Saints row 3 remasterwd

>saints row 3 remasterwd
>not a single thread on /vee/

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The destroyers of art.

>30FPS on consoles
>EGS exclusive on PC so no discount/free copy if you have the original
>its saints row 3 not 2

end thread

>3 not 2
who cares

what are the odds of time ghosts preventing you from taking the kilbane ending

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What is it egs exclusive? My hype instantly died
>3 not 2
2 was shit, 3 was good

Last good saint's row was 2. Why would we talk about the beginning of the end of the series?

3 was trash though.

>Shaundis fat knockers remastered
ok, i'll buy your game doods

When did it become normal to tell people what to think in the headline?

>something no one asked for
>surprised that no one cares about it

Get back to me when they remaster Saints Row 1 and/or 2.

Why they chose to port the worst Saints Row yet once again is beyond me.

it's a shit game why should anyone care

Because like it or not it's the most popular one

But Saints Row: The Third was set in Steelport, not Stilwater...

Last game with a breast slider

>worst Saints Row

People act like 3 sucked because it was over the top and didn't feel grounded at all undermining just how over the top 2 was.
How do people like Shaundi and Pierce end up in what's supposed to be a street gang anyways?

Surprised they got the name with one L, considering they clearly haven't played the game

It's a remaster (not even a remake) of an "okay" game that just came out last generation, that's still locked at 30fps, being sold for way too much money while you can get the original saint row 3 for $3 on sale on steam, and mod it with better visuals for the same experience. There is literally 0 reason to buy this game

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its not my favorite but i don't see it as the worst, gat out of hell was fucking awful and the only one i couldn't manage to finish. it might be a personal thing too but i liked it more than 4, the only thing that has going for it is the superhero shit. hell 4 just feels like a shitty mod for 3 which is appropriate because it practically is
i just hope this is some retarded way to test the waters for a 2 remake since they finally have the source code back but in that case i have to worry about this one underselling

>Remastering the worst SR game instead of SR2
For what fucking purpose?


Only because it's been ported twice before and is the most accessible being on 5 different platforms.

Saints Row 1 is STILL 360 exclusive, and Saints Row 2 PC port is one of the worst ports of all time, with no news of the supposed fixed re-release to be found. The first two games are far more in need of a remaster.

>Says there are no threads on Yas Forums
>Found this one
OP is a liar and a faggot.

wake me up when the sr2 patch comes out

It's not even that old, why are they remastering it?

desperately trying to stay afloat just long enough to finish SR5

because no one cares about fucking video games you fucking sub-human nerd faggot
honestly the white race gets everything it fucking deserves

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Game came out in 2011, retard. Wait a minute.
>November 15 2011
>Saints Row The Third came out eight years ago
Where the fuck has my time gone

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Such an amazing game. It was the real successor to GTA 2

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Alright, what makes SR 2 so much better? I played 3 and 4, and enjoyed 3 much more than 4, so I dont mind a remake of 3, but I still probably won't play it. Why is saints row 2 so much better than 3?

Why are you in here? You need to go to Yas Forums and stay the fuck out of here.

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Nobody cares about the shittiest Saints Row game

Do you know where you fucking are, reddit?

Nothing, lol.
People act like it's better because of muh gang simulator despite the fact that it's barely even that. At least with San Andreas Rockstar had somewhat of a grasp of what an urban street gang would be like even if it was heavy on pop culture reference points. SR always felt like "what nerdy white guys think street gangs are like" the game and it worked better with SR 3 and the Saints just being a meta over the top criminal organization.

3 and 4 are aggressively unfunny and made me cringe constantly. Should have remade 2 and Volition would have actually gotten my money.

Cause I already played that game.

Be real, 2 had the same juvenile humor at it's core but took it self more serious than it should have, but people give it an easy pass because of muh gang

4 was simply garbage, just utter trash. No idea what they were thinking with that. 3 was quite good though if you ask me, i know most people here dont like it but you have to admit there are redeemable factors and its much better than 4

Had you played 2 you'd know exactly how Shaundi and Pierce got into the gang.

By literally being picked up off the street

Been here longer then you been alive faggot.

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The gunplay and driving in 3 was so bad it was unreal. Talk bad about the superpowers in 4 if you want, but they at least prevented the game from just being diet GTA.

I'm talking about their personalities and character here.
How does a hacky sack playing stoner hippie chick end up in a street gang?

Ha ha
You can get around how ridiculous it would be for these sort of characters to end up in a street gang.
Even Troy masquerading as a gangmember in the first one seems far fetched.
Johnny being in the gang as well

soon we will reach the point of remastering games that doesn't need remaster version
for me little cartoonish style of saint's row 3 and 4 is that kind of case

Because they had connects and proved useful to the boss? What, do you think every single person in a gang is some pipe hitting niggers?

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> Last good Saints Row was 2
SR2 is the only good Saint's Row.

SR1 is boring and fucking tedious plus its story is incredibly contrived and doesn't remotely match the potential that SR2 realized. SR3 is a fucking mess of a story and started the shitty, let's include the minigames as part of the story missions trend the later games had. SR4 although more coherent basically has no stakes and is just floundering without much pushing the plot forward after the destruction of earth. Gat Outta Hell is a side story who's only redeeming contribution is the reset ending which would allow for a return to the SR2 tone of the series if you ignore Agents of Mayhem.

who the fuck cares

If you could stand to play Saints Rows 1 and 2 there, you could probably stand to play SR3 anyways.

I'd love a remaster of SR 1 and 2, but that isn't possible since they only just found 2's source code and it's unclear if they have it for 1. 2's PC port in its current state is a fucking mess and I doubt they can easily port one of the console versions. Even then I wonder if Volition would flat out remake one or remaster it.

what do you mean soon, this is literally a game that doesn't need a remaster

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>Not Saints Row 2
There's your answer.

PCGamer is full of awful writers.

4 was at least fun to play. One of the best (and only) Super Hero simulators we have at the moment.

>2 was shit, 3 was good

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>add an ENB to the game
>call it remaster
>get paid to have it exclusive on the Epic Store
>fagbois will buy it again at full price anyway

The 2020 videogame industry for you

Man, these cocksuckers aren't even trying are they?

oh yeah, it takes place in Steelport

what a joke

Oh boy, Stilwater.

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Actually, people gave it an easy pass because it wasn't cranked up on wacky humour 100% of the time. Variety is the spice of life, after all, and SR2 had it in spades. SR3 was absolutely monotonous in about every respect, from Steelport's design, its missions, its activities, its pacing and so on.

Saints Row is a strange as fuck series.
1 is really nothing special and I wouldn't have been surprised if they never followed it up.
They did however, and managed to create the best sandbox crime game in the world.
Then they pissed all of that away to create a terrible example of the same genre.
What the fuck.

It's almost as if 2 had an ideal balance of groundedness and sillyness to distinguish the series from GTA, and 3 amped up the sillyness to undiluted reddit fodder

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