We'll never get an HD remaster of pic related

We'll never get an HD remaster of pic related
>If we did it would be in the style of the remakes
it hurts bros

Attached: Re_outbreak_a.jpg (250x357, 45.17K)

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this game really came out at the worst time, sold sold so bad they cancelled the third part

What killed it?

Feels fucking bad bros. I loved Outbreak. They feel like the ultimate refinement of the classic fixed camera formula.

almost nobody had internet

The game played just fine without internet, really the only time I had problems with the AI was in the last scenario

Capcoms incompetents release a game with online when many folks haven't jumped to console online gaming.

yeah but the real part of the game was doing the harder difficulties online. which are fucking impossible with those retard AIs, especially on File 2.

>REsistance has Result Points that can be used to buy cosmetics
>Just like Outbreak

Why do they tease... it's so mean...

Could you really even do a third game with this cast while still in Raccoon City? I'm pretty sure in they all end up escaping or dying