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>Druckmann is Jewish, although found he regularly writes about "white, straight, Christian male" characters, encouraging him to instead create more diverse characters.[58]

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fuck off discord missionaries.

Based. Finally get to see Christians depicted as the villains they are.

So innovative, so brave. Hopefully this will tackle harmful stereotypes and challenge the narratives of big media oligarchs

Come to balkan i cut your head off faggot bitch.

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If true, than its pretty much guaranteed to be the predictable pretentious garbage I knew it was going to be.

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They're testing out patience

lmao a game can't be "deep" and also have villains at the same time
fucking retarded writers

who cares about homophobia when society has collapsed?


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They're about four years late to that "woke" party. Nowadays it's an overused cliche that makes you look like an oppression-olympics faggot.

Fuck chr*st**ns

somebody triggered borat

Is this source actually reliable at all or are we supposed to overreact because you posted a screenshot?

Survivalist Retards in a Cult of course

>muslims depicted as terrorists
>jews depictied as greedy and vile
>chrisitans dipictied as homophobic

who cares people just love to hate this faggot game because it's the quintessential stereotype "pretentious woke art project trying to make a statement"
basically the oscarbait of games

So the leak was accurate??

Based negaverse poster

when are the first 2 ever depicted in any mainstream media. And faggots are gross so not really a bad thing

this, I just love having such low hanging fruit to hate. I don't care if it's true or not, sounds like it could be true which just makes me hate it more. And I just love to hate it.

jews and muslims are not only greedy and violent like you said, but they're both far more homophobic than christians.
Nice try though, you disgusting kike.

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Oh, sure, I have no love for the series but I'd like some actual reliable sources, I googled it and the only website reporting this is some australian website called 'sausageroll' and you know how the shitposting in australia goes.


No one gives a shit if it's true. That's not the point. It's outrage-porn. People unironically get off on getting pissed at identity politics.


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OP may or may not be true but Neil Druckmann, the writer and director, really is a Jew and his wiki page really does say he writes white Christian males to do his diversity work.

if i don't voice my hate for it's poor quality, the only people left to speak on the game's behalf would be those giving it undeserved praise

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>they give them the last name of seed
They knew

the source is literally a picture of a Yas Forums thread from a couple days ago claiming to be a family member of someone at Naughty Dog


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This is it.
I like the Playstation, but you Xbox niggas finally win.
I'm sorry.

I thought the bad guys in this game were zombies
I'm down to kill some retarded rednecks though


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how does it feel being this fucked in the head?

man i want other religios representation other than christians.

where are the evil jews? evil zorastrian? evil buddhist? muslims?

Real talk, has anything come out of a zombie game or piece of media that wasn't just "But the ReAl EnEmY wAs Us!" at the end of it, or an overzealous preacher figure?

Fuck sake.

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When do we fight the True enemies of the world?

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Why would a jew make a game about evil jews?

left 4 dead

Based Balkan boi

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real, scientific, honest, and based talk... has there ever been a single piece of zombie media that's actually good?

By the sounds of it’s just a cult that has its roots in Christianity. Anything outside of either Catholic Churches is a cult if they claim Christ

welcome to the club, also former snoynigger here

As someone that really likes TLOU1 and thinks its a masterpiece, this would be close to a self parody from Druckmann. I hope it's false.

Would Christians really care about the gays in a zombie hellscape? You niggers need to get your priorities straight if so.

The three first Dead movies by George Romero. Also, RE series.

You can kill jews in GTA4

Tails Gets Trolled was pretty unique with its zombies

Literally nobody gives anyone flak for this.

Gays would probably be the cause of zombies. They make spreading disease a lifestyle.

you papists get the rope too

I'll unironicallt enroll in a Christian faggot killing deathsquad if the apocalypse was happenning.

In these harsh times there is LITERALY NO PLACE for faggotery, the entire fate of and future of mankind depends on PROCREATION.

Can there be a single day you guys don't spam dyke shit about TLOU?

Jesus christ, they are 1% of the population and there isn't a single day you don't have to hear about dykes, YOU THINK LESS OF KIDS STARVING IN AFRICA THAN OF FUCKING DYKES, FUCK YOU OP.

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Look up white kids on twitter

Man I miss Left 4 Dead...

Christians in general are probably the most evil men in the world right now though. I don't want to see that in vidya

"There is no people left, so either be straight, or we'll kill you so there is even less people left!"

Attached: MEmu 2020-04-07 07-26-07-06.jpg (564x1008, 41.47K)

lurk /gif/ for five minutes


Well they think of starving Africans, but in a positive light.

>christians are the villains
About time. Christians are the biggest assholes compared to literally any other religion that has ever existed.

All (((abrahamic))) religions are fucking trash

>wanting disease spreaders around
Fags make up the majority of AIDS cases. Fire is the only way.

Thanks OP, this goes into the list of things I didn't need to know or hear yet you felt the need to let me know and now i'm pissed, fuck you OP.

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That Kingdom show on Netflix is pretty good.

There's call of duty.

The last of us is such a boring pretension shitty game. I hope this true, it would be a laugh to see the series end on such a sour note.

>consisting of mentally stable people
Choose one. It's literally now the new Tumblr after porn was banned there. It's nothing but trannies and raging incel feminists. Of course they'll have retarded viewpoints.

Redpilled answer. If you worship some fucking jew desert god, you're probably not a real human being. Have a little self respect.

And straight men make up the majority of criminals, suicides, wife beaters, etc. What's your point buddy?

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It already ended.

They're already going to die eventually without procreating. Why waste resources on them when those resources could be given to someone who will help keep the human race going? Faggots aren't even useless in an apocalypse. They're a burden.

>literally no one does this
>well yes ok those people do but they don't count because reasons
come on now

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None of these turned up anything in particular. What I'm trying to say is, nobody but the insane .0001% of the population has a problem with whites marrying other whites and procreating. This is just a weirdo victim complex taken just a bit too far. Races marrying their own and having children is still the accepted standard.

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Bull fucking shit. Pay closer attention.

Is there anything about this that isn't hack as fuck?

That they spread a dangerous disease because that can't stop sticking their dicks in places they don't belong.

As hetero sexual man or woman, do you really want to play a game as a lesbian whos out for revenge for her same sex lover? Come on, man.

>why yes, i DO in fact care less about starving niglets in africa than i do trannies posting on my Yas Forums, how could you tell?

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>people on twitter say stupid shit
>my entire race is literally under attack
jesus do you want to save your race or not? stop sucking so much fucking COCK.

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Who has an issue with whites having kids with other whites? Fucking nobody, that's insane. Only the most deranged, ill and conspiratorial people take issue with that.

If you're trying to rebuild an area like a city, more adult hands is way better than just pumping out babies with no infrastructure. Use the gays are workhands at least you myopic niggers.

you're arguing with some retard on Yas Forums, what do you expect?

So are gamers yet we don't talk about killing them!

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Why are Snoyfags like this bros?

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You mean when it's always inevitably a white guy who was secretly manipulating everything the whole time, and the Muslims were good boys who dindu nuffin?

what are the implications here?

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They barely care about them now.

You jealous?

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t. Druckmann

As long as you don't feed them or give them the clean water, then you have a point.

>homophobic Christians

Take a nap, achmed.

you didn't read the leaks? its as garbage as you'd think it would be, bonus points for Ellie's gf being "the girl all the guys want"

>Sony: So it's not about zombies this time? Who is your audience again?
>(((Naughty Dog))): uhh...uhh..patriarchy...uh.......DELAYED INDEFINITELY!

Nothing about this article seems serious at all, are you fucking kidding me op?

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Why would borat support Christianity?

>Ellie's gf being "the girl all the guys want"
Really? With that huge nose?

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Is that a communion wafer?

Jesus was a jew

At least gamers have hand-eye coordination and at least basic problem solving skills. Fags only know how to suck dicks.

Guys are willing to settle for some goblins when pickins are slim.

t. former Navy

>muslims hate gays
>"shut up, stop criticizing them, it's their culture"

>Jews treat everyone like cattle
>"wow anti-semetic much? Fuck you nazi!"

>christians treated as homophobic
>"this is a problem, we need to destroy this religion and kill everyone in it"


Silly milly dilly!
You read it wrong! "The girl all GOYS want".

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Oh come the fuck on, you are not being put upon this fucking much.

This is a bit fucking drastic, yet you retards eat this shit up.

Who would you root for in this scenario desu?

>The Chad Christian anti gay killsquad that try and secure a better life and future for you and you fellow white peers


>The multicultural vrigin dyke and tranny squad, muh vengence because they killed muh jew bi gf

>you didn't read the leaks?
Nah ,I don't care about the game so I didn't care to delve into any leaks. Mind if you summarize?

State of Decay

this is like a facebook grandma thread. no information, jpg of a random article. literally too stupid to take seriously. everyone who got more invested than a shrug - kill yourself. thanks.

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They just always go for Christians because it's the lowest hanging fruit. It's considered the "whitest" religion, despite the sizeable black and latino following, so it won't get you branded a racist, and it also won't get your fucking head sawed off. The worst thing you'll get usually is a half assed boycott or something.

Well i'm a fag gamer so I can suck dick AND have hand-eye coordination and basic problem solving skills.

How do you like em apples!?!!?!?!!?

Attached: MEmu 2020-04-07 06-00-13-88.jpg (564x1008, 31.53K)

heres its source which they claimed were DCMA'ed and deleted lol