Final Fantasy 7: Remake

You've bought her game, right?

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Isn't she dead, or something?

>kick landed on the foot instead of the shin

i thought tifa was a good martial artist

23 years ago, yea
now I just watch the Blender porn


NuTifa sucks shit and if you like her you suck shit.

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>Doesn't pivot her lead leg

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No i bought her game

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i don't need to buy that disgusting remake to masturbate to the tifa i know and love, fuck off shill

After all the shit I heard, I am 100% for sure waiting for a sale.

I was originally going to wait for a sale due to past SE AAA games (namely KH3 and FFXV) getting bigass QoL updates and/or DLC so I am assuming that VIIR also gets the same treatment

Doesnt look like anime. So NO.

Nope, waiting for steam release in a year then will crack it. FF7-REMINAGNED was a mistake and very misleading. Fuck all who was involved writing this shit story.

Her castrated outfit is one thing. Also why is Tifa so thirsty? Goddamn. She'd lick the toilet seat clean that Cloud sat on.

Baby want lick sweaty feet mommy!

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>to the tifa i know and love, the hentai tifa, the false tifa never existed

Will be getting her game on 2030 once it's complete.

Wow. Those graphics are really "good". Its almost as good as a wwe game.

>not hitting with the shin


Tifa doesnt look like that.


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Stay based Yas Forums

Me on the ground.

>Kicking with the shin

How about no

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I entered the thread for this

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You mean: HER GAME!

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Cloud x Tifa is the best couple. In real life too.

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Melanin is not a substitute for calcium

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>Kills thousands of innocent Shinra grunts who think they're doing the right thing
>"Am I hero?"
Not really, no.

Do you like Tifa?

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>feet on the table right next to the food

>ywnb her chair

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You could find better graphics out of a free to play multiplayer sex game. God you're pathetic. Its like I'm looking at 2012 all over again. Actually worse than that. Mass effect 2 even looks better yet requires lower specs.

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Hojo saw >shadman

Damn it.

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the feet look deformed, like the arches are way too deep or something

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is this real?

>Nomura: In another excised scene, when Sephiroth's physical body is first seen in the Northern Crater, it was to be female.
It's gonna happen isn't it? Sephiroth will merge with his current self and become the ultimate form: Ultimecia.

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Her feet are also food so it's ok.

>lead leg leg kick
only bums do that user

yeah thats how you're supposed to kick

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Imagine the shitposting if that happened.

i want her to pierce my windpipe with the heel of her shoe

>not sucking all 5 toes and gagging on them

Looks like the doctor from Human Centipede

She isn't even turning her hip over

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wtf Nomura

Foot fags are mentally ill.