They could have gone classic PSX style

They could have gone classic PSX style.

Attached: PS5 Classic Controller Concept 1.jpg (2048x1365, 165.02K)

the black/white two tone just clashes too hard

they should have done a grey/white or a grey/black

Attached: DualNonsense.jpg (3072x2048, 1.04M)

yes, more appetizing for the eyes this way

the sticks should still be black

They'll probably release a special edition like they did with the DS4

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I thought it would be better with the colored buttons but looking at this it doesn't feel right
maybe because it's too many colors

All they had to do was switch the left stick and the dpad and it would have been perfect.

Does it have the back panel buttons like that new add on for the DS4?

despite all the hate, this will probably be the best feeling dual shock controller till this point

>copies the xbox controller
>doubles down on touchpad/3D sound nonsense
>controller rests on the fucking triggers
yeah, i'm thinking ps5 fucking sucks

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Even Microsoft made a 360 callback that looks better.

Attached: 360 classic.jpg (1056x594, 29.83K)

Attached: syrt.png (720x793, 891.54K)

>Wide stance white man wearing huge fishing waders

Attached: controller.jpg (941x1200, 188.89K)

say what

Attached: 51En5xr5MCL._AC_SX679_.jpg (679x509, 25.48K)

Nigga what? Sony is the only one that retains the dpad+face buttons on the same level that formed controllers for decades.

This has to be one of the dumbest pictures I've ever seen

>trash triggers once again
when will they learn?

>fucking triggers again
Give ps2 buttons back

From looking at threads there's a suprising lack of >OH NO NO NO and >JUST posting, therefore i've come to the conclusion the new design is liked by Yas Forums

Everyone loves it
Only people complaining are the 5 remaining sexbots

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i have to feel it first but maaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnn am i not feeling it in my heart

So what, did Sony not want to pay the Dualshock license again?

All they had to do was make a ds4 without a fucking light bar and they still fucked it up.

>post bait
>get replies calling you out for being a moron
>wojack post
how utterly Yas Forums

it looks cool
very cyberpunky

>how utterly Yas Forums

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Except this time itll look like shit

looks so sexy

Just set it down like a person who cares about his hardware and its a non-issue. Anyone who complains about the triggers is the same guy to complain his controller gets shitty from Cheeto dust.

Is that just the controller or the actual PS5?

Every time I see that controller my mind only focuses on the white part and I immediately think of pic related.

Attached: 97023ED4-C1BA-4F17-915C-91D9F7E3DFFA.jpg (500x400, 15.16K)

>like a person who cares about his hardware
obviously sony doesn't care about their hardware because they didn't put an extra millimeter of plastic on the controller to protect the triggers

It was 100% guaranteed to have a light bar due to them promising compatibility with PS4 VR

They understand their players aren't nin-toddlers and ragers who respect their hardware

So they still refuse to give us select back?

Also I had to write nin babby like that because Yas Forums is run my jap jews

I still don't know how to properly grip this thing.

It's the whole system mate. It syncs wirelessly to your brain so you can control the games in your head.

Why do they refuse to make back paddles a standard feature?

Attached: 1527600270734.gif (284x223, 959.54K)

Because who in the hell needs em?

Are the DS4fags btfo forever? Even Sony agrees Xbox has the best controller.

people who don't like mashing down the sticks?

Attached: 1552205040714.png (362x415, 43.45K)

No reason not to use em.
Gives 2 additional inputs one can input (or bind to something else), and gives use to those fingers that are otherwise doing nothing

Souls games are miles better with paddles. Fuck claw-gripping

Back paddles? You mean L2 and R2

left and right for dpad (2D games) use, middle and right for stick (3d games) use

Game works fine holding it normally and I've never felt that more buttons would help me

it has 3 'modes' fps, platformer and classic

Why the two tone? It looks fucking retarded.

No, I mean paddles
Just because you don't feel you would use them doesn't mean they wouldn't be an objective upgrade

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Why does it still have useless lights to drain the battery? Did they learn nothing?

You are supposed to use your third hand

They wouldn't they would clutter the controller

Looks smaller now which should hopefully burn less power.

How the fuck would they clutter it? Not like those fingers are doing anything anyways

What if you grip too hard?

>what if you're a retarded gorilla

Love this controller