Where does FFVIIR fit in the series timeline?

Where does FFVIIR fit in the series timeline?

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Mini leg.
The other bit.

Flats > Drum

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Flat is better girl than drumette


Flat > Drum
Flats have more flavor

It's an alternate timeline.

I sure do love knocking out a basket of wings!

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No, coffee isn't good for you.
But then again not a lot is good for you, even things you need to live.
Some are even lethal in high doses.

>Being this afraid of meat
Fucking vegans

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Boneless is the thinking man's wing

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flatcucks are so fucking cringe
literally less meat and more gross veiny bits who the fuck actually wants that part?
the fact that some people out there actually choose all flats when they go to buffallo wild wings is disturbing as fuck!

Both. I'm a whole chicken kind of guy.

it has more fat and less meat, of course thats the way


i know this is bait; fuck you anyway

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only hipsters say flats. they like to pretend they taste better cause theres a barrier to entry(self awareness). Drums are easier and tastier

Delete this right now, user

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Wings are shit tier meat. Their only benefit was they were cheap, but fags jumped on the bandwagon of using them as a delivery system instead of just drinking their sugar sauce, so now they're low quality AND expensive. Way to go.

T-they're just useless sacks of meat, user-san. I'm not jealous of them at all! My diet is perfectly healthy, regardless of what size they are!

>Flats > Drum

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What is wrong with Americans?

Fucking animal

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neck yourself

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Boneless wings aren't even wings

I only eat tenders

During VII in an alternate timeline


I like flats better because it's easier to get all the meat off of them in one go.

boneless is breast meat and is too soft and tender compared to the wing and leg meat, which are much more tough and satisfying to chew

"Boneless wings" are chicken nuggets not wings

Just order chicken nuggets if you are this much of a child

A woman or faggot did this. No actual man leaves that much meat on the bones. Also, could be angles, but some of those flats look undercooked.

flat is the best

>overpriced chicken nuggets

oof, reddit much?

Everybody knows that the true patrician choice is drumsticks anyways.

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>wasted food
>buffalo wild wings
Never understood the appeal of that place.

Why did you do this?

Chicken legs and thighs are superior

The sweet yous


If you're sitting down at a table it's flats > drums
If you're standing or sitting without a table it's drums > flats


Flats are better tbqh, althought the drumettes have more meat, i prefer the flats because i can dip it in buffalo and ranch and eat it in one bite


But it is better protein and more meat. Not to mention that nearly all of the flavor is the sauce, so the meat is all but irrelevant and only need be prepared properly.

Okay but don't you get annoyed by that little bridge of meet between the two bones you gotta crack open to get to? Logistically it slows down your meat guzzling, and as an American I care a lot about gorging efficiency.

wtf is this real?

Absolutely. When you learn the proper way to eat flats they become the objectively better choice.

I don't get the point of just ordering a whole bunch of chicken wings. Why not eat the entire chicken?

>Also, could be angles, but some of those flats look undercooked.
I think you're imagining it, I don't see any parts that look undercooked to me

For me it's gotta be both.

Because nigger culture

From what I can tell, it's an alternate universe that's somehow aware of the original universe and it's aware to the point that there's sentient entities that point out just how different it is.

How they let this fuck get away with this in something so important and big-bidget is truly a wonder. He turned everything into a huge joke that continually shatters the fourth wall just to go "LOOK AT THE CRAZY SHIT I'M DOING TO FF7, GUYS!"

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I can't eat wings around people because I even go for the marrow and people think it's weird

A broken down chicken has more surface area than a whole intact chicken, meaning more sauce can adhere

Wings are fucking nasty as fuck, you always feel like shit after eating them

Wings used to be cheap because they are the garbage part of the bird but then "cheap wing night" got memed to death and now they're just an awful sauce delivery system

Objectively correct

>leddit much
Okay newborn

Why is chicken so good bros?

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Obvious bait, but I'm fucking biting anyway

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Because white meat sucks. The wings and thighs are the only good parts of the chicken.

Maybe don't eat 20 of them in one siting you fat fuck.

Delete this right now.

Chicken is a low-tier meat in general and breasts need to be treated so much to have even a semblance of flavor

This is even more obvious bait than this

I feel cucked

>he thinks 20 wings is a lot for one person to eat

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>white meat sucks
It doesn't fucking matter you're tasting the fucking sauce you idiot.


t. buffalonian

>20 wings is little for one person
You mean one fat fuck.

Yeah it does. White meat is dry, hard to chew, lean trash. Dark meat is moist, tender, and full of flavorful fat.

that's the joke, yes, well done