
Do you think we will get the next character revealed alongside the arms reveal or nah

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kys animefag no one but weebs want same faced literally whos

>This retard again

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seibah and reimu are both in
your days are numbered seethie stevie

Who the fuck are any of these characters besides midna

>second pass will be done by like end of 2022
>durrr you think they revealed another soon
Okay retard

Without giving them away directly, Fighters Pass 2 is

Nintendo character
SEGA character
Ubisoft character
Bandai Namco character
Square Enix character
Microsoft character

2 platformer characters
2 RPG characters
1 fighting game character (Already confirmed from ARMS)
1 FPS character

As for other stuff, here are the Mii costumes in pass 1:

Mii Brawlers: MinMin & Helix (ARMS), Zetterburn (Rivals of Aether) + Bonus song (Formless Onslaught - Rivals of Aether)
Mii Sword Fighters: 2B (Nier Automata), Lloyd (Tales of Symphonia)
Mii Gunners: Bass (Mega Man)

Fighters pass 2 is also introducing music packs to add extra music to the game, with new remixes and other original songs from various franchises. Any publisher/developer can opt in on this, given they sign contracts and such to do so.

Play more vidya

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probably, it'll be their e3 equivalent. announce/release arms rep, show new character

June is 2 months away user, it'd make a lot of sense to reveal the next character then

Go masturbate and then come back and tell me if this is really who you want to get in.

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How about play more sucking my fat fucking cock loser

Why are you gay user?

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I'll play along with your LARP.
>Nintendo and Fighting is from Arms
Gonna go with Twintelle or Lola Pop
>Sega and Platforming
>Ubisoft and Platforming
>Bamco and RPG
Chosen Undead
>Squenix and RPG
>Microsoft and FPS
Master Chief

That was probably their intention, but it probably won't happen now thanks to the virus.

Fighter Pass 2 is gonna end up being on sale for over 6 months and only have an ARMS character to show for it.

>Master queef
Kys retard

friendly reminder

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Never said I wanted any of these characters, all though I do want Vectorman and Twintelle. Whatcha gonna do about it, cock sucker?

>No Sora

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Anime website

Imagine thinking this had any impact on anything.

>No Sora
>No Arle
>No master chief
This couldn’t be more perfect

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Never happening you delusional weebs.

Liking anime isn't a requirement to post here you fucking dork.

Yeah, but that doesn’t mean smash is a weebtard only game

Elma (or Cross) please. They're my last want, other than Travis, but I'm pretty sure he's a shoe-in with NMH3 coming soon.

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Yeah that's fair. I'd like western characters as well. Doomguy, Lara, The Prince, and some more would be great.

Are you just pretending to be retarded?

Are you? You can hate anime and post here, anime isn't the focus of every single board.

As funny as this tweet is, there’s no way in hell Harada would even be bothered to go to Sakurai and the team and ask them to specifically not add in those characters. And even if he was autistic enough to do it, it’s not like he’d have any actual say on who got in, Nintendo themselves chose the characters not Sakurai.

>No Jonesy
>No Sora
>No DoomGuy
>No Alberto
>No Crash
>No Arle
>No Halo
Yes thank you

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>FP6 is ARMS

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Yeah, those characters were always out

>1 year for 5
>2+ for 6 + delay because the virus
Probably not happening

More than 95% of the characters are Japanese in origin.

Damn you election tourists really are retarded
Do everyone a favor and hang yourself

And? That has no correlation.

Yas Forums is an anime website. If you want to discuss video games in a place that hates anime, perhaps consider ResetEra or SomethingAwful

So anime is the focus of every single board, you fucking idiot?
Yas Forums has an anime board, and was STARTED because Moot wanted to talk about anime. Now, it's much different. Anime discussion isn't the only discussion that occurs on this site. Why are you people so desperate to cling onto this?

Please for the love of God go to Wikipedia and read about this site
It's an Anime website. It has a board that can discuss video games, or weapons, or even cooking. But it's still an Anime website.

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weeb niggers are as cancer as rosterfags and I hope mashed potato soggy rice add someone you hate like fucking minecraft steve

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Anime is great and this is an anime website.
OP still has dogshit taste though.


Yas Forums is an anime website. Plain and simple. moot's been over this before.

It WAS an anime site, now it's for everything. Again, why the fuck are you people so desperate for this to still be an anime site? It was, now it's not. Anime discussion isn't the sole reason that people come here now.

It's still an Anime website retard. Even after there were a bunch of different boards this place still had panels at fucking Anime conventions. Why is this a hard thing for you to grasp that the vast majority of people on this site have one thing in common. We like anime
Yas Forumstards are excluded from this of course cause who gives a shit about them

Why are you here if anime makes you so ass made? The site has the word chan in it? Like really retard come on now

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moot can shove it and so can you

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Stay mad that anime and manga will continue to be more successful and higher quality than cartoons and comics, and that Japanese games will continue to be better than Western games.

The sites owned by an actual jap now I dunno how much more you need to understand retard

hang yourself dumbass nigger

>Nintendo picked ARMS as the "lel epic hyope1!1 XD" frontal of this pass over the ones listed above

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It’ll obviously be my chicken sandwich and you fags will eat it up like you’ve been wanting it for years

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It's not an anime site, and despite this place being a contrarian hive-mind, it's quite obvious that not everybody here likes anime. And again, they don't have to, as anime discussion isn't the sole reason to come here.
I actually like anime, I never once said I didn't. That doesn't change the fact that this isn't an anime site anymore. The chan is merely a remnant of what once was. If you really want to go there, we're on 4channel, not Yas Forums! :^)
And that Jap said it's not an anime site.
Ya seethe? Ya boil?
Again, Harada's tweet has no correlation with the Arms fighter, it was happening or not, and you're actually fucking stupid if you think it wasn't and the tweet willed this into reality.

The first one is from Arms. Idk who the others are

>I never once said I didn't

>SMT5 Protagonist
>Lloyd Irving
>Travis Touchdown
Here's your other five characters bro.

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I don't see who the Ubisoft character could possibly be other than Rayman. Same with Microsoft and Master Chief.
That leaves 2 RPG characters and 1 platformer character, and Sega, Bamco, and Square Enix.
Square is obviously one of the RPG characters, and you seem like a fag so I'm guessing you were thinking of Sora.
Platformer doesn't make sense for Bamco (unless you're dumb enough to think Klonoa has a shot) so they've gotta be the other RPG rep, so either a Dark Souls character or a Tales character. I'm guessing you were going for the latter, probably Yuri in particular since Lloyd is out.
That leaves a Sega platformer character, probably another Sonic character. I'm gonna guess Tails.
I don't know who you think is gonna be the ARMS rep but you seem dumb so it's probably something stupid like Ribbon Girl.
So I'm thinking the characters you had in mind for your shitty LARP were Ribbon Girl, Tails, Rayman, Yuri, Sora, and Master Chief.

Prove me wrong.

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That's not even me.

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Based, but everything else sucks

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>That leaves a Sega platformer character, probably another Sonic character. I'm gonna guess Tails.
That dumpster fire of a franchise doesn't need (or deserve) another shitty character.

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This is worse than OP's. How did you manage that?

Improve your reading comprehension, user. Those aren't the characters I want.

Kys retard

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>roo or jack or something
Hell yah I forgot the name but fuck yah tekken kangaroo hell yah :3

Cry more about sonic retard

don't need to lol

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someday, dood...

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>muh Plant
Do you think people care anymore? At least use Byleth, that's at least more of a fresh wound than the Plant.

Why would you want terra over kefka or sephiroth

Terraniggers gtfo. The SQ rep will be either be Black Mage, Geno, Lara Croft or Sephiroth.

The Square Enix rep is either Geno or Sephiroth.

lol wut

>loooook at my ebin salt maymay haha XD LOLCATZ haha XD