Where did Valorant succeed where CSGO failed?
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>link watching streams to getting beta keys
>wonder why morons are watching streams
Doesn't help that people are also having multiple open at once.
It's a great strategy for PR reasons, but it's a meaningless stunt.
>>link watching streams to getting beta keys
Doesn't CSGO drop lootcrates and skins in their streams?
>access to game
>access to shitty skin
wonder which will be better
It hasn't "succeed" yet.
It's currently riding off the dick of popular League Streamers checking out Riot's new game.
Once the League streamers get bored and lose viewers because they ain't playing League of Legends anymore they will move back over to League and Valorant's numbers won't even be in the top 50 games.
god this game looks so fucking bad i cannot believe that retards are lapping it up. literally a cheap shitty chink f2p fps with cringe faggot hero abilities.
Valorant is made by the same people who brought us Coronavirus, of course is going to be popular.
>It's currently riding off the dick of popular League Streamers checking out Riot's new game.
The most popular streamer was summit1g, who plays CSGO though.
And? Every other streamer is league streamers.
Leagues numbers are the lowest it's ever been right now because all the league streamers aren't playing it at the moment.
viewbots mostly
marketing, people are just "watching" to get keys
I wouldn't call lirik, soda, moonmoon, summit, forsen, lupo, drdisrespect, etc. league streamers, but okay I guess?
Isn't it going to be F2P? It's automatically going to be a success but I doubt it will top CSGo though which has recently been hitting 1m+ concurrent players. A lot of those views are people just hopping to get beta keys or people watching their favorite e-celeb and have no interest in the game itself.
>knowing any of that
ok faggot, stay on your shit website
I'm watching gameplay and it looks so fucking flat. It has to be one of the cheapest-looking f2p chinkshit looking games of all time
>woah why are more people watching a brand new marketed thing instead of something that's been out for 20 years
Artifact Beta keys were selling for $80 too day 1, its just NEW THING everyone wants access to
How do you know everyone playing it is a league streamer then? Or did you just admit your mouth was full of shit?
It's like the T series of Twitch.
>many foreign viewers mainly Chinese
>low effort quality
>no one in the Western world really talks or cares about it
CS GO has a tranny.
No. Used to during majors but that's changed.
Valorant appeals to Zoomers better.
Hmmm I sure wonder why there are so many "people" watching
Still a bunch of shill streamers
this closed beta marketing scam is the biggest kike move i've seen in a long time
even more greedy than companies straight up selling beta passes?
here is your viewers, streamer! have fun with our product! - riot
that faggot wasn't streaming this shit last I checked
also you're a faggot for being able to name this many streamers
Being new, which will wear off eventually
valorant, dr.disrespect is always bored of the game
Blizzard requiring people to be subbed to retail for a chance to get access to Classic beta was pretty scummy. Had to inflate those quarterly numbers during wows biggest low point.
Remember when Apex Legends had more viewers on Twitch than Fortnite and we had several threads saying "FORTNITE IS DEAD"
>Knowing who any of them are
Go back.
Doc gets bored of everything. He sucks at every game and fake rages.
Pretty boring to watch after a while.
Fortnite is dead, but it's not because of Apex.
remember when we had the last "LEAGUE IS DYING" thread
and yet he would be raging if they did not give him access to the game because it would mean he would not make as much money
literally looks like a chinese mobile rip off of CS, and I dont even like CS
being new
you're retarded my fellow faggot
Yeah, it get's me everytime
When will the current cartoony art design for games trend will fucking die?
I'm mad tire of it, at least the shitty asset flip CGI kusoge made in japan by koei temco and idea factory have some soul.
Go back.
>As a reminder, fake engagement and artificial inflation of channel statistics are violations of our policies. Participating in, organizing, and/or running these services will lead to an enforcement issued on your account, including and up to indefinite suspension.
Nah I think publishers pay Twitch to turn a blind eye.
Stick to your "soulful" "video games" stupid bugman.
CSGO has been one of the most popular games on PC for 20 years
it's like Chess or something, even when it's not at its most popular, there will always be a ton of people who play it regardless
no your the bugmen
>Implying that rule is ever enforced in the first place
Youre a bug guy
you just can't get enough guy?
Guess so. It would be a waste of resources.
dont talk shit about 0101jj17, he was the bestman at my wedding
you can clearly see in the public API documentation they have about drops that if a viewer isn't activity watching the stream then they aren't going to get shit.
If retard1 creates retard2, 3, 4 and so on he would have to figure out how to have the video player active on each account. It's not easy to do that, and would require knowledge beyond spam making accounts.
Not enough people realize that Chinks are almost just as greedy and slimey as jews.
Yeah, gotta give him credit for his originality and production value though. His E3 IRL stream was pretty cool.
uhhhhhh valorantbros???
Yeah, its gotten popular because game devs are lazy and have realized that you can put out a game with less work and still make a huge profit. People are sheep, and eat up everything thats thrown at them.
twitch ignores big streams. they can get away with anything besides saying faggot or nigger. and even then they'd just put on a show and then silently let them back after a few days.
ya'll incels mad as fuck
CSGO hasnt changed gameplay since launch, gets boring using the same 4 guns
I'm not a fan of it either but the realism + brown color palettes era was worse so I don't care.
True, but Valorant has dull colors too except for the menu, and hud.
I remember selling my Dota 2 keys for $120 a piece. Bandwagoners are fucking dipshits.
I made around $300 off of those dota2 keys shitm was great