Have you considered that the people defending this remake are not actually shills but just fags coping because they...

Have you considered that the people defending this remake are not actually shills but just fags coping because they thought they'd get the original story they never experienced?

They are not to be hated, anons. They are to be pittied.

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>just fags coping
Shill means something different from that?

no. if you are an actual ff7 fan there is absolutely no way you could coherently defend the remake.

So you just want PS1 FF7 with PS4 graphics ??

the shills are kingdom hearts fags and they are only defending 7r to damage control for nomura.


I played through the original multiple over the years times and I still liked the "remake" because it didn't just do the basic bitch thing and be a slave to the original games story.

Whether you're being paid to defend/promote a game or not, if you're doing so without proper justification you are a shill.

have you considered that people can genuinely like something you don't like?

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Shouldn't they be pissed at him too because of KH3?

Not possible.
I'm the main character.

>Have you considered that the people defending this remake are not actually shills but just fags coping because they thought they'd get the original story they never experienced?
Yes which is also exactly the same I thought about anyone defending HL:Alyx

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this shill sounds so demoralized lmao

yeah, in the same way that vaan is the "main character." you stand off to the side while chad gets the spotlight.

Yas Forums tries to make every major release into tortanic and it's all so tiresome. the time ghosts are weird but they don't really change most of the main story beats of FF7. Would I prefer that they weren't there? Yeah, but I also don't know if in the long run this will make for a more interesting story in future parts. I'm enjoying the gameplay a lot and I liked how they translated a lot of classic PS1 scenes to modern graphics and voice acting though.

Name one game that completely accurately does that
You cant, Even RE2R is different

I'm a KHfag and I liked 3.

yes I'm aware that retards can have interests

no shit you're aware of that, it's your life story.

You're asking for an example of what no company has done and using the absence of this evidence to prove that fans don't want it? You're fucking retarded.


Why can't someone like the original and still like the remake?

It's like the people in Bannerlord threads saying "How can you dislike them nerfing the stuff OP in the last game" fuck you I didn't like it being OP in the last game doesn't mean I wanted it to be shit now.

>he says with no coherent reason to hate the game beyond the sheer sake of hating it

All JRPGs are boring trash anyway so i never really post in the threads.

And thats why i dont pay for videogames anymore

Yes, newfag, shill is a paid advertiser

>the time ghosts are weird but they don't really change most of the main story beats of FF7
kys lying shill

i know.. i know but it hurts

Yet you come here and complain about them?


Even then, it's ok to love it!

What's not ok is to shun any criticism and start crying when someone points out the flaws of the game.

And even then, by liking it and buying it you send a message, you tell Square Enix what they did was fine, which wasn't, and you're gonna ruin it for everyone because they sold the 1st part well so don't expect improvements on the 2nd and 3rd.

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user-shill, if you are honest with yourself, you can understand that the Remake takes the absolute nastiest dump on the source material possible. you can't deny that. it was disrespectful what nomura did to that classic

I mean they literally don't, their main function is to stop things from changing anyways. It only gets loopy at the end with weird shit like Hojo spilling the beans on Cloud (and i think that was a very bad choice on the part of the writers)

A 1:1 remake is bad from business standpoint.
This is why a change is needed. Also FF7R story is set in different timeline anyway. FF7R isnt FF7.
Do your work from home then.

>it's another Yas Forums is a boogeyman episode
So fucking tiresome. Stop trying to act like you have the right to blanket dismiss everything you don't like on Yas Forums under the declaration that Yas Forums can never be correct.

>detractors say they are the ones with coherent arguments and yet this is all I see from them

Just mod the original then, 7th Heaven 2.0 was released, it takes less than a minute to mod it. It won't have PS4 graphics, but it's still a good game

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>A 1:1 remake is bad from business standpoint.
Nobody was asking for the 1997 game to be put into a new box, retard. They wanted the story to remain intact. It's really that fucking simple. Upgrade the graphics, sound, gameplay, etc. But leave the story alone. The story is the only thing new technology can't improve.

I will continue to shun criticism until it stops being "It's shit because I said so, fuck off shill."

I'm just not a faggot. As soon as I saw that it wasn't turn based I realized it was going to be different from the original. I think the gameplay looks neat and I'm interested in the new story. Can't wait to pick it up and play through it.

>Aerith will lives in FF7 Remake timeline
>Yas Forums is still seethes about it
For Allah sake, what do you fucking want ?

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Look man, I would have bought the game even with the changed combat mechanics and gameplay. Even when it was Midgar only I was still on the side of a day one purchase.

But with all the changes they've made, man am I having a hard time with this. It's like calling the Matthew Broderick Godzilla the same thing as the first Godzilla movie at this point.

lurk more plebbit trash
and that's not how you greentext

is it possible to generate so much outrage toward squeenix to make them retcon the entire story through dlc?

No, pretty sure that's viral.

Who the fuck cares about that whore? Jessie dies anyway. Fucking time jannies.

I mean I'm a Tifa guy soooooooooooo

>board flooded with time ghost threads every day when they take up less than 5% of the game
>this is a rational response

Yas Forums just loves to find something small and overreact with unlimited OH NO NO NO NO NO posting

>still no coherent argument
>instead pokes at my greentext

Remaster =/= Remake
>I would have bought the game even with the changed combat mechanics and gameplay
>But with all the changes they've made, man am I having a hard time with this
You just got too old for playing video games.

What people really wanted was a way to resurrect her, even if it meant fighting a bullshit boss a hundred times.

It doesn't matter if they take up 0.001% of the game. Their presence, alongside other things, means that the original story was abandoned. Fans have a problem with that.

>Sephiroth comes to fight the party in an all out dbz-tier battle
>he opens up a portal for the group, aerith blabbers some shit about changing destinity for good
>they fight a giant ghost shit monster, and then sephiroth, who after opens up another portal for Cloud where they face off 1 v 1 after Cloud decided against joining him to "defy destiny together"
*crack* *siiiiiiiiiiiiip* Ahhhh yes.. I do recall these parts from the original game, fellow gamer.
No really, fuck off and literally hang yourself you filthy shill.

Ok explaing me this
Jrpg in general are more focused in plot/story than gameplay right?
Ok ff7 is only remmenber for the story if you eliminate that what else you have?
>the gameplay?
> the graphics?
It just a hollow husk of its former self

Can you stop
Just stop
Bitching and whining and coping and seething doesn't change shit and doesn't change reality

The orignal game will always exist and will never stop existing.

Go play it. There are even HD texture packs that don't look like ass.

Or play it original. It looks fucking fine.

Just fucking stop.

Don't buy it. Don't play it. Stop bitching, seething, coping and whining. There's been 50 fucking threads a day for a month.

It's over.

Fuck off.

my argument is that you need to fuck right off from this website instead of guzzling cum and asking to be spoonfed, autismo freak

We'll see that in the next episodes of FF7R.
Hopefully its done before 2025

>not wanting to save the original waifu
Yas Forums has garbage tier taste as usual

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Or, you know, they enjoyed the game?

Why is it so hard for you insufferable bottomfeeders to get it through your thick skulls that people are able to enjoy things without being some kind of shill (or whatever flavor-of-the month buzzword you come up with next). Why must you dedicate so much of yourself to making sure that nobody is able to have fun with a game because you personally have gripes with it? Why must you constantly spam the same fucking thread every single day until the next "blunder" comes around for you to endlessly shit yourselves over?

Ever since Tortanic you people have been growing more and more hungry for something to get pissy about; it's almost like you people actually want the games industry to fail. What the fuck happened in your life that drove you to a point to where where you spend your days endlessly shitposting about games you never had any interest for in the first place?

I understand that this has been a thing on the board for a while, but nowadays it has gotten to the point of complete absurdity. It started growing with RE2, then Cyberpunk, then Death Stranding and RE3, and now we have reached a point where you all have damn near lost your fucking minds over a simple remake. It feels like every second there is a new thread bitching about this one game; has being stuck in quarantine driven you people fucking insane?

I wasn't going to buy the game in the first place, and I still have no interest in it, but I at least have the decency to not flood the catalog with endless circlejerk threads. If you are like me, then simply shut the fuck up and move on. This is my first and last time posting in one of these threads, and I hope it will be a final time for some of you as well.

I hate what this board has become

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You ever considered that people hate shit for dumb reasons?

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kys leddit spacing shill trash
fuck this wasted potential of a trash game and fuck you
everyone will know how shit it is

>Fans have a problem with that.
You don't speak for the entire fanbase, asshole

>Nobody was asking for the 1997 game to be put into a new box retard.
>So you just want PS1 FF7 with PS4 graphics

anyone defending this mess should be shot, unironically, i can get normalfags accepting it since they have shit taste for everything but somebody that has played the original knows that the only reason the game is as well known as it is today is because its story, and the remake managed to fuck that up so there's literally nothing to look foward to anymore, you may get a decent story, but it will be nothing like the original, and considering how fucking shit SE has been with their modern FF releases, its almost certain the new story wouldn't be on par with any of the old FFs storys, so what's the point? you are literally playing this because you have no other better games to play, that's it, the game lost what made it special the second nomura took a fat shit on it, so fuck him, fuck square enix and fuck this remake for false advertising


the only people that wanted her alive are the weirdos who wrote fan fiction about it. and unironically nomura decided to do just that


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Thx men i want to replay now because square fuck its own legacy

So I guess you don't really have a reason to hate the game.


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I hope you don't get paid based on some kind of performance metric cause we are probably fucking you up right now

Are you illiterate? I said the original game in a new box. That's 1:1. That's EVERYTHING UNCHANGED. People literally tell you that they want upgraded graphics. YOU INTERPRET THIS AS THEM SAYING THEY WANT THE OLD GAME RE-SOLD TO THEM. Shut the fuck up, retard. I blew you the fuck out so hard you have to resort to misinterpreting basic English to keep harping on with your garbage take.

Then FF7R will be called Final Fantasy 7 Remaster and people will quickly forgotten it in less than a month due to same shit but with prettier graphics.
Go to college.

You don't need a reason to hate something.
But you need a reason to enjoy something.
And the only reason someone could possibly ever like 7remake is if they're paid shills.

reddit is next door friend

uh huh.


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I've been aware I'm too old for this for awhile, but it's the quarantine and I'm bored.

Man i wish i was a shills so i can get free games all the time.
Go back to theres no such thing as paid shills

Final Fantasy 7: ReMake
>The Story of Midgar

Final Fantasy 7-2.5: Kalm Intervention
>Cloud Story from the past

Final Fantasy 7-2: Nibelheim Journey
>Long way back home

Final Fantasy ALL in ONE pack
>story so far

NetFlix Ainme
FInal Fantasy 7-3-5: What really happened
>When Timelines colude

PC Exclusive
FInal Fantasy 7 356/7 Gold
>Ultimate Story #PlayThemAll

PS5 Exclusive
FInal Fantasy 7-4: Go Home
>Back to Midgar 2.0

Final Fantasy Gold soucer
>mini game editon

On all Platforms
Final Fantasy 7-BB2 Edtion 367 second key
>The Story so far + new cut scenes and remasterd edition of all games

Big bundle with PS6
FInal Fantasy 7-4.5: Timeline 3
>Cloud vs Cloud

Final Fantasy 7-5: Remasterd
>Cloudia final form vs ZombieTifa

Final Fantasy 7 - 5.5: The Chaida onbre Card game
>+story comics from all FInal Fantasy Lukarat univers

On All platforms
Final Fantasy 7 Master ReMake Dia Univers
>All Games and Stories told so far

PS6.5(pre beta)
Final Fantasy 7 Redone
>the Story begins again

PS6.5(late beta)//Xbox-sandbox(early alpha)
Final Fantasy 7 vs 7
>The story of Final Fantasy 6 told in the univers of Redone

Final Fantasy 7 vs 7.1
>online comic with extra story cuts

Final Fantasy 7 - 7.2: Back to the future
>Destiny 2.09 after 356 days of second key

on all platforms
Final Fantasy 7 double 7 sescond key edition redoneMastered remake sun edition
>All Games in on mega pack for DL

PS6.6version2 (beta 0.2345)
Final Fantasy 7 - 8: worlds
>Cloudia turns into a male and becomes Cloud 3.0

Final Fantasy 7 - 8.1/3: The Angle within
>Sephiriotis gets pregnant
>real life action short tv show

Final Fantasy 7 - the story so far
>short comic about the whole story told so far

PS6.9version3( beta 0.234525)
Final Fantasy 7 - 8.2: Remake 2 first key
>Cloud travels back in time to warn Cloudia

That's what fans wanted. They wanted the original story. They didn't want some fucking Kingdom Hearts FF fan-fiction spin-off. They've already had enough shitty spin-offs. Don't act like you know what the fans wanted or what would be successful when you're insisting THIS is what they wanted. Since you're in threads describing the god damn controversy CLEARLY something went wrong and the fans are upset.

>You don't need a reason to hate something.
>But you need a reason to enjoy something.
Are you underage?

Why don't they just play the original FF7 if they want the original story?

>Have you considered that the people defending this remake are not actually shills but just fags coping because they thought they'd get the original story they never experienced?
Or maybe its just people that want to see this new stuff without forgetting the original like a mature person

Attached: final_fantasy_vii_remake_alternate_ending_by_kannelart-ddkpeit.jpg (1000x1353, 676.45K)

I didn't say all fans. I just said fans. I'm not making an absolute statement. Pull your head out of your ass. You have no argument if you're trying to break this down into semantics.

did u rike it?

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You didn't actually think that's what shill meant, did you?