who do you think will flop this gen Yas Forums?
Who do you think will flop this gen Yas Forums?
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xbox as usual
That's a hard one
Xbox has never flopped.
>no market penetration in japan
_ always wins
Imagine your console being so fucked you have to show off the controller first
Switch has all the market penetration there now. Home console gaming is dead to the nips. Watch as ps5 gets relegated to xbox 360 tier there.
Xbox will have a better gen this time but the Sony console will always sell more by default
I fucking hate that they're changing the dualshock I prefer their shape over the xbox controllers
3:1 ratio in popularity when the controller news only came out hours ago. Sad to say, but PS5 is going to destroy Xbox yet again.
Well sales yeah. Outside the US no one cares for Xbox.
>has sold less units than nintendo switch even though released 5 years earlier
Imagine being poor.
Just buy what has the games you want.
I hope it's 4channel.gov to be honest, family
>copies the xbox controller design
>keeps the touchpad
>keeps the flashlight accessory
>extra lights for maximum battery draining
>the entire controller rests on the TRIGGERS
>face is made of two off-set pieces for maximum breakage
sony may be retarded, but you know what's worse? Snoys will pay full price for dualnonsense5
None I think
The one that's most expensive will flop
this is why the switch's sales will stay steady and outsell both
Yeah seriously like wtf is Sony even doing I just want to see what the console looks like
they're both going to underperform. both are flawed products with a pricetag too expensive for people in a recession.
The SeX could unironically beat the PS5 as it stands right now if they play their cards right.
You have no idea what the price is and if you say they will be over $500 I am going to call you a delusional pc gaming moron. I know pc gamers enjoy giving Jensing all of your money and are angry about it but remember the lube next time.
Microsoft has more money. So Sony
If they just started making movie games instead of pretending people still care about Halo they could win. Hardware and price wise it already wins but consoomers do not care about that.
Sony did that with the PS4 too
the only realistic way they could if is they shill their shit extra hard. The playstation is already recognized by the masses of worm humans (console buyers) as the "go-to" console.
microsoft needs to invest a lot of money into those halo infinite memes.
You never really know. Xbox 360 was "the good guy" of it's generation and then PS4 ended up being "the good guy" of the following generation and everyone flocked to that. People just want to back whoever the current good guy is.
t. Microsoft shill
Bruh if those consoles are underperforming then that means the rtx 2080 ti must be a shit gpu and anyone buying it is a moron getting scammed
oh wait
Sony is already flipping but will outsell xbox. Xbox will continue to be the based choice for white men that have sex and high iq zoomers.
but i thought xbox had the most flops
That's one of them, but also
>Make xbox live free for maximum poorfag appeal
>Acquiring good studios to make decent games
>Buying exclusives a la Epic
>Some gimmicky feature that can make it more appealing
Consolefags aren't loyal, they will change to whatever their friends are using in a heartbeat.
As for the nip market it's highly overrated imo. Nintendo already owns it anyway and the west is much bigger.
I only own Nintendo consoles
>has sold less units than nintendo switch even though released 5 years earlier
America is the target audience of Xbox and americans aren't white
It underperformed, but it didn't flop. Flop is like Wii U or Vita.
>Xbox 360 was "the good guy" of it's generation
You mean Wii.
Nice meme Yas Forumscel
That egg is too smug fucking asshole.
The Wii was like the popular down syndrome trainer on the high school basketball team
Honestly I'm surprised sony went with an Xbox controller for their new console
>keeps the touchpad for RTS games
Fucking based
I don't think they can pull it off. The ds4 controllers were flimsy as shit
based fucking egg
Based and Eggpilled
Whoever gets the biggest and highest quality library first
You call me polcel but you probably believe south Europeans and asians aren't white
Xbox Series X will cost at least 599 while PS5 will cost 399. A PS5 Pro with a 52CU BigNavi will come later at also 599.
The game rectangle LOL of course
Read wrong, meant the other way around.
Source: my ass
Neither will flop, but Series X will be the objectively superior console.
Japan is irrelevant. These insects are dying from the chink plague atm.
Neither will flop this gen, I put the advantage on Xbox this time around. Definitely feels more like Xbox 360 days than Xbox One days.
I think Xbox will be the dominant brand going onto the next gen because they will undercut the price of the ps5 and have game pass to offer sony can't afford to out price the xbox Microsoft can operate at a loss for as long as they want
I don't have Yas Forums standards for whiteness. I'm less than an inch under 6ft so I'm not white. Do I think chinese people are white? No
Sony. Sex already won with the backwards compatibility.
Xbox is going to burn since Americans don't have spare money due to Covid debacle over there in the next two years. Meanwhile. Sony has always focused on the countries they do well in, Sony will outsell due to global market penetration, but xbox will have riculously high sales on release since rich Americans are secured from. COVID. But sales will drop sharply by month 4.
It's like a pc but for people that have sex, hence the name.
Game Pass is a big player here. They are now starting to branch out to Jap devs to get their games on the service
If they can get a good number of JRPGs on the service I'll get an Xbox. Game Pass is piss easy to get for free and keep it going for free for years.
Chinese people aren't white but Japanese people are
Sony has:
>Censorship issues
>Weaker console
>Weak exclusives
>No Gamepass
>Possible overheating problems
Xbox has worse consumer trust at the moment, but in between generations and everything changes. Zoomers forget what it was like during the 360 days.
Switch once both come out, hopefully.
>units sales don't matter because i'm a polcel
As if some krautlet gets to decide who's white.
>Game Pass is piss easy to get for free and keep it going for free for years.
Have they even shown a single actual game running on either of these companies new hardware?
XBox is the console for people who don’t care about exclusives and are too poor for a PC
I can't stop laughing at that video. Holy shit.
>being hyped for the anti-loli console
Why are pedos so retarded?
Why does the head of Xbox have such shit video and image quality in his home? You'd think Microsoft would send him something to record. Same goes for all these night show hosts and News media that have 240p webcams and echo mics.
Bing Rewards is a big part of it. You should be earning more than enough points each month to redeem Game Pass without it running out if you do all the tasks each day (takes 3 minutes).
Then you abuse all the sponsorship deals. They did one with Alienware where you just needed to make an account or some shit and you were granted a free month code, same with the time they had free month codes for making a Bing Rewards account, nothing stopped you from making a bunch of accounts and applying them all to your main. Another one was the Discord thing. Discord Nitro members got a free 3 month code... but they were also giving Game Pass Ultimate members codes for Nitro, so you could just use that and then acquire the 3 month code.
My Game Pass goes until 2022... The only time I've put money into it was buying 3 months for 50% off in 2018.
It’s to gain sympathy points and appear down to earth.
Thanks for the heads up, friend. If Halo Infinite has sprint I don’t want to spend a dime on it.
PC is for virgin faggots. Xbox is the working man's console. I pay for xbox live and gamepass without concern. I tip more than that in a week. PC fags think being a nigger pirate is some major selling point.
the xbox has exclusives just like playstation.
you can probably only name two for each because only 1% of the people who buy them actually got them for their exclusives. The biggest target for consoles is children.
Because he's not some kind of professional film maker? Why WOULD he have a high quality camera and microphone in his home? And the current quarantine situation is making it difficult to do a high-budget looking ad,
Pedophilia is a mental illness. Which is why they live sony despite Sony themselves despiting the pedo shut "games" these piles of shit like. Hopefully the ps5 make it mandatory for all jap games to be manually reviewed so all the pedo crap get censored at its core.
Nah, PCchads get to keep the cunny while snoys are forced to watch.
Why do you care so much when you clearly don't even play Japanese games in the first place?
The best image in this thread.
>people touting instagram and twitter likes as anything relevant
I honest doubt there are that many people who care for a console like the PS5 right now.