Oh drumsticks, there aren't any Animal Crossing threads available to browse

Oh drumsticks, there aren't any Animal Crossing threads available to browse.

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Other urls found in this thread:


BVK3T 560 turnip price for 1 more hour
Need sakura recipes and have a spare viewing lantern recipe to trade

This is why they're extinct.

Do you have the sakura floor? I've got a spare and will give it for free.

any niggas that have a rocket or gold armor recipe?

so wuh oh is connection error and drumsticks is a nuked island?


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Ankha sitting down...

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Villager gifts!

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retarded "game" for trannies and mentally ill women

>he didnt sell already

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Celeste in town.
Meteor shower (already +100 wishes)
Bring whatever bamboo stuff you have, I'm looking for more bamboo lamps.
Turnip prices are shit.

Can I take it?


Please decide for me if I should take this girl home

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oh no

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can someone post that custom maid outfit?

>Made over 6M in nip sales last night
Who /dirtyrich/ here

>Trying to leave my island before tipping
Hell no, you don't

So besides turnips what's the most reliable way to make some quick bells? Tarantulas fucking suck to farm now

Alright, I'm open. I have:
And in my able sisters I have:
>Royal Crown
>Aviator outfit
>8-bit shades (and a bunch of other glasses)
>Groovy shirt
>Biker jackets
>Schoolboy shirts
>Space parkas
>Knit hats
>Zen hair clips
>Pajama dress

Code is 14DPH. My only request is that if you buy the crown let me catalog it because I'm a poorfag right now. I also got recipes for bamboo walls and bamboo partitions, first come first serve.

Attached: animal crossing royal crown.png (600x315, 227.19K)

>already night
FUCK, I need nook tickets but I have nothing worthy to trade with. Maybe some fossils

hell no

no, fuck roos

I got you senpai. I also just bought the mini crown from another user.

Too autistic to go to other peoples islands to sell, plus I only bought 100 turnips so its not a huge loss

But I did, easy 3 mil

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How the fuck are we meant to read shit if your island is Japanese?

god dammit

I made 1.2m on stonks but paid off an expansion

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>all the coomer amiibo cards are going for over $100

No visitors, closing in 5 minutes.

get lucky with hot items

Omw for Sahara and bamboo partitions.

Long Wuh-oh - Someone is doing something and interrupting your arrival.
Short Wuh-oh - Somebody is already arriving or departing from your destination.
Drumsticks - The dodo code is invalid, either the session has ended or you entered the wrong code.

Oh cool Thanks Michael. You dropped a lot for someone who didn't say anything.

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>wasting a room on bunny shit

which character are you?

I want to squish her toe beans

Celeste is in my town, that mean meteor shower, right?

I know you're joking but I just pulled that image off google since I'm too lazy to upload my own


Re-opening my gate from the last thread.

Gate: 4XJCM

Turnip price is 471, 2 hours until Nook cranny closes, Sahara is in town. I am the blonde guy wearing the blue pajamas at the front.

I could use rose seeds, tulip seeds, pears, or cherries if you have them.

I will close the gate after 3-4 join. Don't think anyone is here right this second.

I'm not tipping any of you trannies -- I sweep in, pump and dump your turnip prices and BOUNCE

be thankful a Chad like me even STEPPED on your garbage lot


Is her little snake tiara sentient like exor?


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it was empty before
not my fault arcade machines wont show in shop ever to use it how i want

But what clothes are you wearing?

Is it true that Flick is Nat's son or was I being meme'd?

imagine her paws on your face

Not actually. Villagers and Isabelle announce it.

I want to push her into the water!

>replying to yourself

BASED and chadpilled

For the Bea crush user, she was sitting down underneath a tree with Maddie today and eventually got up to do arm curls (something she does mist days if she isn't picnicking).

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Pick one villager in your town to fuck. You can only pick one actually in your town, no cheating!

My last meteor shower my villagers all kept yapping about it, but Isabelle didn't announce shit.

from last thread
all i ask is that you leave a message on the board
maybe bring any extra bait or furniture for me to catalog, im looking for anything that would go good in a arcade

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Japs are weird

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No one expects anything from a jew like you.

I aint no furry, fag

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finally a cute fucking hedgehog on my island.

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wew imagine her wet see through white shirt stuck against her cute belly

So this is what it's like to be one of the first on an island...

I'm just hoping these threads and the people who post in them will eventually migrate to /vg/ where they belong. It's almost unprecidented for a general thread to get posted this frequently in Yas Forums without getting perma-pruned everyone eventually goes to the /vg/ AC general.

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>bought at 91 at friend's town
>sold at 437 at a /vg/ user's town
Should I have tried to get to a town in the 500s? I made 14 mil last week and was just looking to get back over a 10 mil bank account this week, which I managed to do. 400s is a comfy price, I could get in quick and sell twice. trying to get into towns with 500s-600s was cancerous shit that took over a half hour to connect to randoms.
>not putting your bunny shit in your main room for the easy feng shui
they're literally designed for early game feng shui. enjoy rolling another shit mystery island

I'm all stalnked out for the week. 22,800 Turnips. Bought for 106, sold for 622. Final profit: 11,764,800 bells.

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>raise friendship
>they now try to sell me shit instead of giving gifts

Open your town, I want to talk to Celeste for a recipe.

This rabbit

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Enjoy disconnected before save if you try to pull shit like that on me

what the fuck does it say

You can also come to my island for free star fragments.

Is this a repeat of Tenoko?

these sure are moon runes


I'll go with Olivia. Katt is more of a bro.

Why'd Nintendo put such a blatant prostitute in a game for kids?

give me some money

What does this mean?

Marcie is packing up and leaving tomorrow. If anyone wants to try and snatch her up, feel free to stop on by.


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>tfw got her with the last 2 of my tickets
Her room is fucking nice.

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Let's talk about little tendencies we notice in villagers. Merry likes to go out to my town square in a tank top to do yoga late at night.

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>going to mystery islands for anything but villagers or bamboo pods

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Turnips selling for 410. Nook's closes in an hour hurry up. No tips expected, but really appreciate anything super gaudy 70's

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idk if that was me good good to know :P

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From the images my guess it's
No time traveleres
No dupers
And no faggots?

explorer hat and groovy shirt

How the fuck do I choose

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Do they have to be moved in already? Muffy's moving into my town tomorrow. If not then I guess Marshal.

crown chad coming thru

Based. I refuse to look at any image that isn't taken around this time.

sorry pal couldn't hear you over all these sharks

Do we have any reason to believe mystery island rolls are affected by feng shui? I thought that datamine determined they had flat probabilities.

Damn it crashed

Goddamn I want that wallpaper so bad


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>comm error

Is there any use for the campsite after the first one and if I don't use amiibo?

Someone crashed it, fuck you.

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Don't listen to those morons. Astrid is one of the few villagers with access to the cosmic ray move. Combine that with the nerfed but still powerful parental bond ability all female kangaroos have, she is an absolute powerhouse. Take her if you still have the chance.

>comfy ac threads are just turnip autism now

Hello, I'm your illegitimate love child that you didn't know existed, till now.
Daddy, can you do me a solid and pay me 1,000,000 for child support.

Do ants show up when a friend is on your island?

this is wrong. none of the animals wear panties or underwear

any villagers you went from tolerating to loving?
didnt realize how cute Alice actually was until now

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So where should I put my campsite? I genuinely dont fucking know

Mathilda or bust

Celia seems like a sweet tall milf.

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almost ready for the big boy table

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Look at those pecks

>all these people sperging over turnip profits week after week
>they didnt just dupe millions upon millions of bells before the dupe was patched
And before you sperg about cheating, charting turnip prices and frantically posting codes is just as gay

(You) send pix

I do. Need me to craft gold iron for you user? Post dodo and I'll stop by.

>Go to someone's island to sell bells
>Get trapped there for over 10 minutes due to all the people coming and going because the retard in charge of it didn't feel like spacing the people coming onto the island out

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Last time, probably closing gate after a few join, cause only like 40 minutes until Nook closes.

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Nice new art from today

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Here, fgt

Imagine requiring a tip
560 turnips at BVK3T give me things or don't, I don't care

Pietro's ugly, but his smugness warmed me to him.

I'm planning to make him a carnival to live in eventually

Gate closed for time being for usability.

Does cherry blossom furniture count as red for feng shui purposes?

Attached: mihono question think.jpg (1040x1042, 79.6K)

you took this from twitter faggot

>Overslept on sunday so no turnips
>Decide to check on turnip prices
>Big mistake

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No you guys are on the same tier as time traveling trannies. This is just mainly autism


there are too many nice Normal villagers

one is cheating, the other isn't

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Somebody post it

a lot of artists use twitter, yes

>Nook chuffin back a shtonky

finally the basic bitch recipe
now i'm just missing the zen fencing and i have em all

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What's a good number? I left 5 in before closing
also if I ask no one to leave and end the session, will everyone still have their inventory? I feel like that would be faster

That's how it's supposed to be.
Kill yourself

open up then. maybe someone will drop ticket or something for your trouble

>just got my last cherry blossom recipe
thank christ
i can finally stop farming balloons

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should i only try making hybrid flowers with store bought seeds?

I only have anecdotal evidence and it seems after heavy green I got better mystery islands compared to before. even without mystery islands the extra fossils, extra tree furniture, extra gifts from animals and higher chance of getting DIY from animals

Tia. Easily. I want to fuck her nose and watch her snort my cum. Doesn't help that she showed up to my island wearing a french maid outfit.

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Thanks friend

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Chief just got moved in and even though I've only seen him today I feel like he will be doing a lot of dancing because that's all I saw him do

It also seems Marshal only comes out later in the day. Every other villagers out in the morning and afternoon, but Marshal won't come out until sunset or to go to the museum. I've only seen him outside in the day once to hangout near the town pool.

It might have been a different user. They said they don't have Bea in their town, but like seeing her on other islands.

Jesus Christ. How hard is it to go to bed at a decent time or to set an alarm at the very least? What a fucking moron.

For the love of god please close the gate

how do you have so many miles...

crack open those gates and ask for 10k tips. a paltry sum when people are making millions off of your labor of opening and closing gates

Just end it on 4 or 5. Having 8 people at once on an island is fucking pointless because you're just going to force everyone to wait for up to 15 minutes just watching the same cutscenes over and over again due to everyone coming and going so frequently.

you mean 100k right?

i play the game. and i'm unemployed

This was about 40 mins ago Nooks's Cranny is closed now

Yeah, and? I didn't claim I made it, I just was posting it because it's comfy.

cooltown chad I love you

he's not a coomer

thanks dude

My current villager tier list

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Fuck balloons.

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i play the game too but still. are you just grinding the miles+ shit? how is your soul not completely sucked dry?

Thank you user you're a real bro!

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was at a time traveler's island earlier and they had the upgraded nook's cranny. they had outdoorsy tools for sale at a higher price than the usual flimsy crap. Are these outdoorsy/colorful tools more durable than the stuff you yourself make (not counting gold items)?

I'd love to go to other people's islands, I just refuse to pay for Nintendo's bullshit online.

user from this morning


Any tips are really appreciated

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>so many fucking fossils
>have already gotten a shit ton of dupes even though i have barely filled the museum out
this is destroying me

i had barbed wire fencing around bubble's house too

>50 sea bass

shit bro, thats like $1.35

i have trouble stopping. cause i always plan on what to do based on the miles + and do it on the way to do other stuff

>easter day reward is just a wand recipe
well, that was a waste of time

Moose and Tex. Moose just looked hella ugly, Tex seemed like a douche. Both ended up being hella bros though.

get off your phone whoever it is

Gate re-opened. Sahara is here and turnips 471. Atm last round of guests has left. Some kinda samurai shirt at Able sisters. Store is open for another hour and a half my time.

No longer need fruit but I'll take cherries and pears just to have more. If you have hyacinths, tulips, pansies, cosmos, or mums that is more appreciated or just a few bells for tip but not mandatory.

I am the blonde guy in the blue pajamas.


Thanks bruv


hey cool drawing
try giving the hippo a chance

Even Japan is having stalk trouble. kek

>visit mystery isles low on tickets
>bubbles is lumbering around like the fat cunt she is

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