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13 post-game > 13-2 > LR > 13 chapter 11-13 > 13 chapters 1-10

wtf are you talking about?!

Vanille > Lightning

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Invert LR and XIII-2 and we got a deal

Ok Coomer


Sorry that your butt is so flat and your chest is so plank-like.

kys footfag

I really need to replay 13 because I don't remember this scene at all

XIII-2 is better than LR. I like the LR combat system but the plot is somehow even stupider than time travel shit and Lightning saying one liners to herself or having dull conversations with an equally emotionless Hope is just silly.

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Fang > all

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No. And fuck you still.

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also based

Vanille is lesbian for Fang and Lightning only fucks shotas.

I'm seriously considering going to Gamestop tomorrow and picking up a copy of LR. I have 13-2 but never played it and it's probably time to get it off my backlog.

Should I keep grinding the hunts in 13 first, though? I think I almost have the experience boosting item, but I'd need to look at a guide again.

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>Going outside

I loved the trilogy, fuck Yas Forums

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With Japanese voices on, Lightning wasn't that bad. And she didn't take over FFXIII. Vanille is the shit that ruined FFXIII.

I'm a healthy young man and I saw somewhere that gamestop is forcing their employees to keep stores open entirely irresponsibly, how could I not go and experience such a thing? If I die I die and my only regret will be missing out on future anime and vidya releases.

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I'm playing XIII for the first time and hour and a half in and I'm lost story wise. It seems like the game starts in the middle of something going on will the story tie itself together later or am I retarded

Also is there a way to change the dub from English to jap? I installed both with fitgirl but English so far sucks ass and vanielle and hopes VAs are like knives to my ears. Will hope always be a cuck? Does he mature at all

You’re only a little retarded, but it makes more sense as the game goes on, you find out more about the events prior to the start of the game as you progress. Some idiots will say you need to read the data log for it to make sense but they are even bigger retards and wrong.

Final Fantasy XIII is like the reverse of a typical FF game. Most FF games start off with a hue exposition dump and a lot of possible story paths. Then invalidates it halfway through with a dumb plot twist. FFXIII instead starts off by showing you a ton of important plot points and set pieces, but not explaining any of it. They throw dozens of words like COCOON and FATE at you, but never explain what any of it means. Nor do the let any character grow. Then in Chapter 7 and 8, you get all the exposition dump about the characters back stories and what all the WORDS mean.

I'm sure they did it because they think it was "subversive" or "deep." But it was just annoying. Still, I enjoyed the game from Chapter 8 and on.

You can only have Japanese voices if you play the Steam version. PS3/360 version got screwed because of Square's typical region locking tactics. Hope changes in Chapter 7.

i'm surprised someone hasn't made a comic book guy edit of lightning saying "worst birthday ever"

>They throw dozens of words like COCOON and FATE at you, but never explain what any of it means. Nor do the let any character grow. Then in Chapter 7 and 8, you get all the exposition dump about the characters back stories and what all the WORDS mean.
You must be fucking retarded

I'm pretty sure there was, let me check my folder.
This is the closest I've got.

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Okay cool so game picks up around chapter 7? Doesn't seem too bad. I'm confused on why they chose to start the game at an important plot point. Like I have no idea what hope is talking about when he says he needs to tell Snow something. Like what the fuck is sanctum, the purge and the pulse fal'Cie?

Calling someone retarded doesn't prove their points wrong. The game really does withhold a lot of information until way later.

If you literally need the word COCOON explained to you, then yes you are legitimately retarded.

The plot is retarded in all the games and at least LR understood that and made fun of itself, lightly. Lightning's one liners are just a small part of the dialogue, most of the actual cutscenes in the game are just the sidequests with wildly different tones
And LR's hard mode makes for the best gameplay in the whole trilogy, it literally takes the flawed combat system from XIII/-2 and takes out all the stupid bullshit and adds some real depth and speed in return. It's some good shit. After all these years and LR is still the peak of nu-FF, not saying much but at least it's something.

>feigning ignorance
Everyone knows what a cocoon is. But they don't explain the context of what it means in the game world until right before you leave for Pulse. The game tries to go as long as it can without revealing that you're in a closed environment until you are literally breaking out of it. Just like it also hides the stuff pointed out until Chapter 8.

Stop trying to be a contrarian shitter. Especially when you're wrong.

13-2 is unironically a great game and has the best OST in the series. Battle system is one of the best, too. It's so smooth
Song related. Same guys who did "The time has come and so have I" from DMC4 youtu.be/DurcdkTvO3c

I'm the one originally responsible for starting the meme about listing after Lightning's armpits.

I'm honestly not sure what the general consensus is for the XIII trilogy but I just started playing XIII the day before yesterday and I'm loving it, I really like the paradigm system. Also I'm not exactly sure when is the best time to start upgrading my weapons, just unlocked the ability to do so

Oh ok so you are retarded

>still has no counter argument

>LR is still the peak of nu-FF
Not really.

>flawed combat system from XIII/-2
How is 13-2's flawed? It fixed the problems of the first

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13-2 had tragically little lightning in the game despite her being on the box and being in the intro

>13-2 had tragically little lightning in the game
That made it better, though

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this. i loved all 3 games but lightning's bitchy personality really sours the first and third games. there's a reason the 2nd game is considered the best, and it's not just because it's nonlinear and monster catching.

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sure, I'll even throw in a candy bar as a sign of goodwill

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>tfw you first play the game and think this character is gay and cringe
On my second playthrough and I was wrong. His theme is also pretty amazing: youtu.be/Gi05oQJFzuc

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I agree.

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>XIII-2's ending
what the fuck!?

fro what?

Post more Claire.

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Why do the neatest songs in XIII-2 have such cringe lyrics to them?

Caius and 13-2 are unironically good.
I also like Noel.

why is lightning such a cunt?

13 is the worst ff, fuck off.

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Time ghosts demand Serah dies no matter what.

I still remember the thread user and I made those webms.

Maybe only if she hands over her sister.