It's over xbros. A fucking controller caught more attention from the world than our console. A fucking controller...

It's over xbros. A fucking controller caught more attention from the world than our console. A fucking controller. It's fucking over xbros.

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>playstation in first place

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That pic is perfectly accurate.

Super accurate

Except nintendo kicked everybody's asses this gen,

Xbox guy seems based and the Playstation guy is balding.

Pfthaha japan market doesn't matter

Remember the wii u?

Snoy niggers are so fucking pathetic lmao

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Fifaniggers COPE

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Its over smashbros. A fucking mii costume caught more attention from the world than our new character. A fucking mii costume. It's fucking over



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damn bros calm down hahahaha it's just video games bro lol hahahahahaha stay mad tho kek hahahaha

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Nintendo had a head start, doesn't count.

Why does everyone pretend WiiU didn't exist?

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Lol you snoy niggers are literally fucking fat ugly negroid trannies lololololo you are pathetic

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>head start
just like the ps4 does with the switch
yet the switch is selling faster

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bro calm down we're all just having fun bro hehehahaha kek we're all friends bro stay mad tho lol

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Why are sonygroids so fucking stupid and gay?

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>Has to resort to lifetime sales
>Ps and Xbox didn't even exist for decades after Nintendo

Lol. Pathetic. Here is a relevant chart

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uuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm finna why did nintenbros buy cardboard for 80 dollars? deadass kinda cringe if you know what im sayin

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Snoyboy reporting in. Pic is me.

Kill your self.

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is that the guy who’s fucking you

>selling faster
No shit sherlock you realize the longer something has been out, the slower it will sell, right?

hello, fucking snoy niggers


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Technically the Switch is the next gen, it's the competitor to the PS5 and whatever the fuck the new xbox is called.

are you anons getting any cut from the companies profits of the whatever console you support? my brain just can't comprehend the reasoning behind it for going apeshit about the sales

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nintenbrosheheh come on bros hahaha this is getting getting cringe hahaheheheh calm down lol stay mad tho

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>switch in second place

the switch sold at faster rates at the same time frames within it's life, Watson.

>overrun by nintendo and playstation fans
Damn son cant even have our own threads

Anyone else think that next few years on 4channel will be the time for Sonyfags to go missing like xbox fags did for some time? I can't wait to see what the next consoles are like.

>tfw soitendo and xcucks will NEVER EVER understand the feeling of being a winner

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kek based

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>super gay bros
holy fricking CRINGE
take a shower

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But Samus beats Ridley so... the xbone beats the switch?

perhaps we'll see once sex hits the stores

It's not that I'm not racist but making the characters about Sonyfags black in a console war meme is quite pathetic. Just make him a white fat nerd, it's retarded that you would take console war faggotry that seriously. It's not even funny.

>sex sells
>call your new console the SeX
>nobody cares
damn... Satya Nadella's about to shut down Xbox any second now

Shut the fuck up nigger


Do you have the template for this? It has some potential.

>playstation in first place instead of PC as always

change playstation to pc and xbox to playstation and that pic is right

Snoy Snoy
Snoy Snoy
Snoy, white person, white person, Snoy

you look less aesthetic than my dad

Sony has the home field advantage, just like Xbox did two gens ago. Wait for the consoles to actually come out/see what blunders exist before betting on a winner.

>being this insecure about Sony's rank
I swear to god why are they the most insufferable people around?

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this picture was posted in a doom thread a few days ago

thats probably the worst brand tattoo ive seen trolololol

all brand tattoos are bad

Can't wait for this shitty image to be invalid in a year or two

made a more honest and truthful version

Attached: SONY ALWAYS WINS.png (1148x1295, 1.35M)

we can’t stop winning

>Everybody gets a gold metal regardless of how good they are.

>snoyboy mistakes the brand of sacrifice for the hunter's mark, making him think that the chad is "one of us"

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ironically enough if you swap it with the respective fanbases the order is completely reversed

you certainly stopped winning when you launched the PS3
you also didn't win with the vita either

The Vita outsold the WiiU.

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how much systems has vita sold?

And Splatoon, a new IP and Wii U exclusive, outsold Bloodborne.
Whats your point, cuck?

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Why are Americans so obsessed with brand loyalty?

eh we don't really know that. all we've ever gotten is an estimate anywhere between 10 - 15 million sales, while the Wii U has a firm 13.56 million.