5.25 is the worst patch of all time. FFXIV is really on the ropes if this is going to be the standard now

5.25 is the worst patch of all time. FFXIV is really on the ropes if this is going to be the standard now.

Did FF7R drain all of SE's funding and resources or what?

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Diaperfags have taken over the development team, Kaiyoko Star is the mastermind

Give a bro quick rundown. Been sick for weeks and am still in bedrest.


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>Relic quest is mostly cutscenes and is done in less than an hour
>You just buy all the relics with poetics
>All of the cool things in the 5.2 trailer were actually fakeouts
>New trial is nothing special/NO NEW TRIAL MUSIC
>Crafter Skytools are a waste of time

Annnnnd that's it because the patch has nothing else.

>dyeable artifact gear locked behind a boring fight that PF can't clear
>you need either 10 runs or lucky roll against seven (7) other people just to get a whole set that is equal to penta-melded crafted
>fight is so underwhelming it re-uses the dungeon boss theme instead of bringing back some other song or even using a new one
Story is better than any other relic so far though but the least important part if everything else is shit

>Relic quest is mostly cutscenes and is done in less than an hour
>You just buy all the relics with poetics

These physically hurts me. It's like they want challenge to be gone at all from the game.

Why does he still play? How does he get any enjoyment out of this pile of shit?

Why are we still playing? Are we getting any enjoyment out of this trash heap?

Literally nobody is here for the gameplay. It's all sunk cost and seeing the story through for a game we've played for years. It'll take a lot bigger of a fuckup for people to be able to break out of the cycle. But it's a start.

>fight is so underwhelming it re-uses the dungeon boss theme instead of bringing back some other song or even using a new one
This is the one that pisses me off the most. If you're gonna be lazy and reuse music (which they shouldn't in the first place), AT LEAST REUSE ONE OF THE FUCKING GARLEAN FIGHT SONGS

>challenge gone
This sums up the transition from SB to ShB very well
Any EX-Trial since Suzaku has been mediocre, though Seiryu and Innocence were kinda fun I guess

A thing SE has started doing recently that grinds my gears are cutscenes where you can't do anything, they dont even feel special anymore because of how often they happen. At least add some mechanics while the boss transforms, a small burst dps check or weird minigames like DDR/Bullethell like they did with Byakko/Suzaku, at least it feels interactive and you are playing a videogame...

They couldve just reused Penitus or some remix of it since Gaius'/Nael's theme has been used recently and it'd already be better

all of 5.2x is just shit they wanted to put in 5.2 but put in later cause of time constraints, chill out

XIV expects so little of you the game may as well play itself. I don't think we're the target audience anymore.

If by "time constraints" you mean "stretch out thin content to make you stay subbed", then sure, it was because of "time constraints".
They've been pulling this bullshit patch split for a while now and it's always been a fucking paper thin excuse.

>try to do new trial with PF
>same three people die to cleaves, don't stack for altius and don't stack for the actual stack mechanic for every pull
>five people die to second ignis every pull
>healer doesn't heal during the fucking healer check every pull
I listen to the SMT Nocturne Dante theme for this fight, works pretty well.
Would be great if any pf party could reach the magitek bits.

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>mr happy here and today I am seething!

>we could have gotten steel reason or a remix of steel reason

I don't play XIV, but how long have they been working on this patch? I know SE's offices aren't full because of Corona as the XI team has talked about it a bit.

That's not true, I have games with way bigger costs sunk into them that I don't play. The gameplay is fun when you optimise around the janky side and there's a shitload of small but worthwhile things to do that has been rare in other themepark MMOs that I've tried.

This was in development long before corona spread everywhere. The music fuckups can't be brushed away either.

Probably not very long, the .XX patches are always meant to be smaller additions, though from the patch notes it seemed like there was a suspicious number of bugs in the new duty, so I wouldn't be surprised if they had to rush it or had less manpower for it. I don't think a trial has been added in a .XX patch before either.

A lot of the side activities I thought would be interesting like chocobo racing, triple triad, and pvp felt really underdeveloped. I wish that xiv could make fully fleshed out side content that could stand strong enough by itself to even act as a selling point. As I really thought a chocobo raising and dumb Mario Kart style minigame with multiplayer could have been a lot of fun if it was just actually fun and got updated.

>Go in blind with my party right when patch goes live
>On Gunshield dps check
>Get Torch first every time during the instance
>Leave to refresh the timer
>Go back in
>He uses Spark on the first pull
Ruby Weapon syndrome strikes again.

I feel like the reason chocobo racing wouldn't be able to work as a mario kart is because of this game's god awful server ticks and snapshots. But I agree, i also feel like LoV would be fun if they remade it into autochess

>Yas Forums expected the mid expansion patch and the first part of a year long relic questline to last them a decade.

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Really? You think a poetics vendor is the equivalent of Anemos?

>a decade
I would've settled for more than 30 minutes:

I always thought we were going to have a relic grind in the land of Ronsofags.

>Unironically playing an MMO
Laughing at your life

>Yas Forums expecting update to last longer than an hour

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the true content of this patch is for doh/dol chads

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Relics were never a challenge after arr?

Yeah, I'll see you in 5.3 when everyone's complaining about the 6000 hour grind to get your 1000th cum drop needed to charge your 10000th dildo crystal to get the next step of the weapon.

>90k twice

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ok retard

People want 6000 hour grinds right now because of the quarantine. Instead we have nothing.

>FFXIV followed the exact same trajectory as wow with its expansions

Every single retard can just go do eureka right now if they want that though not that it actually takes more than 5 days to hit 60

I honestly just skipped the fuck out of all the relic cutscenes. Characters in this game have too much fucking dialogue for side content and it's all really boring.

The only cutscene that mattered was the last one with Gabranth anyway.

This. I was more excited for my new fishing rod than the abomination that is the BRD relic.

A fucking STICK

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Since when was Mikoto so cute?

Ducking cool

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it's pretty good

finally something to replace miseltain

Are all of the relics better than the RW Extreme weapons for each job since they have five materia slots?

Since Return to Ivalice shame she wants the Cid cock

Yeah Ruby is obsolete now

Has anyone tried the Crafter/Gather relic quest? How are they??

because eureka was such dogshit that they don't have anything else in their heads

For all 8 crafter mainhands you need a total of 20,000 yellow scrips to make 50 HQ turn-in items per tool. No offhands.

Gatherers just need to gather a fuck ton of HQ shit.

Also, you need to have the shitty base tool equipped during both crafting and gathering (it is a requirement). The final step in unmeldable with no CP/GP so every single tool is already dead on arrival. Have fun.


Imagine being the holy Bozjan warrior who fought off the armies of Allag with a fucking stick

>he thinks people care about the stats
The looks and glow is why people do this shit

That just makes it more impressive. He helped hold off entire armies with a stick.

This step doesn't even glow. Plus half of them look like dogshit level 35 mythril tools. King tools are still goat.

Unless they have far better substat choices >loltenacity yes

Sounds pretty fucking based tbqh

They are even better than the 490

no wonder the retarded cats lost

Eureka was the exact opposite problem.

>Grind for the sake of grinding
>Oh you thought Anemos was bad? Here, have light farming on top of your normal grind
>Literally the same grind loop for 4 full areas of Eureka

I will give Hydatos credit for adding Baldesion Arsenal to give the hardcore raiders something to do, but I will gladly take this over the framerate killing, system overheating clusterfuck that was Eureka.

i don't like how gunnhildr's blades are the (stupid) nakesame of gunblades (the ffxiv etymology of the word 'gun' is stupid) and then this relic quest goes "ok but really they all used different weapons"


What's the best way to grind out Poetics right now?

>I will gladly take no content over content
Shoo tranny, don't you have some more fantasias and mogstation items to buy?

What the fuck do you mean Isn't a gunblade?

Gunnhildr as a whole is fucking stupid and it's only going to get worse now that they're going to make her into a fucking Primal.

>be allagan
>reach end-game science and magic
>create clones, artificial moons, airships and shit
>subjugate nearly all nations
>make two first brood dragons their bitches
>enslave their broods
>enslave countless primals and harness their power

>die to some bara cat with a stick

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Oh yes, sitting at the hub shouting "LFG" like the pale imitation of FFXI that Eureka was and then ramming your face into FATEs for the next however many dozens/hundreds of hours you could tolerate was wonderful content user. Please tell me how much stuff you watched on Netflix or Crunchyroll while waiting for the next Eureka FATE to pop.