What does this map tell you about PlayStation gamers?

What does this map tell you about PlayStation gamers?

Attached: Decluttr-xbox-ps-overall-map-002.png (690x603, 133.3K)

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PS4 sells more

they're niggers

Attached: J3yKY8S8YCL50FwIIXfSSzkfb_viXyBAVUvNf_5YiAP7Xn1Rj5uPGG7SbWMCUzgL1cARLH5Nzw-XGKph9e0I5nZdwKqo[1].gif (512x427, 29.7K)

yes if you are an eurotards

it can't be serious

Attached: 1543246742768.jpg (683x626, 236.88K)

Non whites/fags
But we already knew this

Attached: 1581874122695.webm (1280x720, 3M)

spics and niggers

>most of the country prefers xbox
>meanwhile the ps4 has sold more than twice as much and even the switch has done better than the xbox one's lifetime sales in less than 3 years
is this data from 2006?

No one lives in Montana.

>no whites/fags
>whites are the single biggest demographic that become trannies and fags

Its actually pretty weird that PS4 has the south but also NY and Cali.

they only play smash bros, so it's ok

Having grown up in the south, I can attest that fighting games and JRPGs are very popular here.

>whites are the single biggest demographic that become trannies and fags
That's actually not true
Blacks are ahead on trannies and Latinos are ahead on fags

Coastline states have a much larger population. Beyond that we're not seeing how much it's winning buy in each state, and frankly it's not even saying how they're defining allegiance. It could be simply 'which company/product do you generally prefer' with no sales data involved.

>niggers, spics, and faggots
Why is that strange?

literally every single trannie you see in the media is usually white you schizo

>media is an accurate representation of the global population
based retard

Here in Brazil we have tons of trannies, and most of them are brown!

Literally meaningless, just like this argument

someone post the 2016 electoral college map
it lines up almost perfectly

We need the Tits vs Ass map as well.

Have you heard of a magical world called Japan? No one gives a shit about PS here in North America. In fact, the consoles are neck to neck for the most part in sales in North America, hell, the 360 outsold the PS3 in North America almost 2 to 1, with the PS3 only topping them due to sales in Japan. I'm not saying Microsoft is perfect, they fucked up this generation, but you also have to remember that Playstation that are sold in North America give Sony less money overall due to international taxation.

Show me proof mutt Yas Forums.

Gays and niggers

arcade master race

The number of xbox players is proportional to the number of people in those states

damn this shines a whole new light on ps fanboy cucks online. i always knew they were indians gooks and niggers.

This helps my case. The 360 sold more here in North America than the PS4 ever could here.

Attached: 20200407_181123.jpg (1080x1849, 263.11K)

no it doesn't
Washington, New Mexico, Minesota, Delaware, Virginia, Tenese, New Orleans, Misisipi, Alabama, Georgia, New Jersey, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Masachusets, Rhode Island, and Hawaii are wrong
17/50 isn't a good match

Xbox gamers support the USA by buying shoddily made consoles assembled in Mexico.

>get on ps4
>look at ps4 streams
>tons of newest COD streams
>bored and look at them
>its a bunch of black people on mics saying dumb shit

Honestly havent touched console multiplayer past PS3. Playstation online got BLACKED with PS4.

Attached: nigga wojak.png (1248x1504, 70.52K)

There is literally no way this is true unless this was done during the Xbox 360 years.

I actually noticed that when my PC broke years back and I had to play Black Ops II on PS3 to get my FPS fix. Was pretty funny, someone was dominating a TDM match and this guy was like "This nigga is the perfect SOLJA send this nigga to IRAQ."

Yeah literally because of Europe and FIFA/soccer. That's it.

This is actually true. I live in Louisiana and all my black friends play Playstation and my white friends play xbox.

PSNiggers is not just a meme OH NO NO NO

>Americans supporting our ww2 nemesis that got nuked into anime faggotry

I'm American, I buy Xbox

That they're niggers, spics, and Söyboys.

Blacks have a strong relationship with sony because their games tended to be more mature.

>nuking a bunch of Christian Japs
Sorry, but I'm paying reparations Nazi

>the picture snoys dont want you to see

Population centers have more culture and better taste why flyover Hicks are retarded fags with shit taste

>their games tended to be more mature

Attached: fact or fake.jpg (1920x1080, 265.94K)

>Research carried out by Decluttr using Google search Query data

>nippon console
>sells mroe in nippon land

gee, I wonder why

>Non whites
>Posts webm of only whites
what did he mean by this?

Yes, the media ignores Trannies of color.

Does this surprise you?

Maybe you need to check your Ashkenazi privilege?

There is clearly a nigger IN the thumbnail.

They are brown people

Nobody in Cali fucks with PS4

Attached: 1586221507208.jpg (1000x576, 47K)

It doesn't matter which console they buy. At the end of the day every one of those idiots buys their box and uses it to play nothing but shitty football games and yearly COD rehashes.

Why do third worlders and niggers love playstation?

no the ps4 just breaks that much.

>American console is more popular in america than a Japanese console
gee, real fucking hard to figure out isn't it?

>What does this map tell you about PlayStation gamers?
Black people and mexicans like japanese stuff more

>13/14 states I'd never want to live in
Really activates the almonds.

Attached: Thinking.gif (2048x2048, 1.57M)


When you had titles like Tekken compared to smash yes.

it clearly tells us that flyover subhumans should kill themselves.

It tells us that Amerimutts are heralding their own destruction
God bless
