Post genuine, personally memorable vidya moments. Don't post shit like lewds or shitposts, i wanna see what moments stick out in your guys eyes. feel free to give context if you want
Post genuine, personally memorable vidya moments. Don't post shit like lewds or shitposts...
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Everything about Nightmare
From his introduction as a background shadow, to the emergency in sector 5, to the total devastation of the sector to Nightmare's mask coming off.
Especially helps that its yet another problem in a series of ever escalating shit happening in the space station
no context needed
Honestly, this game was very cinematic for a NES game, in a good way, brief animations that helped with world building and character development, even if it was small, not in the same level as Ninja Gaiden, but it was awesome to say the least.
Also, this moment:
It wrapped up the story arc that they began to develop in StH3.Well, the loud as shit music does not help it but this moment is the epitome of SOUL from the PRE-GC-PS2 era.
>Leaving this world is not as scary as it sounds.
Falling into the Earth's core while fighting Eggman's most powerful creation yet. Pure kino.
Entering Mexico in Red Dead Redemption
It just sucks that they keep bringing it back and it gets worse every time.
Being a little kid playing startropics and getting to the point where you have to get the letter that came with the game wet to reveal the secret message.
Lots of Terranigma really, but mostly when you first step out into the underworld and the ending.
>Despite Mallow still being there, him leaving hits too fucking deep
>He leaves forever and takes the franchise with him, to Square hell
>After he leaves, Exor disappears too, and the wonderful "Dreams through the window of stars" plays.
>Geno shows up in the parade right at the end, while the song plays again but even more melancholic
>He turns into the "D" in "The End"
Why is it so hard for sega to just make another sonic game with SA2 sonic/shadow gameplay but better?
Generations killed that kind of game.
>if I keep spamming it people will believe me
06 killed it, revisionist
The whole ending to Deadly Premonition. I had fun with the game up to that point, but I was genuinely surprised towards the end with how much the game managed to make me care about the characters and the town.
Yeah those two points were really memorable for me too. Also the hallucination where you bring back humans was pretty creepy.
Potato Potahto
This is the swan song of SNK, and perhaps of 2D games in general. They knocked it out of the goddamn park.
Based. My favorite game
The first trip to Zeal is something special. There's a reason it's my wallpaper for pretty much any device I own.
If this happens, are all the marco clones in the last level replaced with fio clones?
after all the crazy magic and fucked up shit fate/stay night had, the final battle is just a teen and his local priest, both on the verge of death, punching the shit out of each other because a girl is pregnant with an evil baby and they don't/do want it to be aborted
it's fuckin awesome
The music in this scene sells it so fucking well and seeing how horribly scorched his body is as a result of training with lightning is some real shit.
The clones are of whichever character was captured.
How does it determine which character gets captured? I always played as Tarma and my friend was Marco so I always just say Marco get captured.
It's just whoever is played at that moment. Pretty sure it defaults to player 1.
To provide context: I think Runescape has good writing, a lot better than it's usually given credit for, but it doesn't tend to do very serious stuff. So when it does do a story like that, and it does it so well, I was caught completely off-guard. There's nothing else like it in the game.
Emulated this game when I was like 14. Years later, still can't quite explain just how hollow this chapter's ending made me feel. Not sadness, not angry, I just felt... empty.
Other picks:
>The Sphinx's Trial from Monster Girl Quest
>The Day of Lavos from Chrono Trigger
The entire final battle of Okami, into the credits, stays fresh in my mind to this day. Every lovable element of the game comes together for perfection in that final stretch, and the combo of instrumental Reset into The Sun Rises into Reset with lyrics might be the best trio of climactic songs in gaming.
It scared me so much, I wasn't even play I was watching my sister play
This shit blew me away. I got goosebumps and chills like I hadn't felt in years, it was incredible. The 90 minute fight against Nyx that turned out to be totally futile, as everything was about to come to an end anyways, then suddenly the protag rises up, the build-up to entering Nyx's core, the atmospheric music playing during the cutscene, then suddenly the screen goes black, in the total silence I hear the glass shattering sound of a battle starting, then this kicks in
The goosebumps came over my body in a wave, starting with the things closest to my computer screen, such as my hands and knees, then swiftly spreading from there everywhere, and ending at my back. This was a very rare moment, very very few games have given me such a fucking orgasmic feeling. I can't believe it took me 13 years to play this game, but then again, a younger me probably wouldn't have gotten nearly as much of an impact from the game, I didn't contemplate death all too much back then.
>Why must you always interfere?
>You would place Cybertron at the center of the universe.
>Cybertron is the center of my universe. How is it not at the heart of yours?
>Cybertron is about all life. Destruction to keep Cybertron on life support--there must be another way.
>Flesh isn't life. Servos, gyros and fuel--this is where life comes from! You're defending--bi-product--at best! I will restore Cybertron and retake the galaxy!
>That ambition will be your end.
This game has a lot of memorable fights and music, but nothing beats this little moment before the last giant battle for me.
This part of Mystery Dungeon always stuck with me as much as the ending
There are very few games that have made me cry. This is one of them. Since I learned the lyrics of Kimi no Kioku, it makes me emotional every time.
I'll never forget the first time I visited the another world map of Chrono Cross. I was 12 and I only played Nintendo, Pokémon, Digimon and Disney platformers. I was speechless when dream of the shore near another world started playing.
I remember I left the controller on the floor and listened for about 10 minutes without doing anything. The game was 2deep4me at that time. I was a kid and it left me thinking about shit like how it would be a world without me. It was the first time I played an RPG besides pokémon.
I feel like I found a brother in you
It was one of the greatest SNES experiences I ever had. I was supremely disappointed that infant Bowser hijacked Kamek's role in the plot out of nowhere, but the Godzilla Bowser tried really, really hard to make up for that.
I love moments in game that impacted someone so much they made kickass art of it
I was spoiled about the nature of the game before I even bought it, but somehow most of the twists at the end still got me
fucking amazing game, easily one of my favorites
When you meet the real Matt Engarde in AA2. Still one of the best cases in the franchise for me.
The intro to the final fight with Dark Samus in MP2. Such a simple and powerful boss intro. Fucking amazing.
Viktor bailing you out at the inn, just because he wanted a free meal.
A lot of Muv Luv Alternative.
I know that feel.
I love the way Samus turns around, she knows and is totally ready to beat Dark Samus before she even sees it
>Playing pic related
>know nothing about it going in
>get through first few areas alone
>suddenly theres another character there
>becomes obvious quickly that its another person
>we can only communicate with chirps and tweets
>go through an adventure with this anonymous bro
>go through hell
>end up freezing to death on the top of a mountain
>ascend with bro to sand heaven
I salute you Journeybro, Ill never forget
this was my first
>tfw pic related
Reading all the party chat for your kids in DQ5. It really made me want to start a family. This was during a replay of the game too. Maybe it was the time I was replaying it, but it had a real impact on me.
Catarrhina dying in DQ9. You know it was coming, but how everyone dealt with the grief and how they had to move on hit me hard. This was also during a replay. Runner up in this game is the whole Marion and Marionette story. DQ9 dealt with death really well in those two sub plots.
This is cool
>He turns into the "D" in "The End"
That reminded me of a moment that stuck with me really hard. When I played this game for a second time, I got the ending where D doesn't find out about his past and it broke my heart. I recently played the sequel on the wii, and I felt almost the same heartbreak when there's a quick reference to D in that story. Plus the game ends without resolving that new kid's mysterious past. Fucking hell.
>Huey Lewis and the news starts playing
The fist time I beat Echoes I got a 00:01 time remaining before I finally killed that final Dark Samus, and the Emperor Ing kicked my ass before, so I was all “Full Syncro” on the game at the time.
Preemptively celebrating after killing Dracula phase 1 and then having my jaw drop to the floor when I saw this guy is something I'll never forget.
>fire up gamecube
this is a picture you can hear. But if you can't, let me help:
>tfw video includes gamecube startup sequence
I lost HARD at 0:52
Killing Armstrong on Very Hard NG was the most brutal, yet exhilarating moment I can remember. I spent half a day failing over and over but by the end I was singing along like a dumbass
Runescape's quests are its best feature, and are above and beyond anything that other MMOs do. Every time I go back, it's pretty much just for quests.
FFTA caught me way offguard as a kid. It's basically Narnia but an illusion world formed from the wishes of kids with hard lives. And the protagonist eventually has to be the asshole saying they have to go back and his friends are willing to turn against him and your friends from Ivalice have to decide to fight alongside you, even though their existence may end.