1. Animal Crossing: New Horizons
2. Bayonetta 2
3. Final Fantasy VII Remake
4. Kingdom Hearts III
5. Legend of Zelda: BOTW
6. Marvel's Spider-Man
7. Pokemon Sword and Shield
8. Super Princess Peach
9. Tomb Raider
1. Animal Crossing: New Horizons
2. Bayonetta 2
3. Final Fantasy VII Remake
4. Kingdom Hearts III
5. Legend of Zelda: BOTW
6. Marvel's Spider-Man
7. Pokemon Sword and Shield
8. Super Princess Peach
9. Tomb Raider
10. TLOU2
I agree. Those games are pretty gay.
>gay web page make a gay article about some gay taste by gay users from other gay web page
No shit sherlock
Boy am I glad I never laid a finger on any of those games and stuck to System Shock, Supreme Commander and Planetside 2
Surprised neither Undertale nor TLOU are on the list.
Feels good to have never played any of those. Confirmed proper heterosexual gamer
I only played botw, so I'm only 1/9 gay
Who gives a shit?
how does them being queer have anything to do with their shit taste in video games?
nintenFAGS confirmed
This list is bullshit
literally no one played super princess peach
>Pokemon Sword and Shield
Never played any of those games, I feel fully hetero.
It’s good to know which games to avoid the communities of.
I live in Portland so I know this stuff well
>mostly Nintendo
sounds right
Mostly Nintendo, which makes sense. Every switch user I've known in real life is either a literal tranny or a figurative one.
How is BofW gay? Cause of the gay carpenters? OoT had that, and it was released over 20 years ago!
I think OP is the gayest poster on Yas Forums.
There's a reason why these type of people have been subjugated throughout history up until recent years.
Their faggotry has been known throughout history and its only recently that they've been allowed to get away with it. The castration of society is your result.
>Mfw I haven't played any of them
>Figurative tranny
What do you mean by that?
I’m gay as fuck and I’ve never played any of this shit.
Cope snoycucks.
Imagine reading the Gay Times
This list is literally me.
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>the game that killed all gay shipping within the community
So we can pretty easily say that Nintendo is for faggots and trannies now.
>I like 5 of those games
>figurative tranny
>5 of them are nintendo exclusives
>No Earthbound
>No Undertale
>No The Last of Us
>None of the “Synthwave Indies” (Katana Zero, Furi, Hotline Miami etc.)
>No Mario Party
Fake list
>"We interviewed one gay person, A.K.A. me, to find out which games gay people love the most!"
i dont care about console wars, im being honest about what I saw. I know 5 people who own and actively play the switch, 3 of whom are literally on hormones and the other 2 are soft bellied, bearded socialists. Theyre retarded but nice enough. I thought the trannies would smell desu, but they don't.
Most of these are not gay specific but normie specific.
>figurative tranny
pot bellied bearded effeminate men who espouse faggotry on Twitter.
That's not a bad list. I guess queer people are just like you and me.
What's gay about Earthbound?
What's the sample size here? It's silly to presume popular games wouldn't make the list if it's more than a few people.
>no Mass Effect
>no Dragon Age Inquisition
>no Fallout New Vegas
>no Life Is Strange
>padding out the list with shit like Super Princess Peach, Pokemon, and Spider-Man
who the fuck made this list?
You forgot Overwatch and NuDoom
You know when you really look it this, it's kind of sad. Fags just want to be thought of as normal people to the point where they make bullshit articles like this just to say "hey I do that too!"
Wow they like the wrong games and the wrong sex.
>clickbait articles depicting the realities of demographic appeal not having much variance among gays and the general public are just articles showing facts
You were going to find a way to be shitty about this no matter what they said.
You know what they say, birds of a feather, flock together ;) (in case you're an ESL, it means that you are who you associate with, so I'm implying you're also a soft bellied socialist tranny.)
despite what devs think, gays dont actually like openinly gay protagonists or themes in their games. they like the same stuff you and me like
only Yas Forums likes gay shit their games
>Fags just want to be thought of as normal people
To me it seems like they want more attention because they think they are better than everyone else
Seems legi-
>9. Super Princess Peach
I vehemently disagree, yet have no counterargument to offer.
What is the fucking point of this article? That's just a list of 9 games people like, what does being gay have to do with it at all?
Might as well make a list called '9 video games bald people love, from Tomb Raider to Animal Crossing'. Wow bald people like video games just like us normals!
Which ultimately makes them out to be even more of a pariah then they were before. Ironic how that works.
Also Jannie, this thread isn't video games, kiss my ass you faggot.
The few gay people I know tend to play games you wouldn't expect like Crusader Kings. Far Left games seem to be more popular with effeminate straight men rather than homos.
>Super Princess Peach
i thought that game was sexist
>The few gay people I know tend to play games you wouldn't expect like Crusader Kings.
Why wouldn't I expect that? What games am I supposed to expect gay people to play?
If you're trying to be offended, it is.
apparently the writer of this article expects gay standards.
unless the game's homophobic or explicitly pro-gay then their sexuality's not really a factor in what they play
All of these are just random popular games, it doesn't mean anyth-
> Super Princess Peach
Well that was out of left field. Doesn't change the fact everything else is mainstream
i'm gay and i played that, Loved that game
ironically tf2 is filled with gays and furries
A lot of people did. It actually was a million seller.
>Bayonetta 2
Kindom hearts 3 not first.
Persona royal not first or on the list
If they want to be thought of as "normal" then maybe that shouldn't make "enjoys getting fucked in the ass" a core part of their identity.
>Super Princess Peach
Whonolays this game in 2020?
Played Bayo2, Botw, and currently playing New Horizons
Does that make me 1/3 gay? That sounds about right.
Do not make me break my 3DS out just to prove you wrong. I'll do it.
0/9, not a queer
>Spider-Man PS4
Yeah right, calling BS
safe and based