is Valve gonna sue them?
this shit is a blatant CS rip-off, from weapon mechanics to movement to game mode
its even more shameless than LoL ripping off Dota
Is Valve gonna sue them?
Did they steal assets?
Then it's not theft. It's an inspired work.
I'm gonna sue you for taking my thread idea
riot games stealing ideas from dota and now csgo its fucking funny
trend followers, never trend setters
>2ch is gonna sue moot for creating Yas Forums
>From the studio that brought you coronavirus
not even the corporate hellscape of america lets you patent game mechanics (yet)
unless of course it's a loading screen minigame
It's mechanically so similar it could be a CS mod
that's probably why 2ch bought 4ch instead
CS is so close to half life it could be a half life mod
if a company could sue other companies for making similar games to their own, the Activision would have been suing half the industry for two console generations off the back off CoD
So it's a good game? I might try it out when it goes open beta
>six hundred CS knockoffs on steam and even on old CDs before steam
>Yas Forums: this is fine
>Riot makes one
Everything in the FPS genre is rip off of Counter Strike or Doom.
Is there a version of this pic without the white text?
>cartoonish graphics
>hero shooter
>by a tencent tentacle
no thanks, I'm not on HRT
If you like CS then you'll like it
Some abilities the heroes have are kinda bullshit though
Fuck corona virus company
No game has ever made this blatant rip off
They even copied the spray patterns of weapons and sniper zoom scopes
>Is valve gonna sue them?
No you fucking faggot they can't do anything.
>LoL ripping off Dota
If you honestly believe that LoL has ripped off Dota you obviously haven't played either of them, the only thing that makes them comparable is that they are both MOBA's.
Riot admitted they were heavily inspired by DotA when making league, retard
It's not a secret
Icefrog was fucking brought in by Rito, if it wasn't for him, they wouldn't have a fucking game lmao There's no talent within the company whatsoever. Stealing ideas isn't difficult. League is crashing and burning and they've no choice but to diversify because even their biggest streamers are fucking off from its shitty development.
friendly reminder to snap back to reality. if you are another pathological steam fagboy, that means you are another 25+ year old who still clinks on ancient games like csgo and dota. they are fine sure but the world has moved on. simple as that.
I dunno user is Valve gonna sue Blizzard because Overwatch is similar to TF2?
>Being inspired by a game is somehow worse than buying the IP (or getting them for free since they are unlicensed mods) and acting like it was theirs all along.
There are a million people watching streams waiting to get a key to this boring ass game. No one talking about the matches because the "action" is boring, the animations are stilted, and the visual design is garbageome of them have been waiting 14 HOURS for a code drop. This is an absolute farce and this game will be stillborn.
Also LOL at Dr Disrespect thinking he's hot shit and getting BTFO in viewers by Tim and XQC.
>steals your idea
>makes it better
>the original fanbase either makes the move or seethes to death
>crashing and burning
>LoL still the most played game, still the most watched game on the planet
>valorant isn't even in open beta and it is already the 5th most watched game on twitch
>crashing and burning
Seethe harder dude
Valorant looks like shit.
The world is built on evolution, not revolution.
>mfw get a beta key just for Riot's servers to not only shit the bed but for my account to somehow be relocated to fucking Germany so I'm trapped in Support Limbo because otherwise the game'll play like absolute dogshit latency-wise
I feel like an absolute fucking clown todya.
>When your ripoff are more popular than the original thing
Fuck riot for copying Rising thunder with their "project L" by hiring the people that made that game, Fuck riot for copying Battle Chasers with their Ruined king game because they allowed the company to use their IP, fuck riot for copying magic the gathering with realms of runeterra by allowing fans of the genre to create the game.
The game is actually worse than I initially thought. The animations are fucking terrible and the movement is way too slow. CSGO doesnt even have to do anything to compete with this trash.
Not seething; its biggest players got the fuck out of there, and rightly so.
Keep on supporting your tranny filled chinktard company, coomer.
Valorant will kill both OW and CS:GO. This is the new future. Embrace it.
>valorant isn't even in open beta and it is already the 5th most watched game on twitch
Do you understand what a drop is? Consider also we are in a shooter drought if you aren't a BR fan. Just because Valorant is the only steaming pile of shit in the room doesn't stop it from being a steaming pile.
Those death animation are fucking trash gotta agree, but movement speed can easily be changed you saying like its some kind of core game design that cant be changed.
You know Drdisrespect is a character right? Maybe you should get off of Twitch for awhile buddy. You seem really emotional about stupid shit.
its just another chinese knock off, theres literally dozens of them out there and they just let them die since they already have the market cornered.
The shooting looks legit good, but the animations and overall art design are shit. All of the gun skins in game look absolutely awful.
cringe.... didnt some other shitty company try to sue Fortnite?
its like saying cant Pizza Hutt sue Dominos fro making pizza. thread was obviously started by a retarded 12year old
How about Valve rips them off instead? Valorant has 128 tick servers, CS: GO does not. CS:GO is eight years old (CS is 20 years old in general) and does not have 128 tick servers. It remains to be seen if Valorant's 128 tick servers will remain that way through the Alpha and beyond, but still.
>inb4 faceit, esea
I'm not fucking paying money on a monthly basis to play Counter-Strike
I instantly noticed how bad the jump animation was compared to Overwatch. Say what you want about that game, but the animations are butter.
>because the calendar now shows a different number we should be okay with trannies poisoning the well with shit like animal crossdressing and Virulent
fuck off, you're worse than feminists
It's the best game China has ever made. This is the new fortnite. People will be talking about this for months.
>Valve drones pretending valve ever created anything original and have the right to sue anyone
>It's the best game China has ever made
can't say the same about your axe wound
League only really gets by on whales, sunk cost fallacy, and Asians these days. I can't imagine Valorant actually doing well because not only does it look boring, but the art doesn't make anyone horny, so what's the point? If you can't make a good game, you make one that people get horny playing, like Overwatch or League of Legends.
He's a character, but he's also a human being. And besides that, if he decides to be "a character" I get to critique that character. Are you getting paid to defend him or something?
CS and half life are both made by the same company so your point is invalid
>Not seething; its biggest players got the fuck out of there, and rightly so.
Whomst are these biggest players I would love to know user
>Keep on supporting your tranny filled chinktard company, coomer.
Bruv have some sex and get over yourself you colossal faggot
>Valorant is the only steaming pile of shit
But cs:go isn't? Maybe if you valve bootlickers realized that maybe people want Valorant because it's better than cs:go in every way shape and form? Maybe thats why even in day 1 of closed beta more people wanted to play a game that isn't even finished than the steaming hot pile of dick cheese cs:go and RSS are? Food for thought.
This, game is in first person, so it doesnt matter if you make coom characters they have to sell the game completely 100% on the gameplay aspect.
This guy gets it; inflated streamer faggot figures are both pointless and irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. It's still a fucking piece of shit lmao
Cope. Valorant will be the end of CS:GO and Overwatch.
>trannycent drone has pictures of black men saved on his computer
Ok boys so we know what we don't like about this game, what do you guys think would improve it? What is Yas Forums looking for in an Multiplayer FPS in 2020?
lol, it will be dead as soon as streamer contracts and the drop hype run out.
Google is your friend, you fucking retard.
Just make speed faster and couple of balances, specially on offensive side of some maps, and the game game will be ok as a base launch game.
No idea how to evolve it from there.
>Now Valve will sue Valorant for ripping off a ripoff of two of their games.
Valve should sue whoever made that dota mod for warcraft, that's fucked up.
Not make it. There's no reason for this to exist. CS exists, Overwatch exists, why should this exist? Make something totally new instead. CS is a game from the nineties and chasing that trend is kind of fucking pointless.
>Implying Valve invented DOTA and didn't just take the name because Blizzard hadn't yet
>Implying Valve is the only one allowed to make tactical shooters
Better go sue Ubisoft, they've been ripping off poor innocent Valve for years with their Rainbow Six series.
>LoL relies on whales
>CS:GO's market and skin trading scene is bigger than the game itself
big fucking funny, please shill your loot box reliant game a bit more so hopefully you can straddle gabe's cheesed cock you faggot.
Nope, just wondering why you are getting so autistic about ecelebs. Go back to wherever you came from faggot.
>But cs:go isn't?
Let me walk it back, because I feel I was unfair since I don't play CS:GO either. I play Apex Legends, prior Titanfall. To me an FPS is all about how fast and fluid you can traverse the map while still hitting consistent shots. Certainly there is tactics involved, but mechanically speaking aim and prediction is rewarded the most. A game like Valorant is entirely built around slow, deliberate motions, it just looks like an FPS stuck in Molasses. To top it off, I just feel like other hero shooters have a more appealing aesthetic. Maybe it will find the niche, but realistically I dont think that
A. CS:GO players will switch because of hero powers
B. Overwatch players will switch because of how even the heroes are
And BR players aren't switching because what they enjoy is the psychological loop of a BR match. It may amalgamate an audience, but I don't think it will live up to this hype.
You know, you could have easily mentioned that Overwatch is reliant on loot boxes instead of pulling CS:GO out. My post didn't mention CS:GO once. This is insane, perhaps it may ruin your perception of human psychology, but... you DO know that you can question the existence of one thing without being some kind of fan of another thing, right? I don't mean to alarm you.
>Maybe thats why even in day 1 of closed beta more people wanted to play a game that isn't even finished
I think you meant to say:
>Maybe thats why even in day 1 of closed beta more people wanted to watch their favorite twitch influencer play a game that isn't even finished
>the world has moved on
then why the fuck are we discussing a new csgo ripoff made by a AAA company right now
>Just google it bro haha!
lmao you have 0 fucking clue, the biggest names are still playing the game everyday, you have absolutely no names.
cry harder faggot