Enough of this zoomoid shit

Enough of this zoomoid shit.
What are some controllers with SOUL?

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I know I'm in the minority, but I never cared for clear controllers/handhelds as a kid, looked cheap to me or something.

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congratulations on being a minority.

>not liking atomic purple
>not making your switchs joycons atomic purple

whats it like to be boring and have no friends?

Pic not related

you're the reason nu-consoles are just solid white/black now.


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I've never owned a Sega console in my life, I was a Nintendo and Xbox kid growing up with a very small amount of PlayStation to the side.

I just ordered a Sega Genesis Model 1 with a Sega CD Model 2 and a Sega Dreamcast on ebay. What am I in for? What games should I get?

I'd rather them be colored boringly than look like cheap knockoffs. Also, non opaque colors exist

anything transparent

crazy taxi

what are their finishing moves?

I choose the secret fighter

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Could’ve picked a better example of a clear controller, because the Dreamcast controller is shit.

You should get a GDemu for the Dreamcast and just download the whole library.

Attached: Dreamcast_Recommended_Games.jpg (1400x1750, 683.24K)

If all I cared about was just to play the games and that's it then I would, but I like collecting games.

DS2 for sure
Modern feeling with those pressure-sensitive face buttons but with classic aesthetics and based lagless analog input.

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I can never get behind the Dualshock controller, and I never will.

were they trying to capture the african american market?


they tried but unfortunately Sony cornered that market

Evidently trash = soul

What's connected to the ethernet/ ide adapter?

Give me 18 good reasons why you hate it so much

I have the same problem, but with running shoes.

sonic 1 -3 & knuckles
sonic CD
Earthworm Jim
Ecco the Dolphin
Toejam & Earl
Dynamite Headdy
Gunstar Heroes

>waiting to look like a bicha louca
ok, queer

>no Virtua Tennis 2
>no Project Justice
>no JoJo
>no Daytona 2001
>no Cannon Spike
You could add another row to that.

>18 reasons
How the hell am I going to come up with that many reasons? The reason is simple. The controller is extremely uncomfortable for me. I hate that the D-pad and Left Stick are swapped compared to every other controller which has the Left Stick on the top left and the D-Pad on the bottom left. My left thumb gets cramped really easily after holding the Dualshock for awhile.

Just like the DS5 I think this controller is beautiful, but fuck it's also terrible in design like the DS5.

>not liking symmetrical sticks
hello yikes department?

>when your ice blue N64 is slightly green from decades of sun exposure.

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Retrobrite it

god that's beautiful

>I must consoom overpriced olde game and put on shelf neve for it to never be interacted with again

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I'm halfway with you on that one. I only didn't like them because the colors they chase for the transparent controllers were murky and pukey. But I loved the clear blue dreamcast controller because the shade of blue they chose is sexy like crystal.

I know it has meme status because of Smash but I really can't think of a more soulful controller. Very unique look in comparison to its counterparts at the time, and it's functionally great (sans the shitty d-pad).
Side note, I'd love Ninty to make a proper GC Controller Pro with all the inputs and features a Switch Pro Controller has and with the same great build quality. Maybe give it the same black & semi-transparent design too.

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why did they stop making cool transparent shit like that bros

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It just feel unnatural to me. Maybe because growing up I was more used to playing with the Xbox and GameCube controllers, it's just a more comfortable layout for me. Dualshock just doesn't feel right.

Where the fuck is Virtual On OT

See, I'd like the idea of clear crystal themed controllers if I couldn't see the innards of the controller, or maybe spaced it out and say put some black in the middle and have the grips be clear or something.

Hey man, there's just a sense of satisfaction I get from owning a physical collection. Retro games I especially love to collect because I find cartridges fascinating.

clear controllers are still kind of a thing but I wouldn't be surprised if they're gone for good by next gen

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i havent really owned a console in years i just havent seen stuff like that basically anywhere honestly. pretty sad was a really cool design.

had the green one when I was a kid, wish I still had that one

these days its mostly aftermarket shit
I don't think microsoft produces clear controllers at all anymore, dunno about nintendo.

You can bet your ass they're gonna wanna cash in on 90s kids' nostalgia for these things

Not even Nintendo makes clear controllers or consoles anymore and they used to be the king of that shit.

Grape console and controller reporting in. Goldfags need not report as their console looks like shitty spraypaint

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If they make a retro model without the dedicated social media button, pointless leds, and touch screen I'd be all for it.

Most soulful first party controller of all time coming through

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>Posting the memecast controller.
It was ass and you know it. Here's a patrician's pick.
It's probably obvious but I need the story on this.

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It's only flaw is that It has one analog stick, and it's a just okay one at that. That kind stick was unarguable surpassed in design. Apart from that, the entire controller is perfect. So fucking stupid that they compromised the Dreamcast controller by designed it around a gimmick and making it less ergonomic and having less buttons.

>calls dremcast controller a meme
>posts the memeiest of all meme controllers

Ending is near

peak soul coming through

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Capcom loved having peripherals so they asked Hori made a controller for Onimusha 3.

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Is it actually comfortable to hold?
The hockey puck shape doesn't look very ergonomic.

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Some kind of IDE Card Reader it looks like.

It's funny how intuitive the NES controller seems yet it still took several tries to make something that simple.

This faggot never had an atomic purple game boy color ha!

>useless w/b
>decent triggers
>okay thumb sticks but worse than DualShock
>great dpad
>designed for chads with big hands
I will never get why Micro$hit was so inconsistent with the Xbox controller

>The most comfortable controller of the generation.
>A meme.
It's ok user we know you have woman hands.
That's actually dope reasoning. It'd be cool if more companies did that. "Here's a unique way to play our game, go ham."

A friend of mine has three of those; for Switch, PS4, and Dreamcast.

Zoomer here, whats the giant empty space in the middle for?

the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller is translucent by default, but it's black on black so it's hard to tell.

i dont speak pig latin, sorry

it was a screen

Room for your Memory Pak and you can also play mini games on it
Actually was pretty decent and fun and ahead of its time

it's a VMU. basically a little screen to show information related to the game youre playing.

>"Here's a unique way to play our game, go ham."
never 4get

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It needed to be shrunk in to the S controller though and Microsoft built on that design since.

so Nintendo ripped off the dreamcast