Is it worth 259$ i want to get comfy with this carona chan

is it worth 259$ i want to get comfy with this carona chan

Attached: lite.jpg (300x174, 8.62K)

Hell no.

You can wait it out, corona-chan won't so bad in a few months if not outright gone.

At that point, just spend the extra 40dollars for a regular switch

in australia the lite is 170 bucks cheaper.

op here
its 170$ cheaper here too thats why im asking im only going to play a handful of games on the thing

why limit yourself just get the regular switch

nigga I bought that for 200 lmao

why do you say that?

no the shitch isnt worth anything

Lol niggas that shits impossible to find right now. Sold out at all the muthafuckas,

Even for a Lite $200+ is still too pricey.

Unironically yes. The switch is the best console, except for a pc rig, on the market right now in terms of value.

Get the original 1st gen switch though, so you can root it and just load hbg shop.

enjoy your joycon drift and no pro controller.

wtf? I bought mine like a month ago for $199 new

Some of these stores inflate the price and people still pay for it.

ive had the switch since launch and have never gotten this drift. are people just shoving the joycons up their asses?

it wasn't even worth its regular price

I got the latest gen regular switch new and unopened on eBay for $280 before all this shit went down.
Feel bad for coronacucks who can’t get one now

really? idk why but i just don't see this dying down until like mid july

You can't, everywhere is selling out instantly, the Nintendo UK store sold out in less than 10 minutes and people are price gouging them for anywhere up to $1000.

>Pretty good chance of getting a faulty joycon
>Can't just buy a new set and are forced to send it off to some chinese sweatshop

gone nah. it'll die down end of summer with things maybe returning to normal fall of next year.
t. correction officer

Hell no, just pay the extra $50 for a regular model.
If you actually played games on it you'd get stick drift, people have disassembled the fucking thing and found out is caused due to the contact pads being made out of graphite while the rest is metal.

>a switch where you can’t change the joycons if something happens
What could possibly go wrong?

played a shit load and never had the issue. maybe youtube how to use a controller bruh?

You sound like a retarded shill, this is a issue that plagues all joycons, and it will happen to you as well, this is why OP shouldn't get a lite model, you can't replace the joycons on that thing.

I have a hacked vita, with a 400gb sd card and hundreds of games

I'm set

What the lite 170$ and thats usually including a shitty game, mine was 185$ with Breath of the wild

>wanna play game with D-pad
>have to hold it awckwardly by the lower half on the left side

Who approved of this? Why don't they make different styles of joycons for the real switch that include D pad configurations to make it look like a SNES controller or one with a 6 button layout for fighting games or one two position R triggers like the Gamecube controllers? Why do we only get different colours that absolutely suck? Make use of the damn things Nintendo!!!!!

Why are people buying 700 dlls switches?????? Wtf????

Since when did they increase the price on that model?

>Would rather give Nintendo more money for faulty products then get it repaired free of charge

The fuck is wrong with you? You realize joycons are close to a hundred bucks, right?

You didn't see graphite.

Chinks stopped making them

I don't know if you haven't pieced this together yet but people are generally fucking retarded.

Literally only alt/art hoes buy this to play Animal Crossing with.

They're probably talking about a bundle, most places I've seen have had them around the normal price, Lites are nowhere near as low in supply as normal Switches.

China is kill.

Gonna have to wait weeks and nintendo has downright rejected some repairs because they "could not" find any defects.

Rich parents who desperately want something to distract their hellspawn since school is cancelled

I just sold my used switch for $1200

The heat will trick us in the summer but once Winter hits it'll kill millions like SARS, keep safe

Don't do this. The regular switch heats up more and it feels clunkier because the joycons are shit. Also they're still pretending like the Switch is supposed to be a home console when it's only useful as a portable.

This thread is fucking insane.

Here’s the only thing you need to know; Buy a 1st gen Nintendo switch without the patched hardware. Boot into recovery mode with tegraRCM, install Atmosphere, install HBG shop, and enjoy THE WHOLE SWITCH LIBRARY for the price of one console.

People who complain about drift, are a; Technically illiterate; or b; never owned one and regurgitate talking point.


Attached: B1FAE874-95BD-4D68-AB73-6DA03C033CEE.png (704x674, 911.07K)

Now this is some 10/10 shit right here

lmao drift is a real thing and no matter how many times you reconfigure your sticks it still appears again. Its literally been written about multiple times and thousands of people have experienced it. Fuck off nintendo shill

How much do you think I can get for a launch model Switch these days given the shortages? I kind of want to replace it with a Lite because the main reason I don't really take it anywhere is because its so clunky. I would definitely use it more if I could just slip it into my pocket or purse and not have it take up like 90% of the space.

As far as value goes, paying extra for a hack able one is so damn worth it. I have over $1000 worth of games on mine. It’s amazing having a current gen that’s effortless to install brand new games (usually a few days to a week before everyone else too).

i want the coral one so fucking bad i dont want to settle for the yellow even though its good but not the best you feel me

people are retarded
why do aussie shitposters continue to use $ when they mean AUD? especially since 1 aussie buck is like 60 us cents

either specify the currency or convert to the lower usd value

The Lite is fucking shit.

Where the fuck are you selling that let you get 1200 for it

If you really want a switch then sure. You're probably not going to find a regular at a reasonable price
it's 260 leaf bux, brand new games are 80 leaf bux

Spend your time developing a new skill.

I would be willing to bet that most owners use it as a console most of the time.

Nah dude don't do it. Joycons have a fucking problem right now with that drifting shit= Joycons on system fucked up, whole system is fucked up. Shit sound from speakers being on bottom, isnt the battery worse too?

Only worthwhile console from it's respective generation

all of the switch versions are marked up because of shortages all over

Hold up wtf, you're lying there is no fucking way pics or didnt happen

>preexisting hardware faults not addressed
>stuck on a 5" screen forever because no video out
>switch is already portable
Literally no reason to get a lite.