with that
god, that's fucking pathetic
Just pirate it if you want. there's a drm free exe out there
2016 tried to have its cake and eat it two.there are two times your stuck in a room listening to sam hyde and you cant skip them. its fucking egregious
>getting angry at my opinion
I don't mind the color. Amid Evil, while very colorful, is one of my favorite FPS games. Even the first 2 Doom games were decently colorful. Every single demon is much more animated and goofy. It's a design choice I don't like. Sorry the game you hyped up in your head hasn't caught my eye as much as I hoped it would.
Stupid faggot complaining about a game he hasn't played
>Every single demon is much more animated and goofy
This is objectively false. Stop trying to talk about shit you know nothing about.
Again, literally the only goofy thing related to demons is the Caco swallowing your grenade. The story itself is played just as straight as 2016.
You're playing an amped up version of Quake 3 Arena
>2016 had no skippable cutscenes
probably because there literally are none?
unless you count the 20 seconds before the game starts and Hayden's monologue at the end
It was a different time
Looks like someone needs to replay the game again.
doom has been about a rabbit loving madman killing space demons since the beginning friendo
also, literally and unironically, if you play the game and get frustrated you're just bad. That's how fucking good the combat is.
>that 3 minute section in advanced research where hayden just talks shit with you in his office
this is why arcade mode was made since it skips all the bullshit
This. The "lore" of this game is so fucking stupid. They are trying to transform Doom in some sort of Lord of the Rings or Marvel crap.
Remember when trolls actually tried? Sahgay.
Then don't read it
The story serves two purposes at any given time
>Set up cool scenario
>Set up cool lore
If you've seen it, skip it
If you don't care about the lore, skip it
oh yeah that 3 minute talk in a 10 hour campaign really is bullshit
Stop talking out of your ass. Look on Youtube. There are many parts where you're forced to standaround and wait for dialogue to be over before you can continue.
>probably because there literally are none?
the few cutscenes there are fucking suck. And most of them are unskippable That one where you literally have to stand still for 2 minutes watching olivia press buttons comes to mind. You know, the part where doomguy has a brainbrap and suddenly forgets that he's literally an unstoppable force of anger and lets olivia blow shit up?
user, who the fuck cares about an after credit scene that has no bearing on anything
>doom has been about a rabbit loving madman killing space demons since the beginning friendo
Retconned with the second game, it was just an intermission screen. They didn't care. Doom has always been light as balls on story but consistent towards maintaining a serious tone; it is a game about fighting demons from hell, after all.
Whats his name again?
Look at this demon's design compared to the 2016 design. It's cartoonier. It's easier on the eyes. This cutscene displays their model better than any other.
>Using reddit wojack when complaining about somebody else's opinion on a videogame
Only difference between you and them is that you aren't crying about what I think about Minecraft.
How was that retconned?
Ironic that the unskippable cutscenes are more bearable than the skippable ones in Eternal, this life
yeah it's great that doom eternal remained serious throughout the entire game
we wouldn't any silliness in our horror game now would we
It's always the same excuse "urr you can skip it"
I don't care dude. It's dumb stuff that is part of the game and I would like to have the full experience. A good experience. Saying "skip this shitty crap they droped on the game" doesn't make it looks any better.
>the unskippable cutscenes are more bearable than the skippable ones in Eternal
TORtanic discord trannies are seething because their whining didn't make the game flop in any way.
The absolute state of shitposters.
At least I *can* skip them, I should be thankful, you're right
Exactly. At least they have a straightforward narrative and not stupid lore shit with useless NPCs that you will never see again on the game.
Well, don't worry, next time they'll get Chris Avelon to write the story and Roger Dekins to direct the cutscenes, that way we can have a proper Doom.
With the first few paragraphs of the Doom 2 manual pretty much, retcons all of Doom nearly; suddenly we're the savior of Mars and not just its moons.
Do you really want to cling to this?
The less than 1 minute long cutscenes in either games?
Are you this desperate to shit on the game?
>Look at this demon's design compared to the 2016 design. It's cartoonier. It's easier on the eyes. This cutscene displays their model better than any other.
it's a human zombie, better looking than the goop zombies with holes for faces that were in doom16
>Using reddit wojack when complaining about somebody else's opinion on a videogame
god forbid
Oh, yeah, the story stuff really was inconsistent back then. I don't even know if I'd call those retcons or just oversights.
>le epic doom game bros, it's not like it used to be
you weren't even alive when doom was a thing, you cringey incel, fucking kill yourself
>consistent towards maintaining a serious tone
What fucking tone, there wasn't any, the little plot there was in Doom 2 was just text screens.
And the levels didn't transmit anything because the levels in Doom 2 didn't look like anything at all, they were a clusterfuck in design.
>not being able to skip cutscenes sucks
>doom eternal's cutscenes are worse because i can skip them
Nigger, in these threads i've seen people claim that Doom 3 is the best of them, and that the plot was always a big part of Doom.
They don't give a shit, they are just contrarians who thought they could make a game flop if they cried enough on a has-been website.
They didn't care. They can make things interesting in the game when they want to, like the end of episode 1, but they didn't spare any time on the story more than they needed to.
Doom 1/2 = Evil Dead 1/2
Doom 64 = Army of Darkness
Doom 3 = Evil Dead 2013
Doom 2016/Eternal = Ash vs Evil Dead
Way to miss the point. I want the opposite of that. Doom 2016 had a partial anti-plot design and was praised because of that. Eternal throwed that philosophy away because they wanted to appeal Marvel-tier lore autists.
Who cares?
It's the plot of a fucking Doom game, it's irrelevant no matter what.
Chill the fuck down shitty cunty spergo I just love the cover art, and I'm talking about Doom as a whole.
Sort of like a trip code?
The same applies to Doom 1.
Except the levels actually looked like something.
Ok, so my point has gotten through your head. I don't like that, hence I don't like the new design. Not sure why you had to let me know I did, in fact, like the new designs of the characters.
>sucks I cant skip cutscenes but at least they're not obnoxious
>neat that I can't stand these cutscenes I can skip
I just can't win
>dude doomguy used to just be a simple space marine who got things done
>and by getting things done I mean repelling thousands of supernatural being in space with space weapons
Oh, and I forgot, the legendary thread on launch day, where all the discord trannies joined hands to, out of nowhere, start praising Doom 2016 and shitting on Eternal because Eternal has floating gun icons and Doom 2016 had some "COOL AS FUCK EPIC ANIMATIONS WHEN YOU PICK UP THE GUNS".
Yas Forums is embarassing.
This is fucking stupid as shit considering tone, Doom Eternal = Army of Darkness, 2016 is more Evil Dead 2013, OG Doom is Evil Dead 1 and then Doom 2 until Doom 3 is all keeping it serious so like "Evil Dead 1 - if it had a budget".
>Finished Doom Eternal, try out Doom 64 for the first time since I got it as a preorder bonus
The game is fine but holy shit this music is godawful. How the hell could somebody make this?
>since when is the doom guy a fucking superhero?
since always? what do you call a man who carries 10 enormous guns around and goes down into hell to kill thousands of demons by himself while shrugging off rockets to the face
>The same applies to Doom 1.
Yeah no they had tones and atmospheres, what are you on about? Do you not know what "tone" is?
Why care about whats in the cutscenes?
actually no, let me rephrase
Doom 1 Shareware = Evil Dead
Doom 1 = Evil Dead 2
Doom 2 = Army of Darkness
Doom 64 = Evil Dead comics
Doom 3 = Evil Dead 2013
Doom 2016/Eternal = Ash vs Evil Dead
Music is what makes it. Just put on your own or the 2016 soundtrack if you need to.
>Yeah no they had tones and atmospheres
No it didn't, absolutely nothing in the game felt serious at all.
The only Doom that felt serious was Doom 3.
>Doesn't care about the story
>Complains about the story
If you don't like the story, don't fucking watch it. It's just an excuse to move the game along you fucking retard
>2016 had better arenas
Because it's a Doom game. The story SHOULD be irrelevent, but it isn't! Stop saying to people ignore the shit that is on the game, as I said that doesn't make it look better.
>wtf the doomguy I know would never be able to kill demons by the thousands like some dumb superhero!
That's not what that said
>No it didn't, absolutely nothing in the game felt serious at all.
That's a personal problem. Why didn't you take killing demons seriously? I can understand if you just got introduced to it this year, that changes things.
Because they all looked goofy as fuck.
And no, Ultimate Doom was the first game I played on a PC, back in 1998.
Watch any interview with Hugo Martin the game director. He himself says that if you don't like the story/don't care, skip it. That's the reason most of the story is in the codex, the cutscenes are just ways to push the game along
Clearly the story wasn't geared towards you
>Yas Forums has a meltdown because the game is too fun
No, discord trannies are having a meltdown because their shitposting didn't cause the game to flop.
They've been saying the same shit even before the game came out.
They were DESPERATE for this game to flop.
Who said I don't care? I don't want that shit there. How hard is to understand that? Your statement is stupid and completely contraditory "heh, story on Doom should be irrelevant, but have this game with a gazzilion of dumb lore that shouldn't be on the game on the first place"
There's a reason they either complain about ammo (best way to tell a shitter apart from a good player) or the story (completely inconsequential for a Doom game)
lol, it's not possible man. It's the same retard argument over and over. I think you guys have a severe head damage or something, this is not possible at all.