Xbox Calls for War

This is going to be good.

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>posted 2 min ago

Why would they purposely do that?

Is that a fucking eject button?
Why the fuck would I want that on my controller?

What is new about the xbox controller?

Ps5 controller posted 5 hours ago.
even if it kept that pace. It would still fall flat.

Still using batteries

That button in the middle that looks like an eject symbol or something

Absolutely nothing.

And that's absolutely OK with us Xbox gamers. You can keep the normies and casuals. Xbox is tight knit and hardcore. Superior gamers and cooler people.

>Xbox controller will still use AA batteries and sell rechargeable batteries separately

Really love the conservative look of the Series X and controller. PS5 will look hideous

I don't think the plan of making valve finally do portal 3 will work.
Not even if the controller have GlaDOS like voices.

Enjoy your 10 hour battery life

>no power
>no games
>b-b-b-but we have twitter likes!

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Thank christ

at that pace PS5 would have 730 likes

>changing batteries every 2 weeks bad
>having to load your controller before every gaming session good

Power never wins. Doesn't matter than Xbonex happened later. It still happened and cemented that power never wins in console gaming.

>ps4 literally obliterated xboner, 30 million ahead of it before ms released the x

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Xbox gamers don't care about winning. We just like to game *shrugs shoulders*

If it continued to get 2200 likes every 3 minutes, by the 5 hour mark it would have 220,000 likes. Check your math m8

ESL pls go

Xbox Series X will literally have just as many exclusives as the Xbox One. Phil Spencer is an absolute moron and Microsoft learned literally nothing from the failure of the Xbox One.

Xbox One hardly failed go kill yourself

I like likes

>caring how about which megacorporations sells more units instead of which one makes a better product

Never said it would have won in the end. Still doesn't negate what I said.
But please. Keep crying. I'm sure one day Microsoft will give a shit about it's consumers and products in any possible way

>Known for years as the casual dudebro normalfag console
Don't you have to give a brojob to your frat roommate right now?

..and more is coming!
same guy who leaked that hzd will come to pc also leaked that ps5 will launch with ZERO (0)!!! AAA 1st party exclusives.

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So even if it continued to get likes at the same as the PS5 controller (which it won't) it would still have over 18,000 less.

Oh no no no no xbros, we got too cocky

The PS4 sold way more than the Xbox One.
The PS4 is a lot more powerful.

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i really hope this wasn't some epic attempt at le twitter nignog shade cause they're basically identical bar the left analog stick

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>xbox awnsered

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Xbox One is a failure.

Same guy also said a whole bunch of shit that never happened.
Welcome to Leakers. They throw darts in the dark and say unicorns are real.

who gives a shit. doesn't matter what they say until it actually happens.

DS4 lasts like 7 hours before needing to charge, you aren't a neet that plays more than 7 hours on a daily basis, are you?

also it's cheap and greedy that both controllers have the same MSRP but only the DS4 includes rechargeable batteries

>controller that was revealed 3 months ago wont get as many likes as controller revealed today
and in the end the xbox controller is better as usual


Yet the Pro isn't compared to the XboneX
The mere fact they made the XboneX puts them in the most powerful console this generation and thus still makes the claim hold true.
Doesn't matter for shit if the Xbone wasn't winning before then.

you said the exact same things before hzd got officially announced for pc

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In what world is 218k bigger than 220k?

Because Sony stole the body casing design. The original PS1 controller was light weight and didn't require battery charging every four hours.

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What did he mean by this

The Xbox One isn'tt more powerful, and the Xbox One lost. Hard.
X is not base Xbox One. You are literally coping.

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>and in the end the xbox controller is better as usual
Well yeah it has a normal left stick placement. Snoys don't know how to controller

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that we have seen the controller in december.

>DS4 lasts like 7 hours

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that's a lot of HUEs and eurocucks.

The fuck is dual sense?

Can anyone explain why people feel obliged to defend a megacorp's honour?

Yas Forums is not one person.
I've always held true that Leakers don't matter for shit because 95% of the time they are talking out of their ass. Fuck. 100% of the time they are talking out of their asses. but a broken clock is right twice a day so I can say Onimusha 5 is happening for 20 years straight and eventually there will be one.


>no games
Enjoy your halo and 13rd shitty remaster of forza retard

xbox controller is literally the top trend on gaming twitter right now lol. why wouldn't they tweet about it.

They made the controller slightly smaller and copied the share button


Like double think?

And you are literally pepe/wojak posting. and thus irrelevant and invalid.
You realize the Xbox controller puts it's d-pad like that and not PlayStation right?

new low latency protocols. you know, the things that actually matter.
and it actually has a 3.5mm jack unlike the dualspace 5 or whatever they're calling it now.

Like using two senses at the same time.
Like Hearing and seeing. Or feeling and hearing.

No one would argue Xbox is more popular since even the absolute shitstain known as the PS3 won in sales. Xbox just doesn't exist in Asia to make up for the gap. But the PS5 is certainly another PS3 in the making.

>you aren't a neet that plays more than 7 hours on a daily basis, are you
See, Sony fans aren't gamers, they're normies who likes to watch movies

they already won though
bone controller was perfection

Will do. Hope FH5 takes place in Japan.
Enjoy "slow walking grumpy middle aged guy has camera above his shoulder and hides behind cover".

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my 3 year old ps4 controller included in my slim console lasts about 6-7 hours


So even Xbox is now openly saying that Sony ripped off their controller? I wonder they didn't care when Nintendo did the same

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Seethe. Accept that PS4 btfo'd Xbox. And PS4 is a lot more powerful than the Xboner. Power wins!

How so? It's not made out of a architecture that is a pain in the ass to work with.
The price of the console won't matter since all consoles make you pay for a online sub anymore.
Xbox has always been selling at a loss since it's inception. just makes up the cost with the subscription model enforced for it's online.
Now that Sony does that it also won't sell at a loss.
It's really not currently suffering from the thing that made PS3 blow chunks.

Apparently the dpad is a lot better

Serious curation was a PC gamer why should I waste my time and money on an Xbone or nextgen Xbone series whatever?

It's just a revised version of the xbox one elite controller, which is perfectly fine by me

PS5 controller:

>adaptive triggers
>haptic feedback
>rechargeable battery with wireless charging
>futuristic as fuck
>usb-c port
>touchpad for extra functionality

Xbox controller:

>still require AAA batteries in 2020
>optional 60$ proprietary rechargeable battery
>literally the same thing as the xbox one controller + 1 new button
>no gyro

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How delusional do you have to be to honestly believe Xbox is relevant?

How dumb do you have to be to constantly buy whatever the fuck Phil Spencer is always selling despite him never delivering?

Except again. The XboneX exists. Thus pushing the Xbone into the strongest console this generations. and Xbox lost.
Deal with it.

I use PS4 for Japanese games since Xbox is despised by anyone east of Russia.

>superior games
You could argue for everything else, but really? Other than Halo what does Xbox have that Playstation doesn't?

>literally the same thing as the xbox one controller
You don't fix what isn't broken.

they're not really that similar, outside of the layout, the general shape isn't quite the same

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Phil Spencer is fucking based

>But the PS5 is certainly another PS3 in the making.
it's going to be worse than the ps3 because it will never be able to catch up and always be seen as inferior in 3rd party games. the ps3 was a mini powerhouse but super hard to actually get the best out of. the ps5 is just simply inferior.

Xbox was first with the fancy trigger gimmicks though.

it's only 2k likes user

also Wii U pro was the better controller

Why do people jack off gyro so much? Like 5 games use it.

PS5 already won the next gen and it hasn't even started yet

The Xbox X is not the base consoles.
The only thing that matters is the base consoles as the race was already over before those were released. Otherwise you would imply that the Xbox One would have sold more than PS4, as it's the weaker console. But you aren't, because the stronger PS4 was beating the shit out of Xbox and midgen refreshes cannot be compared to actual new generations.

because it's all they can do with it

Xbox 360 controller> Xbone dildotronic mess

Ps5 is so hot right now, it literally throws fire at you

gyro aiming in 3rd person games is extremely useful

try it on breath of the wild for example

And fh5 will be available for PC and that still means Xbox has no exclusives

>despite him never delivering?
He brought games to PC.
He made GamePass.
He added 9 new studios to their 1st party.

It's almost like Sony are trying to lose next gen before it even starts by showing this garbage controller. The shit hardware was already bad enough.

I don't know but sounds like something you could find on a pack of condoms.

Xbox didn't add gyro at least?

I sure hope so since I played the last two on PC.

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All Phil Spencer is good at is saying shit he knows console warriors will fucking eat up. All platitudes. The dude has yet to fucking deliver. He keeps talking about games yet for all the years he’s been there, Xbox literally has shit to show for it.

Nothing really, it's just a slightly better Xbone/Elite V1 controller and thats fine. I don't need a fucking mic array in the damn controller itself. One thing though is the haptic feedback aka HD Rumble would be cool, but not that big of a deal teebeeaych

looks like we have a butthurt xbro here

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more like 3 to 4 hours.

Man that's catty. I like xbox but this Twitter crap is lame

nigga, you're literally on fire right now

He says in defence of Sony.

But he already revealed 4 XSX games.

this. Ori is literally outscoring ff7r on metacritic.


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the PS5 one is actually a new design while the SeX is just the Xbone controller with one extra button
even so though, the Xbox controllers will always be GOAT no matter how hard Sonyfagd try to cope

Why doesn't Sony just sue microsoft for that twitter post?

>Avatar da Dilma


This, Xbox and Nintendo any day.

I wish MS has good controllers would end, both the 360 and xone feel like a brick in my hand, not ergonic in any way at all

>Yas Forums is not one person
It's an easy mistake to make given the don't hive mind here.

>He brought games to PC.
Nice job promoting Xbox
>He made GamePass.
>He added 9 new studios to their 1st party.
With no talent

Personally I love that shit for PC use. Nioh plays wonderfully with gyro aiming for example.
The PS4 barely used the touch pad either, but it's fantastic with Steam or DS4Windows since you can bind it to whatever you want with gestures and presses.

my wireless headphone with noise canceling lasts 40-50 hours and this shit can't last 7 hours? Why even defend this piece of garbage?

Sunset overdrive
Pso2 NA
Both ori games
Forza games
Gears of war games
Quantum break
Sea of thieves
Rare replay
Phantom dust
Backwards compatible games that ps4 can't play in general or without ps now
Also inb4 I get my (you)'s have pic related

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I'm sorry. but for those Xbox Shoulder buttons.
They are Irredeemably shit.


One of them requires batteries

He could have bought CDPR and you would shit on it.