Why are steam drones like this

Why are steam drones like this
>Steam is shovelware

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Steam drones invested a lot of money on their account so they have to defend it no matter what

Fuckers are lucky they make any money at all and everyone just doesn't pirate their shit.

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Why is this guy an industry figurehead? He hasn't produced a single good game, the only exception being luftrausers.

In Eastern Europe even $1k is a fucking fortune as a monthly payroll.

30 % is standard.

>Thinks taxes are high. Wants massive socialist programs.


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This has nothing to do with Steam. There's a lot of games out there and people don't need to buy them immediately at full price. Few people are starved for games.

electronic arts pool boy says what

Why do these retards think Steam owes them sales?

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setup your website with payment protocols to sell your game then, Rimworld did it for some time berore going to steam

>Developer's choice

If EGS retards actually cared about developers or the industry, this is the storefront they'd be pushing for

nooooo why can't i just saturate the market with indistinguishable shit and get rich anyway

No one is obligated to buy games. Not everyone has money to throw around to support devs just because they also need money to live.

If your game needs a huge surge in player base due to a global pandemic just to break less than even on Steam, its probably not a game you should rely on for your livelihood.

Steam has loads of shovelware, but I have gone through literal thousands of games on my discovery queue and I have never once found a diamond in the proverbial rough. If its a good game, it usually floats to the top pretty quickly.

You are never going to find a god tier game buried beneath the Hentai Weed Puzzles and Paradox game clones.

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Standard for console market where they own the platform, steam doesn't do much yet expect the same rate

okay and how much money did they make from selling their game on non steam platforms?

why do retards think that making game = mass success? theres thousands games come out on steam, unless your game is super amazing, you might not get a single penny, and thats how shit goes. it doesn't help that these people almost never market ever.

these indie devs love to praise humble bundle and GOG but never want to let go of bad boy Steam lmao

you were right before the comma

Walt Disney had to little boring jobs in between his big projects to make ends meet. Being indie in entertainment was never a secure stream of income for the whole history of it, these indie game devs are delusional.

We know EGS just laid a honey pot until eventually the demand surges and they switch to market rate.

itch.io doesn't guarantee you sales, and what they really care about is having other people assume the risk of their businesses for them

>Ismail complaining about taxes

Maybe don't live in the Netherlands you commie retard. I don't see how it's Valve's fault you live in a place with a fucking 60% tax rate on the high end.
I fucking hate Vlambeer's crap, the definition of forced shit that gets pushed because he's friends with every single "journalistic" outlet from Giantbomb to IGN.
Nuclear throne is easily the worst of all the nu-roguelike garbage, the industry is worse off with him in it.

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vlambeer still makes games? lmao niggas vanished

Can we assume that this includes the literal mountain of shovelware and hentai titles that get dumped on to steam?

that smug ass photo really doesn't help that dude at all

this guy is a fucking hack. trying to pretend that shovelware and cashgrabs are actual games is pathetic. no shit the bottom 50% of games on steam don't make any real money except for Nigerian scammers.

Who was that developer that had that really fucking gay response to the backlash that they went EGS exclusive?

>itt seething valve drones getting defensive
Like clockwork

considering the limit of their talent they should just drop out of developing games and parasitize other indie developers as publishers or investors, like other indie developers

>after valve's cut
he means "after retail's cut". The same cut (well, lower, but let's ignore that) that they'd have gotten from selling the game in a store ten or twenty years ago.

But even if steam charged nothing, his example still falls flat. That cut is not enough to be a step change in studio livelihood.

Rami, like every other person involved with the indie "community", is careful to dance around the fact that a digital storefront with any consistent frontpage is a zero-sum game. $x with some small variance will only go to y-many different games. You can only show z-many games on the front page.

And fundamentally, even if there was zero shovelware trash coming out, there's more than enough new good enough indie games each week that you'd still see the same artists starving.

but were the games any good?
Shit game devs dont deserve to have a job if they cant produce anything worthwhile
Same with every other proffession that makes literally anything
Make garbage no one wants and none of it sells

Just because you made a game, doesn't entitle you to customers.

I must say I'd be pretty bummed if I lost my steam account

>steam doesn't do much
>Costs next to nothing to publish on their platform
>Metrics for developers out the fucking wazoo to help them with marketing and selling their game
>Multiple payment methods in various markets across the world to help turn places that only pirated to places that might actually buy some vidya
>Able to generate their own Steam keys to sell on their own websites
>Didn't ever charge devs for patches to games on their service when consoles still do that shit

Are you on some good shit right now user?

steam fucks over developers to benefit consumers

epic fucks over consumers to benefit developers

>you get taxed more for making less
why would anyone defend this?

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All I need to know is that Rami Ismail is one of the biggest faggots in gaming and any opinion he has must be gay and stupid too.

are you thinking of ooblets or one of the other ten gorillion slap fights over epic game store

>epic fail store

It's not about fairness but to leverage the expectations of competitive studios.

Ooblets yes that's it

I almost called it the Oblongs

the guy that actually made the games just makes games on his own now, without the vlambeer name
rami never actually worked on the games, he was just the 'business' side and now he has a big head that games he never had anything to actually do with made some money

it's an incentive to put more effort into selling the game and marketing it. Valve still gets a cut of the extra sales so they're fine with extra volume at a lower rate, but they need to make *some* money which is why they have a higher rate for lower sales

I'm quite surprised that the 30% cut on consoles includes the licensing fees

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I don't really care about Valve but the argument of Steam having shovelware never really made sense to me. Like, so what? There are filters you can use and let's be honest, who even searches for games on Steam? The games you want to buy are most likely games you are already waiting for and know of from other sources.

Steam does a shit ton
Their support is pretty mediocre but the services they offer are top notch.
Do you remember the days before steam when every dev had to figure out their own matchmaking and network systems?

good, I would say I hope Rami has no income now but I know he'll get paid to do talks about games he didn't work on for years to come

so does this retard make twitter posts about how someone trying to run a business on amazon went out of business because they didn't sell anything?

when in the everloving fuck will these fucking idiots understand that steam is a marketplace?

It's just pandering to the AAA releases that were starting to look like they might shift to EGS, because at those numbers the difference in cut is 10s of millions

I'm okay with epic existing but why can't games just be on both?

all storefronts are gay, yarr harr. fuck drm.
forums and social media are a thing
imagine not knowing how to deal with malware.

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why should a store do advertising for you,

Sounds like dev entitlement

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it continually astounds me how much you guys seem to outright despise game devs and want them to work under incredibly harsh circumstances while making as little money as possible

A marketplace like steam thrives the same reason any department store thrives. If you had to go to each developers website and order from them it's inconvenient.

Maybe they should make better games

Random twittery who screencap threads should be banned.

Epic only reduces the EGS cut of profits if you go exclusive with them.

What's even worse is he doesn't actually contribute much to the development. He's the marketing guy. And he tries to always take this self-righteous tone of being in the know.


most posters here are bitter as fuck

it's a concern for devs mostly. Even with filters it means our games are less likely to be seen or found unless you're specifically looking for them from hearing about them elsewhere

>EGS vs Steam, again
>Xbox vs Playstation, again
can we like... not
can you guys just like... play video games for fucking once in your lives instead of being armchair cunts

using your own site:
>open browser
>search for game
>click to buy/download
>play game
>open storefront
>search for game
>click to buy/download
>play game

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no. rami threads should be made sticky, because he shills for electronic arts.

No one does but we deal with it because rich people make the rules and what can we do about it?

You're thinking of video games as an entertainment product, and in a cutthroat market the things that people don't want don't make any money. Rami, on the other hand, is thinking of video games as works of art, which all deserve equal opportunity regardless of how "good" they are.

yea alright that explains the attitude.

you can have a shit job and still make the shitty 2d platformer about ann frank.

Also you don't need to live in ca or ny

you guys have been saying since the beginning that epic is suddenly gonna flip on all of their policies at some unknown point in the future and it still hasn't happened yet

This cuck only made 2 shitty indie games though.

>have hundreds of developers in my library
>would need to go to hundreds of sites to see news, get/install updates, hunt for sales

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It's the dev's diva personality. We all have to work typically in less than favorable situations. Indie dev is hardly that bad.

if every dev who's ever worked on a bad game immediately left the industry after its completion there would be no devs left

He didn't make them.

because they have no marketshare.
do you think tim epic is going to run egs at a loss forever?

The physical stores also cost the developers in publishing, manufacturing, and distribution/shipping fees. Before Steam and GOG changed the game, retailers took an even bigger cut.

>Don't rock the boat, shut up and quit whining about working conditions or what you deserve
Such an American perspective lmao


sounds like indieshitters would finally be able to get away with not advertising their games then.

So what exactly makes them entitled to sales?

Not true in any way

why don't these devs just sell their game on their own website so they can take 100% of the revenue?

People live in NY and CA for the connections, not because NY and/or CA demand you to. It "maximizes" your chances of successm before you go spouting some stuff about "but this guy lived in Bumfuck, Tennessee and made millions off of his game!"

>I have to pay a platform that gets me revenue I wouldn't normally have
such an entitled perspective kek

where in the original tweets did he say he was entitled to sales?

>using your own site:
>pay shitloads of money for the infrastructure to handle the downstream, homebrew patching service/launcher
>maintenance and manpower needed years after the release

>using storefront/launcher
>30% cut

make a good game and i'll check it out
make sjw trash or a shitty flip like 85% you mention and i have no fucking reason to bother
fuck off sandnigger

>OP gets btfo in previous thread
>makes a new one
Like cockwork

Sure thing bud, I'll get right over to one of the 200 time jannies threads.

Steam literally gets paid.

You don't get an exclusivity bribe from Epic if you release on Steam at the same time too

even lower discoverability and they will find that their payment handling also takes a percentage of their gross

Speaking for myself only, I definitely don't despise game devs or want them to not make money. But I don't owe them a sale, either.

Because that's literally what part of the 30% is supposed to go towards, sales and marketing. A lot of them do.

Exactly why piracy simply isn't viable for me, I'm not going to bother hunting updates/dlc.
My time is more valuable than that, quite literally.

I mean... This verified faggot just said something as stupid as the other guy. So why are you fixated on the "steam drone?

its a rich people thing
it applies to literally everything fuck them

Maybe, just maybe those games are bad and people don't buy them because of that?

i guess your connections should sell your game then, dawg

>after Valve's cut and taxes

And before Valve's cut and taxes.

Nothing has changed. If you make a good game you'll probably see a decent amount of success. Not always but that's true of everything. It's almost never Steam's fault when your MyFirstGame.gmz doesn't sell.

A couple years ago they were whining because they couldn't get their beginner projects/shovelware on Steam, so Steam opened the floodgates. Now they're whining because their shitty game has nothing to differentiate it from the other million low skill "I followed a gamemaker tutorial" games people aren't buying either.

How many artists on deviantart make more than minimum wage? Musicians on soundcloud? Guarantee it's less than Steam.

He'll get 'em this time for sure!

to include them into their store and show it to the userbase
if I was paid $500 for someone to put a sign in my yard advertising their used car or some shit because I live in a high traffic area that doesnt mean I owe them anything

EGS just auto completes to EGGS in my head, so now i think people are mad about eggs.

whose working conditions?
not mine
get a different job if it bothers you, that's how this works
>waaa steam is a bad deal for us
THEN WHY FUCKING USE IT you dishonest faggots

Are they implying that Steam is all shovelware or something? Because you'd have to be a fucking retard to believe that.

85% of the games on steam are mobile unity port shovelware trash

>hunting updates/dlc
>literally just click download and drag the files
piracy will always be easier than using any launcher, period
layers and layers of DRM doesn't change this or kill piracy

if the game is bad that is why you can't sell it and make a living off it .

the space chem guy did it as a hobby for years and gave the game for free now he is dong well.



nigga been inde dev since the 80's

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